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    Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of diode lasers with micro-integrated external resonators
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    This report summarizes our scientific activities within the project MANUMIEL (BMBF Program “Förderung der Wissenschaftlich-Technologischen Zusammenarbeit (WTZ) mit der Republik Moldau”, FKZ 01DK13020A). Namely, we discuss modeling of external cavity diode lasers, numerical simulations and analysis of these devices using the software package LDSL-tool, as well as the development of this software.
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    Broadening of mode-locking pulses in quantum-dot semiconductor lasers : simulation, analysis and experiments
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Vladimirov, Andrei G.; Viktorov, Evgeny A.; Fiol, Gerrit; Schmeckebier, Holger; Bimberg, Dieter
    We consider a mode-locked quantum-dot edge-emitting semiconductor laser consisting of a reverse biased saturable absorber and a forward biased amplifying section. To describe the dynamics of this laser we use the traveling wave model taking into account carrier exchange processes between a reservoir and the quantum dots. A comprehensive parameter study is presented and an analysis of mode-locking pulse broadening with an increase of injection current is performed. The results of our theoretical analysis are supported by experimental data demonstrating a strong pulse asymmetry in a monolithic two section quantum dot mode-locked laser
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    Time-dependent simulation of thermal lensing in high-power broad-area semiconductor lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Zeghuzi, Anissa; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Wenzel, Hans; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Fuhrmann, Jürgen; Klehr, Andreas; Bandelow, Uwe; Knigge, Andrea
    We propose a physically realistic and yet numerically applicable thermal model to account for short and long term self-heating within broad-area lasers. Although the temperature increase is small under pulsed operation, a waveguide that is formed within a few-ns-long pulse can result in a transition from a gain-guided to an index-guided structure, leading to near and far field narrowing. Under continuous wave operation the longitudinally varying temperature profile is obtained self-consistently. The resulting unfavorable narrowing of the near field can be successfully counteracted by etching trenches.
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    Simulation and design of a compact GaAs based tunable dual-wavelength diode laser system
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Koester, Jan-Philipp; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Zeghuzi, Anissa; Wenzel, Hans; Knigge, Andrea
    We present our design of a compact, integrated and tunable dual-wavelength diode laser system emitting around 785 nm, which is of interest for several applications like Raman spectroscopy and the generation of THz radiation. To achieve a more compact device compared to previous GaAs based designs two etch depths are realized, leading to shallowly etched ridge waveguides in regions were optical gain is applied and deeply etched waveguides used to enable compact integrated waveguide components. The device parameters are optimized using a numerically efficient simulation tool for passive waveguides. Subsequently, the entire laser system is further analyzed applying a sophisticated traveling-wave equation based model for active devices giving access to internal intensity and carrier density distributions. It is shown that active laser simulations are crucial to deduce critical and performance limiting design aspects not accessible via an all-passive simulation.
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    Tunable semiconductor ring laser with filtered optical feedback: Traveling wave description and experimental validation
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2017) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Khoder, Mulham; Tronciu, Vasile; Danckaert, Jan; Verschaffelt, Guy
    We study experimentally and theoretically a semiconductor ring laser with four filtering channels providing filtered delayed optical feedback. To describe and analyze the wavelength selection and tuning in this device, we exploit the traveling-wave model determining the evolution of optical fields and carrier density along the ring cavity and filtering branches. The numerical results agree with the experimental observations: we can reproduce the wavelength tuning, the multiple wavelength emission, and the wavelength switching speed measured in these devices. The traveling-wave model allows us to study in detail the effect of the different laser parameters and can be useful for designing the future devices.
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    A multi-mode delay differential equation model for lasers with optical feedback
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    In this paper, we discuss the relations between the spatially-distributed traveling wave, Lang-Kobayashi, and a new multi-mode delay differential equation models for Fabry-Perot type semiconductor diode lasers with an external optical feedback. All these models govern the dynamics of the slowly varying complex amplitudes of the optical fields and carrier density. To compare the models, we calculate the cavity modes determined by the threshold carrier density and optical frequency of the steady states in all three models. These calculations show that the Lang-Kobayashi type model is in good agreement with the traveling wave model only for the small feedback regimes, whereas newly derived multi-mode delay differential equation model remains correct even at moderate and large optical feedback regimes.
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    Traveling wave modeling of nonlinear dynamics in multisection semiconductor lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    A hierarchy of 1 (time) + 1 (space) dimensional first-order partial differential equation (traveling wave) models is used for a description of dynamics in individual semiconductor lasers, various multisection semiconductor lasers, and coupled laser systems. Consequent modifications of the basic traveling wave model allow for taking into account different physical effects such as the gain dispersion, the thermal detuning, the spatial hole burning of carriers, the nonlinear gain saturation, or various carrier exchange processes in quantum dot lasers. For illustration, the model was applied for simulations of dynamics in complex ring laser with four branches of filtered feedback. Finally, several advanced techniques for model analysis such as calculation of instantaneous optical modes, finding of steady states, and numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis of the model equations were discussed and illustrated by example simulations.
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    Modeling and efficient simulations of broad-area edge-emitting semiconductor lasers and amplifiers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    We present a (2+1)-dimensional partial differential equation model for spatial-lateral dynamics of edge-emitting broad-area semiconductor devices and several extensions of this model describing different physical effects. MPI-based parallelization of the resulting middlesize numerical problem is implemented and tested on the blade cluster and separate multi-core computers at the Weierstrass Institute in Berlin. It was found, that an application of 25-30 parallel processes on all considered platforms was guaranteeing a nearly optimal performance of the algorithm with the speedup around 20-25 and the efficiency of 0.7-0.8. It was also shown, that a simultaneous usage of several in-house available multi-core computers allows a further increase of the speedup without a significant loss of the efficiency. Finally, an importance of the considered problem and the efficient numerical simulations of this problem were illustrated by a few examples occurring in real world applications.
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    Beam shaping mechanism in spatially modulated edge emitting broad area semiconductor amplifiers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Botey, Muriel; Herrero, Ramon; Staliunas, Kestutis
    We investigate beam shaping in broad area semiconductor amplifiers induced by a periodic modulation of the pump on a scale of several microns. The study is performed by solving numerically a (2+1)-dimensional model for the semiconductor amplifier. We show that, under realistic conditions, the anisotropic gain induced by the pump periodicity can show narrow angular profile of enhanced gain of less than one degree, providing an intrinsic filtering mechanism and eventually improving the spatial beam quality.
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    Spatial "rocking" for improving the spatial quality of the beam of broad area semiconductor lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Staliunas, Kestutis
    The spatial ``rocking'' is a dynamical effect converting a phase-invariant oscillatory system into a phase-bistable one, where the average phase of the system locks to one of two values differing by pi. We demonstrate theoretically the spatial rocking in experimentally accessible and practically relevant systems -- the broad area semiconductor lasers. By numerical integration of the laser model equations we show the phase bistability of the optical fields and explore the bistability area in parameter space. We also predict the spatial patterns, such as phase domain walls and phase solitons, which are characteristic for the phase-bistable spatially extended pattern forming systems.