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- ItemChiral Spin Liquid Ground State in YBaCo3FeO7(College Park, Md. : APS, 2022) Schweika, W.; Valldor, M.; Reim, J.D.; Rößler, U.K.A chiral spin liquid state is discovered in the highly frustrated, noncentrosymmetric swedenborgite compound YBaCo3FeO7, a layered kagome system of hexagonal symmetry, by advanced polarized neutron scattering from a single domain crystalline sample. The observed diffuse magnetic neutron scattering has an antisymmetric property that relates to its specific chirality, which consists of three cycloidal waves perpendicular to the c axis, forming an entity of cylindrical symmetry. Chirality and symmetry agree with relevant antisymmetric exchanges arising from broken spatial parity. Applying a Fourier analysis to the chiral interference pattern, with distinction between kagome sites and the connecting trigonal interlayer sites of threefold symmetry, the chiral spin correlation function is determined. Characteristic chiral waves originate from the trigonal sites and extend over several periods in the kagome planes. The chiral spin liquid is remarkably stable at low temperatures despite strong antiferromagnetic spin exchange. The observation raises a challenge, since the commonly accepted ground states in condensed matter either have crystalline long-range order or form a quantum liquid. We show that, within the classical theory of magnetic order, a disordered ground state may arise from chirality. The present scenario, with antisymmetric exchange acting as a frustrating gauge background that stabilizes local spin lumps, is similar to the avoided phase transition in coupled gauge and matter fields for subnuclear particles.
- ItemVisualization of localized perturbations on a (001) surface of the ferromagnetic semimetal EuB6(College Park, MD : American Physical Society, 2020) Rößler, S.; Jiao, L.; Seiro, S.; Rosa, P.F.S.; Fisk, Z.; Rößler, U.K.; Wirth, S.We performed scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy on a (001) surface of the ferromagnetic semimetal EuB6. Large-amplitude oscillations emanating from the elastic scattering of electrons by the surface impurities are observed in topography and in differential conductance maps. Fourier transform of the conductance maps embracing these regions indicate a holelike dispersion centered around the Γ point of the two-dimensional Brillouin zone. Using density functional theory slab calculations, we identify a spin-split surface state, which stems from the dangling pz orbitals of the apical boron atom. Hybridization with bulk electronic states leads to a resonance enhancement in certain regions around the Γ point, contributing to the remarkably strong real-space response around static point defects, which are observed in STM measurements.
- ItemTwo types of magnetic shape-memory effects from twinned microstructure and magneto-structural coupling in Fe1 +yTe(Washington : National Academy of Sciences, 2019) Rößler, S.; Koz, C.; Wang, Z.; Skourski, Y.; Doerr, M.; Kasinathan, D.; Rosner, H.; Schmidt, M.; Schwarz, U.; Rößler, U.K.; Wirth, S.A detailed experimental investigation of Fe1+yTe (y = 0.11, 0.12) using pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T confirms remarkable magnetic shape-memory (MSM) effects. These effects result from magnetoelastic transformation processes in the low-temperature antiferromagnetic state of these materials. The observation of modulated and finely twinned microstructure at the nanoscale through scanning tunneling microscopy establishes a behavior similar to that of thermoelastic martensite. We identified the observed, elegant hierarchical twinning pattern of monoclinic crystallographic domains as an ideal realization of crossing twin bands. The antiferromagnetism of the monoclinic ground state allows for a magnetic-field–induced reorientation of these twin variants by the motion of one type of twin boundaries. At sufficiently high magnetic fields, we observed a second isothermal transformation process with large hysteresis for different directions of applied field. This gives rise to a second MSM effect caused by a phase transition back to the field-polarized tetragonal lattice state.
- ItemModulated martensite: Why it forms and why it deforms easily(Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2011) Kaufmann, S.; Niemann, R.; Thersleff, T.; Rößler, U.K.; Heczko, O.; Buschbeck, J.; Holzapfel, B.; Schultz, L.; Fähler, S.Diffusionless phase transitions are at the core of the multifunctionality of (magnetic) shape memory alloys, ferroelectrics and multiferroics. Giant strain effects under external fields are obtained in low symmetric modulated martensitic phases. We outline the origin of modulated phases, their connection with tetragonal martensite and consequences owing to their functional properties by analysing the martensitic microstructure of epitaxial Ni–Mn–Ga films from the atomic to the macroscale. Geometrical constraints at an austenite–martensite phase boundary act down to the atomic scale. Hence, a martensitic microstructure of nanotwinned tetragonal martensite can form. Coarsening of twin variants can reduce twin boundary energy, a process we could observe from the atomic to the millimetre scale. Coarsening is a fractal process, proceeding in discrete steps by doubling twin periodicity. The collective defect energy results in a substantial hysteresis, which allows the retention of modulated martensite as a metastable phase at room temperature. In this metastable state, elastic energy is released by the formation of a 'twins within twins' microstructure that can be observed from the nanometre to the millimetre scale. This hierarchical twinning results in mesoscopic twin boundaries. Our analysis indicates that mesoscopic boundaries are broad and diffuse, in contrast to the common atomically sharp twin boundaries of tetragonal martensite. We suggest that the observed extraordinarily high mobility of such mesoscopic twin boundaries originates from their diffuse nature that renders pinning by atomistic point defects ineffective.
- ItemMagnetically induced reorientation of martensite variants in constrained epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films grown on MgO(001)(Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2008) Thomas, M.; Heczko, O.; Buschbeck, J.; Rößler, U.K.; McCord, J.; Scheerbaum, N.; Schultz, L.; Fähler, S.Magnetically induced reorientation (MIR) is observed in epitaxial orthorhombic Ni-Mn-Ga films. Ni-Mn-Ga films have been grown epitaxially on heated MgO(001) substrates in the cubic austenite state. The unit cell is rotated by 45° relative to the MgO cell. The growth, structure texture and anisotropic magnetic properties of these films are described. The crystallographic analysis of the martensitic transition reveals variant selection dominated by the substrate constraint. The austenite state has low magnetocrystalline anisotropy. In the martensitic state, the magnetization curves reveal an orthorhombic symmetry having three magnetically non-equivalent axes. The existence of MIR is deduced from the typical hysteresis within the first quadrant in magnetization curves and independently by texture measurement without and in the presence of a magnetic field probing micro structural changes. An analytical model is presented, which describes MIR in films with constrained overall extension by the additional degree of freedom of an orthorhombic structure compared to the tetragonal structure used in the standard model.
- ItemV4 tetrahedral units in AV4X8 lacunar spinels: Near degeneracy, charge fluctuations, and configurational mixing within a valence space of up to 21 d orbitals(2020) Hozoi, L.; Eldeeb, M.S.; Rößler, U.K.All properties of a given molecule or solid are determined by the way valence electrons are distributed over single-particle energy levels. For multiple, closely spaced single-particle levels, different occupation patterns may provide many-electron quantum states that are close in energy, interact, and admix. We address such near-degeneracy electron correlation effects for V4 vanadium tetrahedral units as encountered in the lacunar spinel GaV4S8, explicitly taking into account up to 21 vanadium valence orbitals, and find effective orbital occupation numbers much different as compared to the picture previously laid out on the basis of mean-field calculations. In light of these results, a modified theoretical frame seems necessary to explain the peculiar magnetic properties of lacunar spinels and of related compounds.
- ItemMesoscale Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: Geometrical tailoring of the magnetochirality(London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Volkov, O.M.; Sheka, D.D.; Gaididei, Y.; Kravchuk, V.P.; Rößler, U.K.; Fassbender, J.; Makarov, D.Crystals with broken inversion symmetry can host fundamentally appealing and technologically relevant periodical or localized chiral magnetic textures. The type of the texture as well as its magnetochiral properties are determined by the intrinsic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), which is a material property and can hardly be changed. Here we put forth a method to create new artificial chiral nanoscale objects with tunable magnetochiral properties from standard magnetic materials by using geometrical manipulations. We introduce a mesoscale Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction that combines the intrinsic spin-orbit and extrinsic curvature-driven DMI terms and depends both on the material and geometrical parameters. The vector of the mesoscale DMI determines magnetochiral properties of any curved magnetic system with broken inversion symmetry. The strength and orientation of this vector can be changed by properly choosing the geometry. For a specific example of nanosized magnetic helix, the same material system with different geometrical parameters can acquire one of three zero-temperature magnetic phases, namely, phase with a quasitangential magnetization state, phase with a periodical state and one intermediate phase with a periodical domain wall state. Our approach paves the way towards the realization of a new class of nanoscale spintronic and spinorbitronic devices with the geometrically tunable magnetochirality.