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    Retrieval of attosecond pulse ensembles from streaking experiments using mixed state time-domain ptychography
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Witting, Tobias; Furch, Federico J.; Kornilov, Oleg; Osolodkov, Mikhail; Schulz, Claus P.; Vrakking, Marc J.J.
    The electric field of attosecond laser pulses can be retrieved from laser-dressed photoionisation measurements, where electron wavepackets that result from single-photon ionisation by the attosecond pulse in the presence of a dressing field are produced. In case of fluctuating dressing laser and/or attosecond pulses, e.g. due to pulse-to-pulse fluctuations of the carrier envelope phase of the infrared laser pulse, commonly applied retrieval algorithms result in the erroneous extraction of the pulse fields. We present a mixed state time-domain ptychography algorithm for the retrieval of pulse ensembles from attosecond streaking experiments. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.