32 results
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- ItemSymmetry‐Induced Selective Excitation of Topological States in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger Waveguide Arrays(Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023) Tang, Min; Wang, Jiawei; Valligatla, Sreeramulu; Saggau, Christian N.; Dong, Haiyun; Saei Ghareh Naz, Ehsan; Klembt, Sebastian; Lee, Ching Hua; Thomale, Ronny; van den Brink, Jeroen; Fulga, Ion Cosma; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Ma, LiboThe investigation of topological state transition in carefully designed photonic lattices is of high interest for fundamental research, as well as for applied studies such as manipulating light flow in on-chip photonic systems. Herein, the topological phase transition between symmetric topological zero modes (TZM) and antisymmetric TZMs in Su–Schrieffer–Heeger mirror symmetric waveguides is reported. The transition of TZMs is realized by adjusting the coupling ratio between neighboring waveguide pairs, which is enabled by selective modulation of the refractive index in the waveguide gaps. Bidirectional topological transitions between symmetric and antisymmetric TZMs can be achieved with proposed switching strategy. Selective excitation of topological edge mode is demonstrated owing to the symmetry characteristics of the TZMs. The flexible manipulation of topological states is promising for on-chip light flow control and may spark further investigations on symmetric/antisymmetric TZM transitions in other photonic topological frameworks.
- ItemMachine learning for additive manufacturing: Predicting materials characteristics and their uncertainty(Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2023) Chernyavsky, Dmitry; Kononenko, Denys Y.; Han, Jun Hee; Kim, Hwi Jun; van den Brink, Jeroen; Kosiba, KonradAdditive manufacturing (AM) is known for versatile fabrication of complex parts, while also allowing the synthesis of materials with desired microstructures and resulting properties. These benefits come at a cost: process control to manufacture parts within given specifications is very challenging due to the relevance of a large number of processing parameters. Efficient predictive machine learning (ML) models trained on small datasets, can minimize this cost. They also allow to assess the quality of the dataset inclusive of uncertainty. This is important in order for additively manufactured parts to meet property specifications not only on average, but also within a given variance or uncertainty. Here, we demonstrate this strategy by developing a heteroscedastic Gaussian process (HGP) model, from a dataset based on laser powder bed fusion of a glass-forming alloy at varying processing parameters. Using amorphicity as the microstructural descriptor, we train the model on our Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 (at.%) alloy dataset. The HGP model not only accurately predicts the mean value of amorphicity, but also provides the respective uncertainty. The quantification of the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty contributions allows to assess intrinsic inaccuracies of the dataset, as well as identify underlying physical phenomena. This HGP model approach enables to systematically improve ML-driven AM processes.
- ItemMomentum space entanglement from the Wilsonian effective action(Woodbury, NY : Inst., 2022) Martins Costa, Matheus H.; van den Brink, Jeroen; Nogueira, Flavio S.; Krein, Gastão I.The entanglement between momentum modes of a quantum field theory at different scales is not as well studied as its counterpart in real space, despite the natural connection with the Wilsonian idea of integrating out the high-momentum degrees of freedom. Here, we push such a connection further by developing a novel method to calculate the Rényi and entanglement entropies between slow and fast modes, which is based on the Wilsonian effective action at a given scale. This procedure is applied to the perturbative regime of some scalar theories, comparing the lowest-order results with those from the literature and interpreting them in terms of Feynman diagrams. This method is easily generalized to higher-order or nonperturbative calculations. It has the advantage of avoiding matrix diagonalizations of other techniques.
- ItemIntercalant-mediated Kitaev exchange in Ag3LiIr2O6(College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Yadav, Ravi; Reja, Sahinur; Ray, Rajyavardhan; van den Brink, Jeroen; Nishimoto, Satoshi; Yazyev, Oleg V.The recently synthesized Ag3LiIr2O6 has been proposed as a Kitaev magnet in proximity to the quantum spin liquid phase. We explore its microscopic Hamiltonian and magnetic ground state using many-body quantum chemistry methods and exact diagonalization techniques. Our calculations establish a dominant bond dependent ferromagnetic Kitaev exchange between Ir sites and find that the inclusion of Ag 4d orbitals in the configuration interaction calculations strikingly enhances the Kitaev exchange. Furthermore, using exact diagonalization of the nearest-neighbor fully anisotropic J−K−Γ Hamiltonian, we obtain the magnetic phase diagram as a function of further neighbor couplings. We find that the antiferromagnetic off-diagonal coupling stabilizes long range order, but the structure factor calculations suggest that the material is very close to the quantum spin liquid phase and the ordered state can easily collapse into a liquid by small perturbations such as structural distortion or bond disorder.
- ItemObservation of orbital order in the van der Waals material 1T−TiSe2(College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Peng, Yingying; Guo, Xuefei; Xiao, Qian; Li, Qizhi; Strempfer, Jörg; Choi, Yongseong; Yan, Dong; Luo, Huixia; Huang, Yuqing; Jia, Shuang; Janson, Oleg; Abbamonte, Peter; van den Brink, Jeroen; van Wezel, JasperBesides magnetic and charge order, regular arrangements of orbital occupation constitute a fundamental order parameter of condensed matter physics. Even though orbital order is difficult to identify directly in experiments, its presence was firmly established in a number of strongly correlated, three-dimensional Mott insulators. Here, reporting resonant x-ray-scattering experiments on the layered van der Waals compound 1T-TiSe2, we establish that the known charge density wave in this weakly correlated, quasi-two-dimensional material corresponds to an orbital ordered phase. Our experimental scattering results are consistent with first-principles calculations that bring to the fore a generic mechanism of close interplay between charge redistribution, lattice displacements, and orbital order. It demonstrates the essential role that orbital degrees of freedom play in TiSe2, and their importance throughout the family of correlated van der Waals materials.
- ItemChirality flip of Weyl nodes and its manifestation in strained MoTe2(College Park, MD : APS, 2021) Könye, Viktor; Bouhon, Adrien; Fulga, Ion Cosma; Slager, Robert-Jan; van den Brink, Jeroen; Facio, Jorge I.Due to their topological charge, or chirality, the Weyl cones present in topological semimetals are considered robust against arbitrary perturbations. One well-understood exception to this robustness is the pairwise creation or annihilation of Weyl cones, which involves the overlap of two oppositely charged nodes in energy and momentum. Here we show that their topological charge can in fact change sign, in a process that involves the merging of not two, but three Weyl nodes. This is facilitated by the presence of rotation and time-reversal symmetries, which constrain the relative positions of Weyl cones in momentum space. We analyze the chirality flip process, showing that transport properties distinguish it from the conventional, double Weyl merging. Moreover, we predict that the chirality flip occurs in MoTe$_2$, where experimentally accessible strain leads to the merging of three Weyl cones close to the Fermi level. Our work sets the stage to further investigate and observe such chirality flipping processes in different topological materials.
- ItemUnraveling the Orbital Physics in a Canonical Orbital System KCuF3(College Park, Md. : APS, 2021) Li, Jiemin; Xu, Lei; Garcia-Fernandez, Mirian; Nag, Abhishek; Robarts, H.C.; Walters, A.C.; Liu, X.; Zhou, Jianshi; Wohlfeld, Krzysztof; van den Brink, Jeroen; Ding, Hong; Zhou, Ke-JinWe explore the existence of the collective orbital excitations, orbitons, in the canonical orbital system KCuF3 using the Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. We show that the nondispersive high-energy peaks result from the Cu2+ dd orbital excitations. These high-energy modes display good agreement with the ab initio quantum chemistry calculation, indicating that the dd excitations are highly localized. At the same time, the low-energy excitations present clear dispersion. They match extremely well with the two-spinon continuum following the comparison with Müller ansatz calculations. The localized dd excitations and the observation of the strongly dispersive magnetic excitations suggest that the orbiton dispersion is below the resolution detection limit. Our results can reconcile with the strong local Jahn-Teller effect in KCuF3, which predominantly drives orbital ordering.
- ItemMagnetic warping in topological insulators(College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Naselli, Gabriele; Moghaddam, Ali G.; Di Napoli, Solange; Vildosola, Verónica; Fulga, Ion Cosma; van den Brink, Jeroen; Facio, Jorge I.We analyze the electronic structure of topological surface states in the family of magnetic topological insulators MnBi2nTe3n+1. We show that, at natural-cleavage surfaces, the Dirac cone warping changes its symmetry from hexagonal to trigonal at the magnetic ordering temperature. In particular, an energy splitting develops between the surface states of the same band index but opposite surface momenta upon formation of the long-range magnetic order. As a consequence, measurements of such energy splittings constitute a simple protocol to detect the magnetic ordering via the surface electronic structure, alternative to the detection of the surface magnetic gap. Interestingly, while the latter signals a nonzero surface magnetization, the trigonal warping predicted here is, in addition, sensitive to the direction of the surface magnetic flux. Our results may be particularly useful when the Dirac point is buried in the projection of the bulk states, caused by certain terminations of the crystal or in hole-doped systems, since in both situations the surface magnetic gap itself is not accessible in photoemission experiments.
- ItemTwo-Dimensional Discommensurations: An Extension to McMillan’s Ginzburg–Landau Theory(Basel : MDPI, 2023) Mertens, Lotte; van den Brink, Jeroen; Wezel, Jasper vanCharge density waves (CDWs) profoundly affect the electronic properties of materials and have an intricate interplay with other collective states, like superconductivity and magnetism. The well-known macroscopic Ginzburg–Landau theory stands out as a theoretical method for describing CDW phenomenology without requiring a microscopic description. In particular, it has been instrumental in understanding the emergence of domain structures in several CDW compounds, as well as the influence of critical fluctuations and the evolution towards or across lock-in transitions. In this context, McMillan’s foundational work introduced discommensurations as the objects mediating the transition from commensurate to incommensurate CDWs, through an intermediate nearly commensurate phase characterised by an ordered array of phase slips. Here, we extended the simplified, effectively one-dimensional, setting of the original model to a fully two-dimensional analysis. We found exact and numerical solutions for several types of discommensuration patterns and provide a framework for consistently describing multi-component CDWs embedded in quasi-two-dimensional atomic lattices.
- ItemSpin Nernst effect in a p-band semimetal InBi(Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2020) Zhang, Yang; Xu, Qiunan; Koepernik, Klaus; Fu, Chenguang; Gooth, Johannes; van den Brink, Jeroen; Felser, Claudia; Sun, YanSince spin currents can be generated, detected, and manipulated via the spin Hall effect (SHE), the design of strong SHE materials has become a focus in the field of spintronics. Because of the recent experimental progress also the spin Nernst effect (SNE), the thermoelectrical counterpart of the SHE, has attracted much interest. Empirically strong SHEs and SNEs are associated with d-band compounds, such as transition metals and their alloys—the largest spin Hall conductivity (SHC) in a p-band material is $\sim 450\left(\hslash /e\right){\left({\Omega}\enspace \mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}\right)}^{-1}$ for a Bi–Sb alloy, which is only about a fifth of platinum. This raises the question whether either the SHE and SNE are naturally suppressed in p-bands compounds, or favourable p-band systems were just not identified yet. Here we consider the p-band semimetal InBi, and predict it has a record SHC ${\sigma }_{xy}^{z}\approx 1100\enspace \left(\hslash /e\right){\left({\Omega}\enspace \mathrm{c}\mathrm{m}\right)}^{-1}$ which is due to the presence of nodal lines in its band structure. Also the spin-Nernst conductivity ${\alpha }_{zx}^{y}\approx 1.2\enspace \left(\hslash /e\right)\left(A/m\cdot K\right)$ is very large, but our analysis shows its origin is different as the maximum appears in a different tensor element compared to that in SHC. This insight gained on InBi provides guiding principles to obtain a strong SHE and SNE in p-band materials and establishes a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the SHE and SNE.