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Mathematical modeling of Czochralski type growth processes for semiconductor bulk single crystals

2012, Dreyer, Wolfgang, Druet, Pierre-Étienne, Klein, Olaf, Sprekels, Jürgen

This paper deals with the mathematical modeling and simulation of crystal growth processes by the so-called Czochralski method and related methods, which are important industrial processes to grow large bulk single crystals of semiconductor materials such as, e.,g., gallium arsenide (GaAs) or silicon (Si) from the melt. In particular, we investigate a recently developed technology in which traveling magnetic fields are applied in order to control the behavior of the turbulent melt flow. Since numerous different physical effects like electromagnetic fields, turbulent melt flows, high temperatures, heat transfer via radiation, etc., play an important role in the process, the corresponding mathematical model leads to an extremely difficult system of initial-boundary value problems for nonlinearly coupled partial differential equations ...

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A distributed control problem for a fractional tumor growth model

2019, Colli, Pierluigi, Gilardi, Gianni, Sprekels, Jürgen

In this paper, we study the distributed optimal control of a system of three evolutionary equations involving fractional powers of three selfadjoint, monotone, unbounded linear operators having compact resolvents. The system is a generalization of a Cahn--Hilliard type phase field system modeling tumor growth that goes back to Hawkins-Daarud et al. (Int. J. Numer. Math. Biomed. Eng. 28 (2012), 3--24.) The aim of the control process, which could be realized by either administering a drug or monitoring the nutrition, is to keep the tumor cell fraction under control while avoiding possible harm for the patient. In contrast to previous studies, in which the occurring unbounded operators governing the diffusional regimes were all given by the Laplacian with zero Neumann boundary conditions, the operators may in our case be different; more generally, we consider systems with fractional powers of the type that were studied in the recent work Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 28 (2019), 343--375 by the present authors. In our analysis, we show the Fréchet differentiability of the associated control-to-state operator, establish the existence of solutions to the associated adjoint system, and derive the first-order necessary conditions of optimality for a cost functional of tracking type.