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    A post-IR IRSL chronology and dust mass accumulation rates of the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia
    (Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell, 2020) Perić, Zoran M.; Marković, Slobodan B.; Sipos, György; Gavrilov, Milivoj B.; Thiel, Christine; Zeeden, Christian; Murray, Andrew S.
    In the Middle Danube Basin, Quaternary deposits are widely distributed in the Vojvodina region where they cover about 95% of the area. Major research during the last two decades has been focused on loess deposits in the Vojvodina region. During this period, loess in the Vojvodina region has become one of the most important Pleistocene European continental climatic and environmental records. Here we present the dating results of 15 samples taken from the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia in order to establish a chronology over the last three glacial–interglacial cycles. We use the pIRIR290 signal of the 4–11 μm polymineral grains. The calculated ages are within the error limits partially consistent with the proposed multi-millennial chronostratigraphy for Serbian loess. The average mass accumulation rate for the last three glacial–interglacial cycles is 265 g m−2 a−1, which is in agreement with the values of most sites in the Carpathian Basin. Our results indicate a highly variable deposition rate of loess, especially during the MIS 3 and MIS 6 stages, which is contrary to most studies conducted in Serbia where linear sedimentation rates were assumed. © 2020 The Authors. Boreas published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Boreas Collegium
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    Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy of Permian Loess in Eastern Equatorial Pangea (Salagou Formation, South-Central France)
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2020) Pfeifer, Lily S.; Hinnov, Linda; Zeeden, Christian; Rolf, Christian; Laag, Christian; Soreghan, Gerilyn S.
    We present the findings from analysis and modeling of a stratigraphic series of magnetic susceptibility (MS) data measured with a portable MS meter from the Permian Salagou Formation loessite (south-central France). The results reveal discernible Milankovitch-scale paleoclimatic variability throughout the Salagou Formation, recording astronomically forced climate change in deep-time loessite of eastern equatorial Pangea. Optimal sedimentation rates are estimated to have ranged between 9.4 cm/kyr (lower Salagou Formation) and 13 cm/kyr (mid-upper Salagou Formation). A persistent 10-m-thick cyclicity is present that likely represents orbital eccentricity-scale (∼100 kyr) variability through the middle to late Cisuralian (ca. 285—275 Ma). Subordinate, higher frequency cycles with thicknesses of ∼3.3–3.5 and ∼1.8 m appear to represent obliquity and precession-scale variability. If the driver of magnetic enhancement is pedogenic, then the ∼10 m thick cyclicity that is consistent over ∼1000 m of section may represent the thickness of loessite–paleosol couplets in the Salagou Formation. Laboratory rock magnetic data show generally low magnetic enhancement compared to analogous Eurasian Quaternary loess deposits. This is related to the predominance of hematite (substantially weaker signal than magnetite or maghemite) in the Salagou Formation which may be explained by different conditions of formation (e.g., syn depositional processes, more arid, and/or oxidizing climate conditions) than in present Eurasia and/or post depositional oxidation of magnetite and maghemite. © Copyright © 2020 Pfeifer, Hinnov, Zeeden, Rolf, Laag and Soreghan.
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    Loess-Palaeosol Sequences in the Kashmir Valley, NW Himalayas: A Review
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2020) Dar, Reyaz A.; Zeeden, Christian
    Loess deposits and intercalated palaeosols are widespread in the Quaternary record, and these have been extensively used to gain insights into continental paleoclimatic and paleo-environmental conditions and changes. Especially over Eurasia, loess geoarchives play an important role for our understanding of past changes. Loess covers almost 500 km2 of the Kashmir Valley in north-western India, it occurs dominantly in plateau positions, but also on terraces and sometimes forms slope deposits with thicknesses ranging from several to more than 20 m. For the time being, however, the timing of the initiation of the loess accumulation, the provenance, the grain size composition and also the paleo-environment have not been studied systematically and yet only little quantitative data is available. Yet it is clear that deposition rates are at least comparable to European loess, and that the presence of multiple palaeosols intercalated in the loess can provide valuable information on the history of the region. The limited available data hinders regional and continental correlation, and tapping its value as archive of past environmental changes in this sensitive region with influence from Westerlies and the Indian Monsoon. However, several characteristic palaeosol patterns can be traced throughout the Kashmir valley, which provide stratigraphic information. Several studies investigate physical and chemical properties of the loess-paleosol sequences and conclude to its aeolian origin and recording of past climates. The intensity of soil formation phases is traced through various proxies in low resolution and yet without conclusive age control. Here we review the exiting literature, available data, and interpretations from loess-palaeosol sequences in the Kashmir Valley. These are placed in the context of our own observations and loess from the Indian subcontinent. © Copyright © 2020 Dar and Zeeden.
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    Smoothed millennial-scale palaeoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison targets: Application to European loess records
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2020) Zeeden, Christian; Obreht, Igor; Veres, Daniel; Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie; Hošek, Jan; Marković, Slobodan B.; Bösken, Janina; Lehmkuhl, Frank; Rolf, Christian; Hambach, Ulrich
    Millennial-scale palaeoclimate variability has been documented in various terrestrial and marine palaeoclimate proxy records throughout the Northern Hemisphere for the last glacial cycle. Its clear expression and rapid shifts between different states of climate (Greenland Interstadials and Stadials) represents a correlation tool beyond the resolution of e.g. luminescence dating, especially relevant for terrestrial deposits. Usually, comparison of terrestrial proxy datasets and the Greenland ice cores indicates a complex expression of millennial-scale climate variability as recorded in terrestrial geoarchives including loess. Loess is the most widespread terrestrial geoarchive of the Quaternary and especially widespread over Eurasia. However, loess often records a smoothed representation of millennial-scale variability without all fidelity when compared to the Greenland data, this being a relevant limiting feature in integrating loess with other palaeoclimate records. To better understand the loess proxy-response to millennial-scale climate variability, we simulate a proxy signal smoothing by natural processes through application of low-pass filters of δ18O data from Greenland, a high-resolution palaeoclimate reference record, alongside speleothem isotope records from the Black Sea-Mediterranean region. We show that low-pass filters represent rather simple models for better constraining the expression of millennial-scale climate variability in low sedimentation environments, and in sediments where proxy-response signals are most likely affected by natural smoothing (by e.g. bioturbation). Interestingly, smoothed datasets from Greenland and the Black Sea-Mediterranean region are most similar in the last ~15 ka and between ~50–30 ka. Between ~30–15 ka, roughly corresponding to the Last Glacial Maximum and the deglaciation, the records show dissimilarities, challenging the construction of robust correlative time-scales in this age range. From our analysis it becomes apparent that patterns of palaeoclimate signals in loess-palaeosol sequences often might be better explained by smoothed Greenland reference data than the original high-resolution Greenland dataset, or other reference data. This opens the possibility to better assess the temporal resolution and palaeoclimate potential of loess-palaeosol sequences in recording supra-regional climate patterns, as well as to securely integrate loess with other chronologically better-resolved palaeoclimate records. © 2020, The Author(s).