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    Radiation Driven Chemistry in Biomolecules—is (V)UV Involved in the Bioactivity of Argon Jet Plasmas?
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2021) Bruno, G.; Wenske, S.; Mahdikia, H.; Gerling, T.; von Woedtke, T.; Wende, K.
    Cold physical plasmas, especially noble gas driven plasma jets, emit considerable amounts of ultraviolet radiation (UV). Given that a noble gas channel is present, even the energetic vacuum UV can reach the treated target. The relevance of UV radiation for antimicrobial effects is generally accepted. It remains to be clarified if this radiation is relevant for other biomedical application of plasmas, e.g., in wound care or cancer remediation. In this work, the role of (vacuum) ultraviolet radiation generated by the argon plasma jet kINPen for cysteine modifications was investigated in aqueous solutions and porcine skin. To differentiate the effects of photons of different wavelength and complete plasma discharge, a micro chamber equipped with a MgF2, Suprasil, or Borosilicate glass window was used. In liquid phase, plasma-derived VUV radiation was effective and led to the formation of cysteine oxidation products and molecule breakdown products, yielding sulfite, sulfate, and hydrogen sulfide. At the boundary layer, the impact of VUV photons led to water molecule photolysis and formation of hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, photolytic cleavage of the weak carbon-sulfur bond initiated the formation of sulfur oxy ions. In the intact skin model, protein thiol modification was rare even if a VUV transparent MgF2 window was used. Presumably, the plasma-derived VUV radiation played a limited role since reactions at the boundary layer are less frequent and the dense biomolecules layers block it effectively, inhibiting significant penetration. This result further emphasizes the safety of physical plasmas in biomedical applications.
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    A combination of electrochemistry and mass spectrometry to monitor the interaction of reactive species with supported lipid bilayers
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2020) Ravandeh, M.; Kahlert, H.; Jablonowski, H.; Lackmann, J.-W.; Striesow, J.; Agmo Hernández, V.; Wende, K.
    Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), e.g. generated by cold physical plasma (CPP) or photodynamic therapy, interfere with redox signaling pathways of mammalian cells, inducing downstream consequences spanning from migratory impairment to apoptotic cell death. However, the more austere impact of RONS on cancer cells remains yet to be clarified. In the present study, a combination of electrochemistry and high-resolution mass spectrometry was developed to investigate the resilience of solid-supported lipid bilayers towards plasma-derived reactive species in dependence of their composition. A 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) lipid bilayer was undisturbed by 200 µM H2O2 (control) but showed full permeability after CPP treatment and space-occupying oxidation products such as PoxnoPC, PAzePC, and POPC hydroperoxide were found. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anion/hydroperoxyl radicals during the treatment. In contrast, small amounts of the intramembrane antioxidant coenzyme Q10 protected the bilayer to 50% and LysoPC was the only POPC derivative found, confirming the membrane protective effect of Q10. Such, the lipid membrane composition including the presence of antioxidants determines the impact of pro-oxidant signals. Given the differences in membrane composition of cancer and healthy cells, this supports the application of cold physical plasma for cancer treatment. In addition, the developed model using the combination of electrochemistry and mass spectrometry could be a promising method to study the effect of reactive species or mixes thereof generated by chemical or physical sources.
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    Author Correction: A combination of electrochemistry and mass spectrometry to monitor the interaction of reactive species with supported lipid bilayers (Scientific Reports, (2020), 10, 1, (18683), 10.1038/s41598-020-75514-7)
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2021) Ravandeh, M.; Kahlert, H.; Jablonowski, H.; Lackmann, J.-W.; Striesow, J.; Agmo Hernández, V.; Wende, K.
    Correction to: Scientific Reports, published online 29 October 2020