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    Encapsulation of bacteria in bilayer Pluronic thin film hydrogels: A safe format for engineered living materials
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023) Bhusari, Shardul; Kim, Juhyun; Polizzi, Karen; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan; del Campo, Aránzazu
    In engineered living materials (ELMs) non-living matrices encapsulate microorganisms to acquire capabilities like sensing or biosynthesis. The confinement of the organisms to the matrix and the prevention of overgrowth and escape during the lifetime of the material is necessary for the application of ELMs into real devices. In this study, a bilayer thin film hydrogel of Pluronic F127 and Pluronic F127 acrylate polymers supported on a solid substrate is introduced. The inner hydrogel layer contains genetically engineered bacteria and supports their growth, while the outer layer acts as an envelope and does not allow leakage of the living organisms outside of the film for at least 15 days. Due to the flat and transparent nature of the construct, the thin layer is suited for microscopy and spectroscopy-based analyses. The composition and properties of the inner and outer layer are adjusted independently to fulfil viability and confinement requirements. We demonstrate that bacterial growth and light-induced protein production are possible in the inner layer and their extent is influenced by the crosslinking degree of the used hydrogel. Bacteria inside the hydrogel are viable long term, they can act as lactate-sensors and remain active after storage in phosphate buffer at room temperature for at least 3 weeks. The versatility of bilayer bacteria thin-films is attractive for fundamental studies and for the development of application-oriented ELMs.
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    Discovery of a high-performance phage-derived promoter/repressor system for probiotic lactobacillus engineering
    (Cold Spring Harbor : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, 2023) Blanch-Asensio, Marc; Tadimarri, Varun Sai; Wilk, Alina; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan
    Background: The Lactobacillus family comprises many species of great importance for the food and healthcare industries, with numerous strains identified as beneficial for humans and used as probiotics. Hence, there is a growing interest in engineering these probiotic bacteria as live biotherapeutics for animals and humans. However, the genetic parts needed to regulate gene expression in these bacteria remain limited compared to model bacteria like E. coli or B. subtilis. To address this deficit, in this study, we selected and tested several bacteriophage-derived genetic parts with the potential to regulate transcription in lactobacilli. Results: We screened genetic parts from 6 different lactobacilli-infecting phages and identified one promoter/repressor system with unprecedented functionality in L. plantarum WCFS1. The phage-derived promoter was found to achieve expression levels nearly 9-fold higher than the previously reported strongest promoter in this strain and the repressor was able to almost completely repress this expression by reducing it nearly 500-fold. Conclusions: The new parts and insights gained from their engineering will enhance the genetic programmability of lactobacilli for healthcare and industrial applications. Competing Interest Statement: A patent application has been filed based on the results of this work (Application no. is DE 102022 119024.2).
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    Photoactivatable Hsp47: A tool to control and regulate collagen secretion & assembly
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2018) Khan, Essak; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan; Paez, Julieta; Muth, Christina; Han, Mitchell; Del Campo, Aránzazu
    Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in mammals and is crucial for the mechanical integrity of tissues. Hsp47, an endoplasmic reticulum resident collagen-specific chaperone, is involved in collagen biosynthesis and plays a fundamental role in the folding, stability, and intracellular transport of procollagen triple helices. This work reports on a photoactivatable derivative of Hsp47 that allows regulation of collagen biosynthesis within mammalian cells using light. Photoactivatable Hsp47 contains a non-natural light-responsive tyrosine (o-nitro benzyl tyrosine (ONBY)) at Tyr383 position of the protein sequence. This mutation renders Hsp47 inactive toward collagen binding. The inactive, photoactivatable protein is easily uptaken by cells within a few minutes of incubation, and accumulated at the endoplasmic reticulum via retrograde KDEL receptor-mediated uptake. Upon light exposure, the photoactivatable Hsp47 turns into functional Hsp47 in situ. The increased intracellular concentration of Hsp47 results in stimulated secretion of collagen. The ability to promote collagen synthesis on demand, with spatiotemporal resolution, and in diseased state cells is demonstrated in vitro. It is envisioned that photoactivatable Hsp47 allows unprecedented fundamental studies of collagen biosynthesis, matrix biology, and inspires new therapeutic concepts in biomedicine and tissue regeneration.
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    Novel genetic modules encoding high-level antibiotic-free protein expression in probiotic lactobacilli
    (Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2023) Dey, Sourik; Blanch‐Asensio, Marc; Balaji Kuttae, Sanjana; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan
    Lactobacilli are ubiquitous in nature, often beneficially associated with animals as commensals and probiotics, and are extensively used in food fermentation. Due to this close-knit association, there is considerable interest to engineer them for healthcare applications in both humans and animals, for which high-performance and versatile genetic parts are greatly desired. For the first time, we describe two genetic modules in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum that achieve high-level gene expression using plasmids that can be retained without antibiotics, bacteriocins or genomic manipulations. These include (i) a promoter, PtlpA, from a phylogenetically distant bacterium, Salmonella typhimurium, which drives up to 5-fold higher level of gene expression compared to previously reported promoters and (ii) multiple toxin-antitoxin systems as a self-contained and easy-to-implement plasmid retention strategy that facilitates the engineering of tuneable transient genetically modified organisms. These modules and the fundamental factors underlying their functionality that are described in this work will greatly contribute to expanding the genetic programmability of lactobacilli for healthcare applications.
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    Expanding the genetic programmability of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum
    (Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2024) Blanch‐Asensio, Marc; Dey, Sourik; Tadimarri, Varun Sai; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan
    Lactobacilli are ubiquitous in nature and symbiotically provide health benefits for countless organisms including humans, animals and plants. They are vital for the fermented food industry and are being extensively explored for healthcare applications. For all these reasons, there is considerable interest in enhancing and controlling their capabilities through the engineering of genetic modules and circuits. One of the most robust and reliable microbial chassis for these synthetic biology applications is the widely used Lactiplantibacillus plantarum species. However, the genetic toolkit needed to advance its applicability remains poorly equipped. This mini-review highlights the genetic parts that have been discovered to achieve food-grade recombinant protein production and speculates on lessons learned from these studies for L. plantarum engineering. Furthermore, strategies to identify, create and optimize genetic parts for real-time regulation of gene expression and enhancement of biosafety are also suggested.
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    Regulating bacterial behavior within hydrogels of tunable viscoelasticity
    (New York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2022) Bhusari, Shardul; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan; del Campo, Aránzazu
    Engineered living materials (ELMs) are a new class of materials in which living organism incorporated into diffusive matrices uptake a fundamental role in material’s composition and function. Understanding how the spatial confinement in 3D affects the behavior of the embedded cells is crucial to design and predict ELM’s function, regulate and minimize their environmental impact and facilitate their translation into applied materials. This study investigates the growth and metabolic activity of bacteria within an associative hydrogel network (Pluronic-based) with mechanical properties that can be tuned by introducing a variable degree of acrylate crosslinks. Individual bacteria distributed in the hydrogel matrix at low density form functional colonies whose size is controlled by the extent of permanent crosslinks. With increasing stiffness and decreasing plasticity of the matrix, a decrease in colony volumes and an increase in their sphericity is observed. Protein production surprisingly follows a different pattern with higher production yields occurring in networks with intermediate permanent crosslinking degrees. These results demonstrate that, bacterial mechanosensitivity can be used to control and regulate the composition and function of ELMs by thoughtful design of the encapsulating matrix, and by following design criteria with interesting similarities to those developed for 3D culture of mammalian cells.
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    Engineered living materials for the conversion of a low-cost food-grade precursor to a high-value flavonoid
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2023) Riedel, Florian; Bartolomé, Maria Puertas; Enrico, Lara Luana Teruel; Fink-Straube, Claudia; Duong, Cao Nguyen; Gherlone, Fabio; Huang, Ying; Valiante, Vito; Del Campo, Aránzazu; Sankaran, Shrikrishnan
    Microbial biofactories allow the upscaled production of high-value compounds in biotechnological processes. This is particularly advantageous for compounds like flavonoids that promote better health through their antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer and other beneficial effects but are produced in small quantities in their natural plant-based hosts. Bacteria like E. coli have been genetically modified with enzyme cascades to produce flavonoids like naringenin and pinocembrin from coumaric or cinnamic acid. Despite advancements in yield optimization, the production of these compounds still involves high costs associated with their biosynthesis, purification, storage and transport. An alternative production strategy could involve the direct delivery of the microbial biofactories to the body. In such a strategy, ensuring biocontainment of the engineered microbes in the body and controlling production rates are major challenges. In this study, these two aspects are addressed by developing engineered living materials (ELMs) consisting of probiotic microbial biofactories encapsulated in biocompatible hydrogels. Engineered probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 able to efficiently convert cinnamic acid into pinocembrin were encapsulated in poly(vinyl alcohol)-based hydrogels. The biofactories are contained in the hydrogels for a month and remain metabolically active during this time. Control over production levels is achieved by the containment inside the material, which regulates bacteria growth, and by the amount of cinnamic acid in the medium.