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    Looking inside the tunnelling barrier: II. Co- and counter-rotating electrons at the ‘tunnelling exit’
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018-08-03) Kaushal, Jivesh; Smirnova, Olga
    The initial conditions for electron trajectories at the exit from the tunnelling barrier are often used in strong field models, for example to bridge the first and the second steps of the three-step model celebrated in this issue. Since the analytical R-matrix theory does not rely on the three-step model or the concept of the tunnelling barrier in coordinate space, obtaining the initial conditions for electron trajectories at the barrier exit is, strictly speaking, not necessary to calculate standard observables. Not necessary, but possible—especially when motivated by the occasion of this issue. The opportunity to evaluate such initial conditions emerges as a corollary of analysing sub-barrier kinematics, which includes the interplay of laser and Coulomb fields on the sub-cycle scale (see the companion paper I). We apply our results to discuss the difference in such initial conditions for co- and counter-rotating electrons liberated during strong field ionisation. We derive quantum orbits and classical trajectories describing ionization dynamics of co- and counter-rotating electrons in long-range potentials.
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    Strong-field control and enhancement of chiral response in bi-elliptical high-order harmonic generation: an analytical model
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018-05-30) Ayuso, David; Decleva, Piero; Patchkovskii, Serguei; Smirnova, Olga
    The generation of high-order harmonics in a medium of chiral molecules driven by intense bi-elliptical laser fields can lead to strong chiroptical response in a broad range of harmonic numbers and ellipticities (Ayuso et al 2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 06LT01). Here we present a comprehensive analytical model that can describe the most relevant features arising in the high-order harmonic spectra of chiral molecules driven by strong bi-elliptical fields. Our model recovers the physical picture underlying chiral high-order harmonic generation (HHG) based on ultrafast chiral hole motion and identifies the rotationally invariant molecular pseudoscalars responsible for chiral dynamics. Using the chiral molecule propylene oxide as an example, we show that one can control and enhance the chiral response in bi-elliptical HHG by tailoring the driving field, in particular by tuning its frequency, intensity and ellipticity, exploiting a suppression mechanism of achiral background based on the linear Stark effect.
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    Chiral dichroism in bi-elliptical high-order harmonic generation
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2018-02-28) Ayuso, David; Decleva, Piero; Patchkovskii, Serguei; Smirnova, Olga
    The application of strong bi-elliptically polarized laser fields to the generation of high-order harmonics in organic molecules offers exceptional opportunities for chiral recognition and chiral discrimination. These fields are made by combining an elliptically polarized fundamental, typically in the infrared range, with its counter-rotating second harmonic. Here we present a theoretical study of the harmonic emission from the chiral molecule propylene oxide in bi-elliptical fields. Our calculations include, for the first time in such a complex system, accurate photorecomination matrix elements, evaluated using the static-exchange density functional theory method. We show that bi-elliptical light can induce strong chiral dichroism in the harmonic spectra of chiral molecules in a broad range of harmonic numbers and ellipticities.
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    A molecular clock for autoionization decay
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2017-06-14) Medišauskas, Lukas; Bello, Roger Y.; Palacios, Alicia; González-Castrillo, Alberto; Morales, Felipe; Plimak, Lev; Smirnova, Olga; Martín, Fernando; Ivanov, Misha Yu
    The ultrafast decay of highly excited electronic states is resolved with a molecular clock technique, using the vibrational motion associated to the ionic bound states as a time-reference. We demonstrate the validity of the method in the context of autoionization of the hydrogen molecule, where nearly exact full dimensional ab-initio calculations are available. The vibrationally resolved photoionization spectrum provides a time–energy mapping of the autoionization process into the bound states that is used to fully reconstruct the decay in time. A resolution of a fraction of the vibrational period is achieved. Since no assumptions are made on the underlying coupled electron–nuclear dynamics, the reconstruction procedure can be applied to describe the general problem of the decay of highly excited states in other molecular targets.