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Ultrashort optical pulse propagation in terms of analytic signal

2011, Amiranashvili, Sh., Demircan, A.

We demonstrate that ultrashort optical pulses propagating in a nonlinear dispersive medium are naturally described through incorporation of analytic signal for the electric field. To this end a second-order nonlinear wave equation is first simplified using a unidirectional approximation. Then the analytic signal is introduced, and all nonresonant nonlinear terms are eliminated. The derived propagation equation accounts for arbitrary dispersion, resonant four-wave mixing processes, weak absorption, and arbitrary pulse duration. The model applies to the complex electric field and is independent of the slowly varying envelope approximation. Still the derived propagation equation posses universal structure of the generalized nonlinear Schrdinger equation (NSE). In particular, it can be solved numerically with only small changes of the standard split-step solver or more complicated spectral algorithms for NSE. We present exemplary numerical solutions describing supercontinuum generation with an ultrashort optical pulse.

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A propagation-separation approach to estimate the autocorrelation in a time-series

2008, Divine, D.V., Polzehl, J., Godtliebsen, F.

The paper presents an approach to estimate parameters of a local stationary AR(1) time series model by maximization of a local likelihood function. The method is based on a propagation-separation procedure that leads to data dependent weights defining the local model. Using free propagation of weights under homogeneity, the method is capable of separating the time series into intervals of approximate local stationarity. Parameters in different regions will be significantly different. Therefore the method also serves as a test for a stationary AR(1) model. The performance of the method is illustrated by applications to both synthetic data and real time-series of reconstructed NAO and ENSO indices and GRIP stable isotopes.

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Modification of Newton's law of gravity at very large distances

2002, Kirillov, A.A., Turaev, D.

We discuss a Modified Field Theory (MOFT) in which the number of fields can vary. It is shown that when the number of fields is conserved MOFT reduces to the standard field theory but interaction constants undergo an additional renormalization and acquire a dependence on spatial scales. In particular, the renormalization of the gravitational constant leads to the deviation of the law of gravity from the Newton's law in some range of scales rmin < r < rmax, in which the gravitational potential shows essentially logarithmic ∼ ln r (instead of 1/r) behavior. In this range, the renormalized value of the gravitational constant G increases and at scales r > rmax acquires a new constant value G′ ∼ Grmax/rmin. From the dynamical standpoint this looks as if every point source is surrounded with a halo of dark matter. It is also shown that if the maximal scale rmax is absent, the homogeneity of the dark matter in the Universe is consistent with a fractal distribution of baryons in space, in which the luminous matter is located on thin two-dimensional surfaces separated by empty regions of ever growing size.

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Rogue events in the group velocity horizon

2012, Demircan, A., Amiranashvili, S., Brée, C., Mahnke, C., Mitschke, F., Steinmeyer, G.

The concept of rogue waves arises from a mysterious and potentially calamitous phenomenon of oceanic surfaces. There is mounting evidence that they are actually commonplace in a variety of different physical settings. A set of defining criteria has been advanced; this set is of great generality and therefore applicable to a wide class of systems. The question arises naturally whether there are generic mechanisms responsible for extreme events in different systems. Here we argue that under suitable circumstances nonlinear interaction between weak and strong waves results in intermittent giant waves with all the signatures of rogue waves. To obtain these circumstances only a few basic conditions must be met. Then reflection of waves at the so-called group-velocity horizon occurs. The connection between rogue waves and event horizons, seemingly unrelated physical phenomena, is identified as a feature common in many different physical systems.

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Delay-induced dynamics and jitter reduction of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback

2012, Otto, C., Lüdge, K., Vladimirov, A.G., Wolfrum, M., Schöll, E.

We study a passively mode-locked semiconductor ring laser subject to optical feedback from an external mirror. Using a delay differential equation model for the mode-locked laser, we are able to systematically investigate the resonance effects of the inter-spike interval time of the laser and the roundtrip time of the light in the external cavity (delay time) for intermediate and long delay times. We observe synchronization plateaus following the ordering of the well-known Farey sequence. Our results show that in agreement with the experimental results a reduction of the timing jitter is possible if the delay time is chosen close to an integer multiple of the inter-spike interval time of the laser without external feedback. Outside the main resonant regimes the timing jitter is drastically increased by the feedback.