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Magnetic flux-trapping of anisotropic-grown Y-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductors during and after pulsed-field magnetizing processes

2014, Oka, T., Yamada, Y., Horiuchi, T., Ogawa, J., Fukui, S., Sato, T., Yokoyama, K., Langer, M.

The magnetic flux penetration into the melt-textured Y-Ba-Cu-O high temperature superconducting bulk magnets were precisely evaluated during and after the pulsed field magnetization processes operated at 30 K. The bulk magnets were carefully fabricated by the cold seeding method with use of a single and a pair of seed crystals composed of the Nd-Ba-Cu-O thin films. These seed crystals were put on the top surfaces of the precursors to let the large grains grow during the heat treatments. We observed the flux penetrations which occurred in the lower applied-field regions at around 3.1 T for the samples bearing the twin seeds than those of the single-seeded crystals at around 3.8 T. This means that the magnetic fluxes are capable of invading into the twin-seeded samples more easily than the single-seeds. It suggests that the anisotropic grain growths of parallel and normal to the rows of seed crystals affects the variations of Jc values with different distributions of the pinning centers, results in the preferential paths for the invading magnetic fluxes.

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Magnetically induced reorientation of martensite variants in constrained epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films grown on MgO(001)

2008, Thomas, M., Heczko, O., Buschbeck, J., Rößler, U.K., McCord, J., Scheerbaum, N., Schultz, L., Fähler, S.

Magnetically induced reorientation (MIR) is observed in epitaxial orthorhombic Ni-Mn-Ga films. Ni-Mn-Ga films have been grown epitaxially on heated MgO(001) substrates in the cubic austenite state. The unit cell is rotated by 45° relative to the MgO cell. The growth, structure texture and anisotropic magnetic properties of these films are described. The crystallographic analysis of the martensitic transition reveals variant selection dominated by the substrate constraint. The austenite state has low magnetocrystalline anisotropy. In the martensitic state, the magnetization curves reveal an orthorhombic symmetry having three magnetically non-equivalent axes. The existence of MIR is deduced from the typical hysteresis within the first quadrant in magnetization curves and independently by texture measurement without and in the presence of a magnetic field probing micro structural changes. An analytical model is presented, which describes MIR in films with constrained overall extension by the additional degree of freedom of an orthorhombic structure compared to the tetragonal structure used in the standard model.