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3D numerical simulations of THz generation by two-color laser filaments

2012, Bergé, Luc, Skupin, Stefan, Köhler, Christian, Babushkin, Ihar, Herrmann, Joachim

Terahertz (THz) radiation produced by the filamentation of two-color pulses over long distances in argon is numerically investigated using a comprehensive model in full spacetime resolved geometry. We show that the dominant physical mechanism for THz generation in the filamentation regime at clamping intensity is based on quasi-dc plasma currents. The calculated THz spectra for different pump pulse energies and pulse durations are in agreement with previously reported experimental observations. For the same pulse parameters, near-infrared pump pulses at 2 m are shown to generate a more than one order of magnitude larger THz yield than pumps centered at 800 nm.

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Quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in noble gases employing ultrasound

2012, Sapaev, Usman K., Babushkin, Ihar, Herrmann, Joachim

We study a novel method of quasi-phase-matching for third harmonic generation in a gas cell using the periodic modulation of the gas pressure and thus of the third order nonlinear coefficient in the axial direction created by an ultrasound wave. Using a comprehensive numerical model we describe the quasi-phase matched third harmonic generation of UV (at 266 nm) and VUV pulses (at 133 nm) by using pump pulses at 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively, with pulse energy in the range from 3 mJ to 1 J. In addition, using chirped pump pulses, the generation of sub-20-fs VUV pulses without the necessity for an external chirp compensation is predicted.

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Generation of terahertz radiation from ionizing two-color laser pulses in Ar filled metallic hollow waveguides

2010, Babuškin, Ihar, Skupin, Stefan, Herrmann, Joachim

The generation of THz radiation from ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses propagating in metallic hollow waveguides filled with Ar is numerically studied. We observe a strong reshaping of the low-frequency part of the spectrum. Namely, after several millimeters of propagation the spectrum is extended from hundreds of GHz up to 150 THz. For longer propagation distances, nearly single-cycle near-infrared pulses with wavelengths around 4.5 μm are obtained by appropriate spectral filtering, with an efficiency of up to 0.25 %.

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Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

2010, Babushkin, Ihar, Kuehn, Wihelm, Köhler, Christian, Skupin, Stefan, Bergé, Luc, Reimann, Klaus, Woerner, Michael, Herrmann, Joachim, Elsaesser, Thomas

We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission.