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Synthesis and molecular structures of the lowest melting odd- and even-numbered a,b-unsaturated carboxylic acids—(E)-hept-2-enoic acid and (E)-oct-2-enoic acid

2016, Sonneck, Marcel, Spannenberg, Anke, Wohlrab, Sebastian, Peppel, Tim

The molecular structures of the two lowest melting odd- and even-numbered α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acids—(E)-hept-2-enoic acid (C7) and (E)-oct-2-enoic acid (C8)—are herein reported. The title compounds were crystallized by slow evaporation of ethanolic solutions at −30 °C. C7 crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1¯ with two molecules in the unit cell and C8 in the monoclinic space group C2/c with eight molecules in the unit cell. The unit cell parameters for C7 are: a = 5.3049(2) Å, b = 6.6322(3) Å, c = 11.1428(5) Å, α = 103.972(3)°, β = 97.542(3)°, γ = 90.104(3)°, and V = 376.92(3) Å3 (T = 150(2) K). The unit cell parameters for C8 are: a = 19.032(10) Å, b = 9.368(5) Å, c = 11.520(6) Å, β = 123.033(11)°, and V = 1721.80(16) Å3 (T = 200(2) K).

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Verbundvorhaben NAWAROs: Energetisch-stoffliche Verwertung von Kulturpflanzen - Ligninabtrennung, Fermentation und partielle Oxidation, Teilvorhaben: Oxidation von Methan und Methan/Kohlendioxid-Gemischen zu Oxygenaten : Abschlussbericht ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.06.2010 - 31.05.2013 (kostenneutrale Verlängerung bis 31.12.2013)

2014, Martin, Andreas, Wohlrab, Sebastian

[no abstract available]