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Cobalt Single-Atom Catalysts with High Stability for Selective Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid

2020, Li, Xiang, Surkus, Annette-Enrica, Rabeah, Jabor, Anwar, Muhammad, Dastigir, Sarim, Junge, Henrik, Brückner, Angelika, Beller, Matthias

Metal–organic framework (MOF)-derived Co-N-C catalysts with isolated single cobalt atoms have been synthesized and compared with cobalt nanoparticles for formic acid dehydrogenation. The atomically dispersed Co-N-C catalyst achieves superior activity, better acid resistance, and improved long-term stability compared with nanoparticles synthesized by a similar route. High-angle annular dark-field–scanning transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, and X-ray absorption fine structure characterizations reveal the formation of CoIINx centers as active sites. The optimal low-cost catalyst is a promising candidate for liquid H2 generation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

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Facile Synthesis of a Stable Side-on Phosphinyne Complex by Redox Driven Intramolecular Cyclisation

2020, Lange, Helge, Schröder, Henning, Oberem, Elisabeth, Villinger, Alexander, Rabeah, Jabor, Ludwig, Ralf, Neymeyr, Klaus, Seidel, Wolfram W.

Alkyne complexes with vicinal substitution by a Lewis acid and a Lewis base at the coordinated alkyne are prospective frustrated Lewis pairs exhibiting a particular mutual distance and, hence, a specific activation potential. In this contribution, investigations on the generation of a WII alkyne complex bearing a phosphine as Lewis base and a carbenium group as Lewis acid are presented. Independently on potential substrates added, an intramolecular cyclisation product was always isolated. A subsequent deprotonation step led to an unprecedented side-on λ5-phosphinyne complex, which is interpreted as highly zwitterionic according to visible absorption spectroscopy supported by TD-DFT. Low-temperature 31P NMR and EPR spectroscopic measurements combined with time-dependent IR-spectroscopic monitoring provided insights in the mechanism of the cyclisation reaction. Decomposition of the multicomponent IR spectra by multivariate curve resolution and a kinetic hard-modelling approach allowed the derivation of kinetic parameters. Assignment of the individual IR spectra to potential intermediates was provided by DFT calculations. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Supported CuII Single-Ion Catalyst for Total Carbon Utilization of C2 and C3 Biomass-Based Platform Molecules in the N-Formylation of Amines

2021, Dai, Xingchao, Wang, Xinzhi, Rabeah, Jabor, Kreyenschulte, Carsten, Brückner, Angelika, Shi, Feng

The shift from fossil carbon sources to renewable ones is vital for developing sustainable chemical processes to produce valuable chemicals. In this work, value-added formamides were synthesized in good yields by the reaction of amines with C2 and C3 biomass-based platform molecules such as glycolic acid, 1,3-dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde. These feedstocks were selectively converted by catalysts based on Cu-containing zeolite 5A through the in situ formation of carbonyl-containing intermediates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example in which all the carbon atoms in biomass-based feedstocks could be amidated to produce formamide. Combined catalyst characterization results revealed preferably single CuII sites on the surface of Cu/5A, some of which form small clusters, but without direct linking via oxygen bridges. By combining the results of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping, operando attenuated total reflection (ATR) IR spectroscopy and control experiments, it was found that the formation of formamides might involve a HCOOH-like intermediate and .NHPh radicals, in which the selective formation of .OOH radicals might play a key role. © 2021 The Authors. Chemistry - A European Journal published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Acetic Acid by a Molecular Manganese Corrole Complex

2020, De, Ratnadip, Gonglach, Sabrina, Paul, Shounik, Haas, Michael, Sreejith, S.S., Gerschel, Philipp, Apfel, Ulf-Peter, Vuong, Thanh Huyen, Rabeah, Jabor, Roy, Soumyajit, Schöfberger, Wolfgang

The controlled electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to value added chemicals is an important strategy in terms of renewable energy technologies. Therefore, the development of efficient and stable catalysts in an aqueous environment is of great importance. In this context, we focused on synthesizing and studying a molecular MnIII-corrole complex, which is modified on the three meso-positions with polyethylene glycol moieties for direct and selective production of acetic acid from CO2. Electrochemical reduction of MnIII leads to an electroactive MnII species, which binds CO2 and stabilizes the reduced intermediates. This catalyst allows to electrochemically reduce CO2 to acetic acid in a moderate acidic aqueous medium (pH 6) with a selectivity of 63 % and a turn over frequency (TOF) of 8.25 h−1, when immobilized on a carbon paper (CP) electrode. In terms of high selectivity towards acetate, we propose the formation and reduction of an oxalate type intermediate, stabilized at the MnIII-corrole center. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Metal/Metal Redox Isomerism Governed by Configuration

2020, Ludwig, Stephan, Helmdach, Kai, Hettenschmidt, Mareike, Oberem, Elisabeth, Rabeah, Jabor, Villinger, Alexander, Ludwig, Ralf, Seidel, Wolfram W.

A pair of diastereomeric dinuclear complexes, [Tp′(CO)BrW{μ-η2-C,C′-κ2-S,P-C2(PPh2)S}Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)], in which W and Ru are bridged by a phosphinyl(thiolato)alkyne in a side-on carbon P,S-chelate coordination mode, were synthesized, separated and fully characterized. Even though the isomers are similar in their spectroscopic properties and redox potentials, the like-isomer is oxidized at W while the unlike-isomer is oxidized at Ru, which is proven by IR, NIR and EPR-spectroscopy supported by spectro-electrochemistry and computational methods. The second oxidation of the complexes was shown to take place at the metal left unaffected in the first redox step. Finally, the tipping point could be realized in the unlike isomer of the electronically tuned thiophenolate congener [Tp′(CO)(PhS)W{μ-η2-C,C′-κ2-S,P-C2(PPh2)S}Ru(η5-C5H5)-(PPh3)], in which valence trapped WIII/RuII and WII/RuIII cationic species are at equilibrium. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Multivariate Analysis of Coupled Operando EPR/XANES/EXAFS/UV–Vis/ATR-IR Spectroscopy: A New Dimension for Mechanistic Studies of Catalytic Gas-Liquid Phase Reactions

2020, Rabeah, Jabor, Briois, Valérie, Adomeit, Sven, La Fontaine, Camille, Bentrup, Ursula, Breckner, Angelika

Operando EPR, XANES/EXAFS, UV-Vis and ATR-IR spectroscopic methods have been coupled for the first time in the same experimental setup for investigation of unclear mechanistic aspects of selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol by a Cu/TEMPO catalytic system (TEMPO=2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxyl). By multivariate curve resolution with alternating least-squares fitting (MCR-ALS) of simultaneously recorded XAS and UV-Vis data sets, it was found that an initially formed (bpy)(NMI)CuI- complex (bpy=2,2′-bipyridine, NMI=N-methylimidazole) is converted to two different CuII species, a mononuclear (bpy)(NMI)(CH3CN)CuII-OOH species detectable by EPR and ESI-MS, and an EPR-silent dinuclear (CH3CN)(bpy)(NMI)CuII(μ-OH)2⋅CuII (bpy)(NMI) complex. The latter is cleaved in the further course of reaction into (bpy)(NMI)(HOO)CuII-TEMPO monomers that are also EPR-silent due to dipolar interaction with bound TEMPO. Both Cu monomers and the Cu dimer are catalytically active in the initial phase of the reaction, yet the dimer is definitely not a major active species nor a resting state since it is irreversibly cleaved in the course of the reaction while catalytic activity is maintained. Gradual formation of non-reducible CuII leads to slight deactivation at extended reaction times. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

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Practical Catalytic Cleavage of C(sp3)−C(sp3) Bonds in Amines

2019, Li, Wu, Liu, Weiping, Leonard, David K., Rabeah, Jabor, Junge, Kathrin, Brgckner, Angelika, Beller, Matthias

The selective cleavage of thermodynamically stable C(sp3)−C(sp3) single bonds is rare compared to their ubiquitous formation. Herein, we describe a general methodology for such transformations using homogeneous copper-based catalysts in the presence of air. The utility of this novel methodology is demonstrated for Cα−Cβ bond scission in >70 amines with excellent functional group tolerance. This transformation establishes tertiary amines as a general synthon for amides and provides valuable possibilities for their scalable functionalization in, for example, natural products and bioactive molecules. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.