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(η6-Benzene)(carbonato-κ2O,O') [dicyclohexyl(naphthalen-1-ylmethyl)phosphanejP] ruthenium(II) chloroform trisolvate

2014, Gowrisankar, S., Neumann, H., Spannenberg, A., Beller, M.

The title compound, [Ru(CO3)(η6-C 6H6){(C6H11)2P(CH 2-C10H7)}]-3CHCl3, was synthesized by carbonation of [RuCl2-(η6-C6H 6){(C6H11)2P(CH2C 10H7)}] with NaHCO3in methanol at room temperature. The RuIIatom is surrounded by a benzene ligand, a chelating carbonate group and a phosphane ligand in a piano-stool configuration. The crystal packing is consolidated by C-H⋯O and C-H⋯Cl hydrogen-bonding interactions between adjacent metal complexes and between the complexes and the solvent molecules. The asymmetric unit contains one metal complex and three chloroform solvent molecules of which only one was modelled. The estimated diffraction contributions of the other two strongly disordered chloroform solvent molecules were substracted from the observed diffraction data using the SQUEEZE procedure in PLATON.

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(η6-Benzene)dichlorido(chlorodicyclohexylphosphane-κp) ruthenium(II) chloroform monosolvate

2014, Gowrisankar, S., Neumann, H., Spannenberg, A., Beller, M.

The title compound, [RuN4(-6-C6H6) (C12H22ClP)]-CHCl3, was prepared by reaction of [RuN 4(-6-C6H6)]2 with chlorodicyclohexyl phosphane in CHCl3 at 323 K under argon. The RuII atom is surrounded by one arene ligand, two Cl atoms and a phosphane ligand in a piano-stool geometry. The phosphane ligand is linked by the P atom, with an Ru-P bond length of 2.3247 (4) Å. Both cyclohexyl rings at the P atom adopt a chair conformation. In the crystal, the RuII complex molecule and the chloroform solvent molecule are linked by a bifurcated C-H⋯(Cl,Cl) hydrogen bond. Intramolecular C-H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds are also observed.

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Bis[μ-N,N'-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)ethene-1,2-diamido]-1, 4(η2);1:2κ4 N:N;3:4κ4 N:N-bis(diethyl ether)-1κO,4κO-di-μ- ydrido-2: 3κ4 H:H-2,3-dichromium(II)-1,4-dilithium(I) pentane hemisolvate

2010, Peitz, S., Peulecke, N., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, [Cr2Li2(C26H 36N2)2(μ-H)2(C4H 10O)2]·0.5C5H12, is a binuclear chromium complex bridged by two hydrogen atoms. Each chromium atom is coordinated in a distorted square-planar geometry by one chelating bis-(2,6-diisopropyl-phen-yl) ethene-1,2-diamido ligand via its two N atoms. Additionally, two diametrically opposed lithium ether adducts coordinate in an η4 mode on the backbone of the ligands. There is a crystallographic inversion center in the middle of the Cr2H2 ring. One of the isopropyl groups is disordered over two positions in a 0.567 (7):0.433 (7) ratio. Disorder is also observed in the pentane hemisolvate molecule.