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    Biocompatible Micron-Scale Silk Fibers Fabricated by Microfluidic Wet Spinning
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Lüken, Arne; Geiger, Matthias; Steinbeck, Lea; Joel, Anna-Christin; Lampert, Angelika; Linkhorst, John; Wessling, Matthias
    For successful material deployment in tissue engineering, the material itself, its mechanical properties, and the microscopic geometry of the product are of particular interest. While silk is a widely applied protein-based tissue engineering material with strong mechanical properties, the size and shape of artificially spun silk fibers are limited by existing processes. This study adjusts a microfluidic spinneret to manufacture micron-sized wet-spun fibers with three different materials enabling diverse geometries for tissue engineering applications. The spinneret is direct laser written (DLW) inside a microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chip using two-photon lithography, applying a novel surface treatment that enables a tight print-channel sealing. Alginate, polyacrylonitrile, and silk fibers with diameters down to 1 Âµm are spun, while the spinneret geometry controls the shape of the silk fiber, and the spinning process tailors the mechanical property. Cell-cultivation experiments affirm bio-compatibility and showcase an interplay between the cell-sized fibers and cells. The presented spinning process pushes the boundaries of fiber fabrication toward smaller diameters and more complex shapes with increased surface-to-volume ratio and will substantially contribute to future tailored tissue engineering materials for healthcare applications. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Healthcare Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Porous PVDF Monoliths with Templated Geometry
    (Weinheim : Wiley, 2021) Djeljadini, Suzana; Bongartz, Patrick; Alders, Michael; Hartmann, Nils; Oing, Alexander; Cornelissen, Christian; Hesselmann, Felix; Arens, Jutta; Steinseifer, Ulrich; Linkhorst, John; Wessling, Matthias
    Additive manufacturing of complex porous polymer geometries is a new field of advanced materials processing. Such new geometries can be used to fabricate porous polymer monoliths serving as a support for other material functions. Here, a novel fabrication technology to manufacture tailored 3D porous monoliths via additive manufacturing and templating is presented. The method is based on replicating a 3D-printed mold with a polymer solution of polyvinylidenfluorid-triethyl phosphate (PVDF-TEP) and induce phase separation of the polymer solution subsequently. In a second step, the mold is removed without affecting the porous PVDF phase. As a result, porous monoliths with a templated 3D architecture are successfully fabricated. The manufacturing process is successfully applied to complex structures and can be applied to any conceivable geometry. Coating the porous 3D monoliths with another PVDF solution allows applying a skin layer yielding an asymmetric membrane monolith. As a showcase, a polydimethylsiloxane coating even leads to a smooth and dense layer of micrometer size. The methodology enables a new generation of complex porous polymer monoliths with tailored surface coatings. For the combination of poly(dimethylsiloxane) on a porous support, gas/liquid mass transfer is used in blood oxygenation with reduced diffusion limitation is within reach.