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Field-Angle-Resolved Magnetic Excitations as a Probe of Hidden-Order Symmetry in CeB6

2020, Portnichenko, P.Y., Akbari, A., Nikitin, S.E., Cameron, A.S., Dukhnenko, A.V., Filipov, V.B., Shitsevalova, N.Yu., Čermák, P., Radelytskyi, I., Schneidewind, A., Ollivier, J., Podlesnyak, A., Huesges, Z., Xu, J., Ivanov, A., Sidis, Y., Petit, S., Mignot, J.-M., Thalmeier, P., Inosov, D.S.

In contrast to magnetic order formed by electrons' dipolar moments, ordering phenomena associated with higher-order multipoles (quadrupoles, octupoles, etc.) are more difficult to characterize because of the limited choice of experimental probes that can distinguish different multipolar moments. The heavy-fermion compound CeB6 and its La-diluted alloys are among the best-studied realizations of the long-range-ordered multipolar phases, often referred to as "hidden order."Previously, the hidden order in phase II was identified as primary antiferroquadrupolar and field-induced octupolar order. Here, we present a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of collective excitations in phase II of CeB6. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) in fields up to 16.5 T reveals a new high-energy mode above 14 T in addition to the low-energy magnetic excitations. The experimental dependence of their energy on the magnitude and angle of the applied magnetic field is compared to the results of a multipolar interaction model. The magnetic excitation spectrum in a rotating field is calculated within a localized approach using the pseudospin representation for the Γ8 states. We show that the rotating-field technique at fixed momentum can complement conventional INS measurements of the dispersion at a constant field and holds great promise for identifying the symmetry of multipolar order parameters and the details of intermultipolar interactions that stabilize hidden-order phases. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.

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Strong spin resonance mode associated with suppression of soft magnetic ordering in hole-doped Ba1-xNaxFe2As2

2019, Waßer, F., Park, J.T., Aswartham, S., Wurmehl, S., Sidis, Y., Steffens, P., Schmalzl, K., Büchner, B., Braden, M.

Spin-resonance modes (SRM) are taken as evidence for magnetically driven pairing in Fe-based superconductors, but their character remains poorly understood. The broadness, the splitting and the spin-space anisotropies of SRMs contrast with the mostly accepted interpretation as spin excitons. We study hole-doped Ba1−xNaxFe2As2 that displays a spin reorientation transition. This reorientation has little impact on the overall appearance of the resonance excitations with a high-energy isotropic and a low-energy anisotropic mode. However, the strength of the anisotropic low-energy mode sharply peaks at the highest doping that still exhibits magnetic ordering resulting in the strongest SRM observed in any Fe-based superconductor so far. This remarkably strong SRM is accompanied by a loss of about half of the magnetic Bragg intensity upon entering the SC phase. Anisotropic SRMs thus can allow the system to compensate for the loss of exchange energy arising from the reduced antiferromagnetic correlations within the SC state.