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    Intracycle interference in ionization of Ar by a laser assisted XUV pulse
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2017) Arbó, D.G.; López, S. D.; Kubin, M.; Hummert, J.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Kornilov, O.
    Synopsis We present a theoretical and experimental study of the subcycle interference in laser assisted XUV ionization of Ar atoms. Averaging over the focal volume happens to blur the intracycle interference, which thus cannot be measured directly. We show that even at these conditions, the intracycle interference can be obtained through the subtraction of two different angle and energy-resolved distributions at slightly different laser intensities.
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    Photoelectron holography in strong optical and dc electric fields
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2014) Stodolna, A.; Huismans, Y.; Rouzée, A.; Lépine, F.; Vrakking, M.J.J.
    The application of velocity map imaging for the detection of photoelectrons resulting from atomic or molecular ionization allows the observation of interferometric, and in some cases holographic structures that contain detailed information on the target from which the photoelecrons are extracted. In this contribution we present three recent examples of the use of photoelectron velocity map imaging in experiments where atoms are exposed to strong optical and dc electric fields. We discuss (i) observations of the nodal structure of Stark states of hydrogen measured in a dc electric field, (ii) mid-infrared strong-field ionization of metastable Xe atoms and (iii) the reconstruction of helium electronic wavepackets in an attosecond pump-probe experiment. In each case, the interference between direct and indirect electron pathways, reminiscent of the reference and signal waves in holography, is seen to play an important role.
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    Coulomb explosion of diatomic molecules in intense XUV fields mapped by partial covariance
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2013) Kornilov, O.; Eckstein, M.; Rosenblatt, M.; Schulz, C.P.; Motomura, K.; Rouzée, A.; Klei, J.; Foucar, L.; Siano, M.; Lübcke, A.; Schapper, F.; Johnsson, P.; Holland, D.M.P.; Schlathölter, T.; Marchenko, T.; Düsterer, S.; Ueda, K.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Frasinski, L.J.
    Single-shot time-of-flight spectra for Coulomb explosion of N2 and I2 molecules have been recorded at the Free Electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH) and have been analysed using a partial covariance mapping technique. The partial covariance analysis unravels a detailed picture of all significant Coulomb explosion pathways, extending up to the N 4+-N5+ channel for nitrogen and up to the I 8+-I9+ channel for iodine. The observation of the latter channel is unexpected if only sequential ionization processes from the ground state ions are considered. The maximum kinetic energy release extracted from the covariance maps for each dissociation channel shows that Coulomb explosion of nitrogen molecules proceeds much faster than that of the iodine. The N 2 ionization dynamics is modelled using classical trajectory simulations in good agreement with the outcome of the experiments. The results suggest that covariance mapping of the Coulomb explosion can be used to measure the intensity and pulse duration of free-electron lasers.
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    XUV excitation followed by ultrafast non-adiabatic relaxation in PAH molecules as a femto-astrochemistry experiment
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2015) Marciniak, A.; Despré, V.; Barillot, T.; Rouzée, A.; Galbraith, M.C.E.; Klei, J.; Yang, C.-H.; Smeenk, C.T.L.; Loriot, V.; Nagaprasad Reddy, S.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Mahapatra, S.; Kuleff, A.I.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Lépine, F.
    Highly excited molecular species are at play in the chemistry of interstellar media and are involved in the creation of radiation damage in a biological tissue. Recently developed ultrashort extreme ultraviolet light sources offer the high excitation energies and ultrafast time-resolution required for probing the dynamics of highly excited molecular states on femtosecond (fs) (1 fs=10−15s) and even attosecond (as) (1 as=10−18 s) timescales. Here we show that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) undergo ultrafast relaxation on a few tens of femtoseconds timescales, involving an interplay between the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. Our work reveals a general property of excited radical PAHs that can help to elucidate the assignment of diffuse interstellar absorption bands in astrochemistry, and provides a benchmark for the manner in which coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics determines reaction pathways in large molecules following extreme ultraviolet excitation.
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    Observation of correlated electronic decay in expanding clusters triggered by near-infrared fields
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2015) Schütte, B.; Arbeiter, M.; Fennel, T.; Jabbari, G.; Kuleff, A.I.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Rouzée, A.
    When an excited atom is embedded into an environment, novel relaxation pathways can emerge that are absent for isolated atoms. A well-known example is interatomic Coulombic decay, where an excited atom relaxes by transferring its excess energy to another atom in the environment, leading to its ionization. Such processes have been observed in clusters ionized by extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray lasers. Here, we report on a correlated electronic decay process that occurs following nanoplasma formation and Rydberg atom generation in the ionization of clusters by intense, non-resonant infrared laser fields. Relaxation of the Rydberg states and transfer of the available electronic energy to adjacent electrons in Rydberg states or quasifree electrons in the expanding nanoplasma leaves a distinct signature in the electron kinetic energy spectrum. These so far unobserved electron-correlation-driven energy transfer processes may play a significant role in the response of any nano-scale system to intense laser light.
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    Carrier-envelope phase-tagged imaging of the controlled electron acceleration from SiO 2 nanospheres in intense few-cycle laser fields
    (Bristol : IOP, 2012) Zherebtsov, S.; Süßmann, F.; Peltz, C.; Plenge, J.; Betsch, K.J.; Znakovskaya, I.; Alnaser, A.S.; Johnson, N.G.; Kübel, M.; Horn, A.; Mondes, V.; Graf, C.; Trushin, S.A.; Azzeer, A.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Paulus, G.G.; Krausz, F.; Rühl, E.; Fennel, T.; Kling, M.F.
    Waveform-controlled light fields offer the possibility of manipulating ultrafast electronic processes on sub-cycle timescales. The optical lightwave control of the collective electron motion in nanostructured materials is key to the design of electronic devices operating at up to petahertz frequencies. We have studied the directional control of the electron emission from 95 nm diameter SiO 2 nanoparticles in few-cycle laser fields with a well-defined waveform. Projections of the three-dimensional (3D) electron momentum distributions were obtained via single-shot velocity-map imaging (VMI), where phase tagging allowed retrieving the laser waveform for each laser shot. The application of this technique allowed us to efficiently suppress background contributions in the data and to obtain very accurate information on the amplitude and phase of the waveform-dependent electron emission. The experimental data that are obtained for 4 fs pulses centered at 720 nm at different intensities in the range (1-4)×10 13Wcm -2 are compared to quasi-classical mean-field Monte-Carlo simulations. The model calculations identify electron backscattering from the nanoparticle surface in highly dynamical localized fields as the main process responsible for the energetic electron emission from the nanoparticles. The local field sensitivity of the electron emission observed in our studies can serve as a foundation for future research on propagation effects for larger particles and field-induced material changes at higher intensities.
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    Attosecond control of electron-ion recollision in high harmonic generation
    (Bristol : IOP, 2011) Gademann, G.; Kelkensberg, F.; Siu, W.K.; Johnsson, P.; Gaarde, M.B.; Schafer, K.J.; Vrakking, M.J.J.
    We show that high harmonic generation driven by an intense nearinfrared (IR) laser can be temporally controlled when an attosecond pulse train (APT) is used to ionize the generation medium, thereby replacing tunnel ionization as the first step in the well-known three-step model. New harmonics are formed when the ionization occurs at a well-defined time within the optical cycle of the IR field. The use of APT-created electron wave packets affords new avenues for the study and application of harmonic generation. In the present experiment, this makes it possible to study harmonic generation at IR intensities where tunnel ionization does not give a measurable signal.
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    Attosecond streaking in a nano-plasmonic field
    (Bristol : IOP, 2012) Kelkensberg, F.; Koenderink, A.F.; Vrakking, M.J.J.
    A theoretical study of the application of attosecond streaking spectroscopy to time-resolved studies of the plasmonic fields surrounding isolated, resonantly excited spherical nanoparticles is presented. A classification of the different regimes in attosecond streaking is proposed and identified in our results that are derived from Mie calculations of plasmon fields, coupled to classical electron trajectory simulations. It is shown that in an attosecond streaking experiment, the electrons are almost exclusively sensitive to the component of the field parallel to the direction in which they are detected. This allows one to probe the different components of the field individually by resolving the angle of emission of the electrons. Finally, simulations based on fields calculated by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) are compared with the results obtained using Mie fields. The two are found to be in good agreement with each other, supporting the notion that FDTD methods can be used to reliably investigate non-spherical structures.
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    Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular nitrogen with attosecond resolution
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2015) Klinker, M.; Trabattoni, A.; González-Vázquez, J.; Liu, C.; Sansone, G.; Linguerri, R.; Hochlaf, M..; Klei, J.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Martin, F.; Nisoli, M.; Calegari, F.
    We wish to understand the processes underlying the ionization dynamics of N2 as experimentally induced and studied by recording the kinetic energy release (KER) in a XUV-pump/IR-probe setup. To this end a theoretical model was developed describing the ionization process using Dyson Orbitals and, subsequently, the dissociation process using a large set of diabatic potential energy surfaces (PES) on which to propagate. From said set of PES, a small subset is extracted allowing for the identification of one and two photon processes chiefly responsible for the experimentally observed features.
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    Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of highly-excited states in N2 molecules excited by femtosecond XUV pulses
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2013) Lucchini, M.; Seung, Kim, K.; Calegari, F.; Kelkensberg, F.; Siu, W.K.; Sansone, G.; Vrakking, M.J.J.; Hochlaf, M.; Nisoli, M.
    We used velocity-map-imaging to measure electronic and nuclear dynamics in N2 molecules excited by a train of attosecond pulses. A time-to-space mapping of autoionization channel is demonstrated. It is found that the autoionization becomes energetically allowed when the two nuclei are still very close (~ 3 Å) and that it can be coherently manipulated by a strong femtosecond infrared pulse.