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    Modeling and simulations of beam stabilization in edge-emitting broad area semiconductor devices
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Cˇ iegis, Raimondas
    A 2+1 dimensional PDE traveling wave model describing spatial-lateral dynamics of edge-emitting broad area semiconductor devices is considered. A numerical scheme based on a split-step Fourier method is presented and implemented on a parallel compute cluster. Simulations of the model equations are used for optimizing of existing devices with respect to the emitted beam quality, as well as for creating and testing of novel device design concepts
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    Simulation and design of a compact GaAs based tunable dual-wavelength diode laser system
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Koester, Jan-Philipp; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Zeghuzi, Anissa; Wenzel, Hans; Knigge, Andrea
    We present our design of a compact, integrated and tunable dual-wavelength diode laser system emitting around 785 nm, which is of interest for several applications like Raman spectroscopy and the generation of THz radiation. To achieve a more compact device compared to previous GaAs based designs two etch depths are realized, leading to shallowly etched ridge waveguides in regions were optical gain is applied and deeply etched waveguides used to enable compact integrated waveguide components. The device parameters are optimized using a numerically efficient simulation tool for passive waveguides. Subsequently, the entire laser system is further analyzed applying a sophisticated traveling-wave equation based model for active devices giving access to internal intensity and carrier density distributions. It is shown that active laser simulations are crucial to deduce critical and performance limiting design aspects not accessible via an all-passive simulation.
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    Traveling wave modeling of nonlinear dynamics in multisection semiconductor lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Radziunas, Mindaugas
    A hierarchy of 1 (time) + 1 (space) dimensional first-order partial differential equation (traveling wave) models is used for a description of dynamics in individual semiconductor lasers, various multisection semiconductor lasers, and coupled laser systems. Consequent modifications of the basic traveling wave model allow for taking into account different physical effects such as the gain dispersion, the thermal detuning, the spatial hole burning of carriers, the nonlinear gain saturation, or various carrier exchange processes in quantum dot lasers. For illustration, the model was applied for simulations of dynamics in complex ring laser with four branches of filtered feedback. Finally, several advanced techniques for model analysis such as calculation of instantaneous optical modes, finding of steady states, and numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis of the model equations were discussed and illustrated by example simulations.
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    Simulations and analysis of beam quality improvement in spatially modulated broad area edge-emitting devices
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Herrero, Ramon; Botey, Muriel; Staliunas, Kestutis
    We simulate and analyze how beam quality improves while being amplified in edge emitting broad area semiconductor amplifiers with a periodic structuring of the electrical contacts, in both longitudinal and lateral directions. A spatio-temporal traveling wave model is used for simulations of the dynamics and nonlinear interactions of the optical fields, induced polarizations and carrier density. In the case of small beam amplification, the optical field can be expanded into few Bloch modes, so that the system is described by a set of ODEs for the evolution of the mode amplitudes. The analysis of such model provides a deep understanding of the impact of the different parameters on amplification and on spatial (angular) filtering of the beam. It is shown that under realistic parameters the twodimensional modulation of the current can lead not only to a significant reduction of the emission divergence, but also to an additional amplification of the emitted field.
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    Dynamics in high-power diode lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2020) Bandelow, Uwe; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Zeghuzi, Anissa; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Wenzel, Hans
    High-power broad-area diode lasers (BALs) exhibit chaotic spatio-temporal dynamics above threshold. Under high power operation, where they emit tens of watts output, large amounts of heat are generated, with significant impact on the laser operation. We incorporate heating effects into a dynamical electro-optical (EO) model for the optical field and carrier dynamics along the quantum-well active zone of the laser. Thereby we effectively couple the EO and heat-transport (HT) solvers. Thermal lensing is included by a thermally-induced contribution to the index profile. The heat sources obtained with the dynamic EO-solver exhibit strong variations on short time scales, which however have only a marginal impact on the temperature distribution. We consider two limits: First, the static HT-problem, with time-averaged heat sources, which is solved iteratively together with the EO solver. Second, under short pulse operation the thermally induced index distribution can be obtained by neglecting heat flow. Although the temperature increase is small, a waveguide is introduced here within a few-ns-long pulse resulting in significant near field narrowing. We further show that a beam propagating in a waveguide structure utilized for BA lasers does not undergo filamentation due to spatial holeburning. Moreover, our results indicate that in BALs a clear optical mode structure is visible which is neither destroyed by the dynamics nor by longitudinal effects.
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    Traveling wave analysis of non-thermal far-field blooming in high-power broad-area lasers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2019) Zeghuzi, Anissa; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Koester, Jan-Philipp; Wenzel, Hans; Bandelow, Uwe; Knigge, Andrea
    With rising current the lateral far-field angle of high-power broad-area lasers widens (far-field blooming) which can be partly attributed to non-thermal effects due to carrier induced refractive index and gain changes that become the dominant mechanism under pulsed operation. To analyze the non-thermal contribution to far-field blooming we use a traveling wave based model that properly describes the injection of the current into and the diffusion of the carriers within the active region. Although no pre-assumptions regarding the modal composition of the field is made and filamentation is automatically accounted for, the highly dynamic time-dependent optical field distribution can be very well represented by only few modes of the corresponding stationary waveguide equation obtained by a temporal average of the carrier density and field intensity. The reduction of current spreading and spatial holeburning by selecting proper design parameters can substantially improve the beam quality of the laser.
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    Beam shaping mechanism in spatially modulated edge emitting broad area semiconductor amplifiers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Botey, Muriel; Herrero, Ramon; Staliunas, Kestutis
    We investigate beam shaping in broad area semiconductor amplifiers induced by a periodic modulation of the pump on a scale of several microns. The study is performed by solving numerically a (2+1)-dimensional model for the semiconductor amplifier. We show that, under realistic conditions, the anisotropic gain induced by the pump periodicity can show narrow angular profile of enhanced gain of less than one degree, providing an intrinsic filtering mechanism and eventually improving the spatial beam quality.
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    Modeling of current spreading in high-power broad-area lasers and its impact on the lateral far field divergence
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2018) Zeghuzi, Anissa; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Wenzel, Hans; Wünsche, Hans-Jürgen; Bandelow, Uwe; Knigge, Andrea
    The effect of current spreading on the lateral farfield divergence of highpower broadarea lasers is investigated with a timedependent model using different descriptions for the injection of carriers into the active region. Most simulation tools simply assume a spatially constant injection current density below the contact stripe and a vanishing current density beside. Within the driftdiffusion approach, however, the injected current density is obtained from the gradient of the quasiFermi potential of the holes, which solves a Laplace equation in the pdoped region if recombination is neglected. We compare an approximate solution of the Laplace equation with the exact solution and show that for the exact solution the highest farfield divergence is obtained. We conclude that an advanced modeling of the profiles of the injection current densities is necessary for a correct description of farfield blooming in broadarea lasers.
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    Semiconductor mode-locked lasers with coherent dual mode optical injection: Simulations, analysis and experiment
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2015) Arkhipov, Rostislav M.; Habruseva, Tatiana; Pimenov, Alexander; Radziunas, Mindaugas; Huyet, Guillaume; Vladimirov, Andrei G.
    Using a delay differential equations model we study the dynamics of a passively modelocked semiconductor laser with dual frequency coherent optical injection. The locking regions where the laser pulse repetition rate is synchronized to the separation of the two injected frequencies were calculated numerically and measured experimentally. Asymptotic analysis performed in the limit of the small injection field amplitude revealed the dependence of the locking regions on the model parameters, such as optical bandwidth, absorber recovery time and linear losses.
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    Mode transitions in distributed-feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2008) Radziunas, Mindaugas; Tronciu, Vasile Z.; Bandelow, Uwe; Lichtner, Mark; Spreemann, Martin; Wenzel, Hans
    Theoretical and experimental investigations have been carried out to study the spectral and spatial behavior of monolithically integrated distributed-feedback tapered master-oscillators power-amplifiers emitting around 973 nm. Introduction of self and cross heating effects and the analysis of longitudinal optical modes allows us to explain experimental results. The results show a good qualitative agreement between measured and calculated characteristics.