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Making Sense of Complex Carbon and Metal/Carbon Systems by Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging

2019, Abrams, Kerry J., Dapor, Maurizio, Stehling, Nicola, Azzolini, Martina, Kyle, Stephan J., Schäfer, Jan, Quade, Antje, Mika, Filip, Kratky, Stanislav, Pokorna, Zuzana, Konvalina, Ivo, Mehta, Danielle, Black, Kate, Rodenburg, Cornelia

Carbon and carbon/metal systems with a multitude of functionalities are ubiquitous in new technologies but understanding on the nanoscale remains elusive due to their affinity for interaction with their environment and limitations in available characterization techniques. This paper introduces a spectroscopic technique and demonstrates its capacity to reveal chemical variations of carbon. The effectiveness of this approach is validated experimentally through spatially averaging spectroscopic techniques and using Monte Carlo modeling. Characteristic spectra shapes and peak positions for varying contributions of sp2-like or sp3-like bond types and amorphous hydrogenated carbon are reported under circumstances which might be observed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces as a result of air or electron beam exposure. The spectral features identified above are then used to identify the different forms of carbon present within the metallic films deposited from reactive organometallic inks. While spectra for metals is obtained in dedicated surface science instrumentation, the complex relations between carbon and metal species is only revealed by secondary electron (SE) spectroscopy and SE hyperspectral imaging obtained in a state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope (SEM). This work reveals the inhomogeneous incorporation of carbon on the nanoscale but also uncovers a link between local orientation of metallic components and carbon form.

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Understanding Surface Modifications Induced via Argon Plasma Treatment through Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging

2021, Farr, Nicholas, Thanarak, Jeerawan, Schäfer, Jan, Quade, Antje, Claeyssens, Frederik, Green, Nicola, Rodenburg, Cornelia

Understanding the effects that sterilization methods have on the surface of a biomaterial is a prerequisite for clinical deployment. Sterilization causes alterations in a material's surface chemistry and surface structures that can result in significant changes to its cellular response. Here we compare surfaces resulting from the application of the industry standard autoclave sterilisation to that of surfaces resulting from the use of low-pressure Argon glow discharge within a novel gas permeable packaging method in order to explore a potential new biomaterial sterilisation method. Material surfaces are assessed by applying secondary electron hyperspectral imaging (SEHI). SEHI is a novel low-voltage scanning electron microscopy based characterization technique that, in addition to capturing topographical images, also provides nanoscale resolution chemical maps by utilizing the energy distribution of emitted secondary electrons. Here, SEHI maps are exploited to assess the lateral distributions of diverse functional groups that are effected by the sterilization treatments. This information combined with a range of conventional surface analysis techniques and a cellular metabolic activity assay reveals persuasive reasons as to why low-pressure argon glow discharge should be considered for further optimization as a potential terminal sterilization method for PGS-M, a functionalized form of poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS).

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Internal Crack Initiation and Growth Starting from Artificially Generated Defects in Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V Specimen in the VHCF Regime

2021, Wickmann, Carsten, Benz, Christopher, Heyer, Horst, Witte-Bodnar, Kerstin, Schäfer, Jan, Sander, Manuela

The aim of the present work was to investigate the ‘fine granular area’ (FGA) formation based on artificially generated internal defects in additively manufactured Ti6Al4V specimens in the early stage of fatigue crack growth in the ‘very high cycle fatigue’ (VHCF) regime. Fatigue tests were performed with constant amplitude at pure tension-compression loading (R = −1) using an ultrasonic fatigue testing setup. Failed specimens were investigated using optical microscopy, high-resolution ‘scanning electron microscopy’ (SEM), and ‘focused ion beam’ (FIB) techniques. Further, the paper introduces alternative proposals to identify the FGA layer beneath the fracture surfaces in terms of the ‘cross section polishing’ (CSP) technique and metallic grindings with special attention paid to the crack origin, the surrounding microstructure, and the expansion of the nanograin layer beneath the fracture surface. Different existing fracture mechanical approaches were applied to evaluate if an FGA formation is possible. Moreover, the results were discussed in comparison to the experimental findings.