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    The influence of Mg doping on the nucleation of self-induced GaN nanowires
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2012) Limbach, F.; Caterino, R.; Gotschke, T.; Stoica, T.; Calarco, R.; Geelhaar, L.; Riechert, H.
    GaN nanowires were grown without any catalyst by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Under supply of Mg, nanowire nucleation is faster, the areal density of wires increases to a higher value, and nanowire coalescence is more pronounced than without Mg. During nanowire nucleation the Ga desorption was monitored insitu by line-of-sight quadrupolemass spectrometry for various substrate temperatures. Nucleation energies of 4.0±0.3 eV and 3.2±0.3 eV without and with Mg supply were deduced, respectively. This effect has to be taken into account for the fabrication of nanowire devices and could be employed to tune the NW areal density.
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    Ferroelectric switching in epitaxial GeTe films
    (New York : American Institute of Physics, 2014) Kolobov, A.V.; Kim, D.J.; Giussani, A.; Fons, P.; Tominaga, J.; Calarco, R.; Gruverman, A.
    In this paper, using a resonance-enhanced piezoresponse force microscopy approach supported by density functional theory computer simulations, we have demonstrated the ferroelectric switching in epitaxial GeTe films. It has been shown that in films with thickness on the order of several nanometers reversible reorientation of polarization occurs due to swapping of the shorter and longer Ge-Te bonds in the interior of the material. It is also hinted that for ultra thin films consisting of just several atomic layers weakly bonded to the substrate, ferroelectric switching may proceed through exchange of Ge and Te planes within individual GeTe layers.
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    Absorption and photoemission spectroscopy of rare-earth oxypnictides
    (Milton Park : Taylor & Francis, 2009) Kroll, T.; Roth, F.; Koitzsch, A.; Kraus, R.; Batchelor, D.R.; Werner, J.; Behr, G.; Büchner, B.; Knupfer, M.
    The electronic structure of various rare-earth oxypnictides has been investigated by performing Fe L2, 3 x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and Fe 2p and valence band x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. As representative samples the non-superconducting parent compounds LnFeAsO (Ln=La, Ce, Sm and Gd) have been chosen and measured at 25 and 300 K, i.e. below and above the structural and magnetic phase transition at ~150 K. We find no significant change of the electronic structure of the FeAs layers when switching between the different rare-earth ions or when varying the temperature below and above the transition temperatures. Using a simple two-configuration model, we find qualitative agreement with the Fe 2p3/2 core-level spectrum, which allows for a qualitative explanation of the experimental spectral shapes.
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    1D symmetry for semilinear pdes from the limit interface of the solution
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Farina, Alberto; Valdinoci, Enrico
    We study bounded, entire, monotone solutions of the Allen-Cahn equation. We prove that under suitable assumptions on the limit interface and on the energy growth, the solution is 1D. In particular, differently from the previous literature, the solution is not assumed to have minimal properties. We think that this approach could be fruitful in concrete situations, where one can observe the phase separation at a large scale and whishes to deduce the values of the state parameter in the vicinity of the interface. As a simple example of the results obtained with this point of view, we mention that monotone solutions with energy bounds, whose limit interface does not contain a vertical line through the origin, are 1D, at least up to dimension 4.
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    A nonlocal quasilinear multi-phase system with nonconstant specific heat and heat conductivity
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Colli, Pierluigi; Krejˇcí, Pavel; Rocca, Elisabetta; Sprekels, Jürgen
    In this paper, we prove the existence and global boundedness from above for a solution to an integrodifferential model for nonisothermal multi-phase transitions under nonhomogeneous third type boundary conditions. The system couples a quasilinear internal energy balance ruling the evolution of the absolute temperature with a vectorial integro-differential inclusion governing the (vectorial) phase-parameter dynamics. The specific heat and the heat conductivity $k$ are allowed to depend both on the order parameter $chi$ and on the absolute temperature $theta$ of the system, and the convex component of the free energy may or may not be singular. Uniqueness and continuous data dependence are also proved under additional assumptions.
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    A model for resistance welding including phase transitions and Joule heating
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Hömberg, Dietmar; Rocca, Elisabetta
    In this paper we introduce a new model for solid-liquid phase transitions triggered by Joule heating as they arise in the case of resistance welding of metal parts. The main novelties of the paper are the coupling of the thermistor problem with a phase field model and the consideration of phase dependent physical parameters through a mixture ansatz. The PDE system resulting from our modelling approach couples a strongly nonlinear heat equation, a non-smooth equation for the the phase parameter (standing for the local proportion of one of the two phases) with quasistatic electric charge conservation law. We prove existence of weak solutions in the 3D case, while the regularity result and the uniqueness of solution is stated only in the 2D case. Indeed, uniqueness for the three dimensional system is still an open problem.