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AB- Versus AA+BB-Suzuki Polycondensation: A Palladium/Tris(tert-butyl)phosphine Catalyst Can Outperform Conventional Catalysts

2020, Zhang, Kenan, Tkachov, Roman, Ditte, Kristina, Kiriy, Nataliya, Kiriy, Anton, Voit, Brigitte

A Pd/Pt-Bu3 catalyst having bulky, electron-rich ligands significantly outperforms conventional “step-growth catalysts” Pd(PPh3)4 and Pd(Po-Tol3)3 in the Suzuki polycondensation of the AB-type arylene-based monomers, such as some of the substituted fluorenes, carbazoles, and phenylenes. In the AA+BB polycondensation, Pd/Pt-Bu3 also performs better under homogeneous reaction conditions, in combination with the organic base Et4NOH. The superior performance of Pd/Pt-Bu3 is discussed in terms of its higher reactivity in the oxidative addition step and inherent advantages of the intramolecular catalyst transfer, which is a key step joining catalytic cycles of the AB-polycondensation. These findings are applied to the synthesis of a carbazole-based copolymer designed for the use as a hole conductor in solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

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Long-Term Retarded Release for the Proteasome Inhibitor Bortezomib through Temperature-Sensitive Dendritic Glycopolymers as Drug Delivery System from Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement

2021, Lai, Thu Hang, Keperscha, Bettina, Qiu, Xianping, Voit, Brigitte, Appelhans, Dietmar

For the local treatment of bone defects, highly adaptable macromolecular architectures are still required as drug delivery system (DDS) in solid bone substitute materials. Novel DDS fabricated by host–guest interactions between β-cyclodextrin-modified dendritic glycopolymers and adamantane-modified temperature-sensitive polymers for the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib (BZM) is presented. These DDS induce a short- and long-term (up to two weeks) retarded release of BZM from calcium phosphate bone cement (CPC) in comparison to a burst release of the drug alone. Different release parameters of BZM/DDS/CPC are evaluated in phosphate buffer at 37 °C to further improve the long-term retarded release of BZM. This is achieved by increasing the amount of drug (50–100 µg) and/or DDS (100–400 µg) versus CPC (1 g), by adapting the complexes better to the porous bone cement environment, and by applying molar ratios of excess BZM toward DDS with 1:10, 1:25, and 1:100. The temperature-sensitive polymer shells of BZM/DDS complexes in CPC, which allow drug loading at room temperature but are collapsed at body temperature, support the retarding long-term release of BZM from DDS/CPC. Thus, the concept of temperature-sensitive DDS for BZM/DDS complexes in CPC works and matches key points for a local therapy of osteolytic bone lesions.

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Self-Replication of Deeply Buried Doped Silicon Structures, which Remotely Control the Etching Process: A New Method for Forming a Silicon Pattern from the Bottom Up

2021, Schutzeichel, Christopher, Kiriy, Nataliya, Kiriy, Anton, Voit, Brigitte

A typical microstructuring process utilizes photolithographic masks to create arbitrary patterns on silicon substrates in a top-down approach. Herein, a new, bottom-up microstructuring method is reported, which enables the patterning of n-doped silicon substrates to be performed without the need for application of etch-masks or stencils during the etching process. Instead, the structuring process developed herein involves a simple alkaline etching performed under illumination and is remotely controlled by the p-doped micro-sized implants, buried beneath a homogeneous n-doped layer at depths of 0.25 to 1 µm. The microstructuring is realized because the buried implants act upon illumination as micro-sized photovoltaic cells, which generate a flux of electrons and increase the negative surface charge in areas above the implants. The locally increased surface charge causes a local protection of the native silicon oxide layer from alkaline etching, which ultimately leads to the microstructuring of the substrate. In this way, substrates having at their top a thick layer of homogeneously n-doped silicon can be structured, reducing the need for costly, time-consuming photolithography steps. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH