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Nanotrimer enhanced optical fiber tips implemented by electron beam lithography

2018, Wang, Ning, Zeisberger, Matthias, Hübner, Uwe, Schmidt, Markus A.

Here we present a novel fabrication approach that allows for the implementation of sophisticated planar nanostructures with deep subwavelength dimensions on fiber end faces by electron beam lithography. Specifically, we planarize the end faces of fiber bundles such that they are compatible with planar nanostructuring technology, with the result that fibers can be treated in the same way as typical wafers, opening up the entire field of nanotechnology for fiber optics. To demonstrate our approach, we have implemented densely-packed arrays of gold nanotrimers on the end face of 50 cm long standard single mode fibers, showing asymmetrical resonance lineshapes that arise due to the interplay of diffractive coupling of the individual timer response at infrared wavelengths that overlap with the single mode regime of typical telecommunication fibers. Refractive index sensing experiments suggest sensitivities of about 390 nm/RIU, representing the state-of-the-art for such a device type. Due to its unique capability of making optical fibers compatible with planar nanostructuring technology, we anticipate our approach to be applied in numerous fields including bioanalytics, telecommunications, nonlinear photonics, optical trapping and beam shaping.

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Photonic candle – focusing light using nano-bore optical fibers

2018, Schneidewind, Henrik, Zeisberger, Matthias, Plidschun, Malte, Weidlich, Stefan, Schmidt, Markus A.

Focusing light represents one of the fundamental optical functionalities that is used in a countless number of situations. Here we introduce the concept of nano-bore optical fiber mediated light focusing that allows to efficiently focus light at micrometer distance from the fiber end face. Since the focusing effect is provided by the fundamental fiber mode, device implementation is extremely straightforward since no post-processing or nano-structuring is necessary. Far-field measurements on implemented fibers, simulations, and a dual-Gaussian beam toy model confirm the validity of the concept. Due to its unique properties such as strong light localization, a close to 100% implementation success rate, extremely high reproducibility, and its compatibility with current fiber circuitry, the concept will find application in numerous areas that demand to focus at remote distances.