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    Gravitational lensing in astronomy
    (Berlin : Springer, 1998) Wambsganss, J.
    Deflection of light by gravity was predicted by General Relativity and observationally confirmed in 1919. In the following decades, various aspects of the gravitational lens effect were explored theoretically. Among them were: the possibility of multiple or ring-like images of background sources, the use of lensing as a gravitational telescope on very faint and distant objects, and the possibility of determining Hubble's constant with lensing. It is only relatively recently, (after the discovery of the first doubly imaged quasar in 1979), that gravitational lensing has became an observational science. Today lensing is a booming part of astrophysics. In addition to multiply-imaged quasars, a number of other aspects of lensing have been discovered: For example, giant luminous arcs, quasar microlensing, Einstein rings, galactic microlensing events, arclets, and weak gravitational lensing. At present, literally hundreds of individual gravitational lens phenomena are known. Although still in its childhood, lensing has established itself as a very useful astrophysical tool with some remarkable successes. It has contributed significant new results in areas as different as the cosmological distance scale, the large scale matter distribution in the universe, mass and mass distribution of galaxy clusters, the physics of quasars, dark matter in galaxy halos, and galaxy structure. Looking at these successes in the recent past we predict an even more luminous future for gravitational lensing.
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    EUROMAT 2019 Symposia on Processing
    (Berlin : Springer, 2020) Kaban, Ivan; Zervaki, Anna; Sommitsch, Christof; Protsenko, Pavel; Agathopoulos, Simeon
    This issue of JMEP contains invited, peer-reviewed papers presented at the European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2019), held on September 1–5, 2019, in Stockholm, Sweden, in two symposia from the Area C “Processing”: C6 “Joining,” organized by Anna Zervaki (University of Thessaly, Greece), Ivan Kaban (IFW Dresden, Germany), and C. Sommitsch (Technische Universität Graz, Austria) C8 “Interface Design and Modelling, Wetting, and High-Temperature Capillarity,” organized by Pavel Protsenko (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation), Fabrizio Valenza (CNR—ICMATE, Genoa, Italy), and Simeon Agathopoulos (University of Ioannina, Greece) The research works in the field of joining technologies, presented at the C6 symposium, concerned soldering, brazing, diffusion bonding, resistance spot welding, friction stir welding, and riveting techniques. The symposium C8 covered research topics on grain boundary wetting, surface energy of liquid metals and interfacial phenomena, considering fundamental as well as applied issues related to materials joining, and interface design. We wish to thank the authors for the written contributions and acknowledge the reviewers for their careful reading and evaluation of the manuscripts and valuable suggestions to improve the quality of the papers. We are grateful to the editor-in-chief of JMEP, Dr. Rajiv Asthana, and the ASM journal staff, including Mary Anne Fleming, senior content developer; Kate Doman, content developer (journals); and Vincent Katona, production coordinator; for the opportunity to publish the symposia contributions in this issue and for their professional and friendly support during the entire reviewing and publication process. We hope this collection will stimulate fresh thinking and promote further research on joining and interfacial phenomena.
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    Epitaxial hybrid ferromagnet-semiconductor structures: Growth, structural and magnetic properties
    (Berlin : Springer, 2004) Däweritz, L.
    Ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructures are promising materials for the integration of magnetic or spin related functions into semiconductor materials and devices. Fe-on-GaAs and MnAs-on-GaAs are canditates for potential room temperature applications. We review our recent results on growth, structural and magnetic properties of these materials, and their use as spin injectors. The most critical issue of Fe/GaAs heterostructures is the delicate interface formation during epitaxy and its possible modification during subsequent processing. The properties of the MnAs/GaAs heterostructures are intimately related to the phase transition between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases.