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Membrane technologies for lactic acid separation from fermentation broths derived from renewable resources

2018, Alexandri, M., Schneider, R., Venus, J.

Lactic acid (LA) was produced on a pilot scale using a defined medium with glucose, acid whey, sugar bread and crust bread. The fermentation broths were then subjected to micro-and nanofiltration. Microfiltration efficiently separated the microbial cells. The highest average permeate flow flux was achieved for the defined medium (263.3 L/m2/h) and the lowest for the crust bread-based medium (103.8 L/m2/h). No LA losses were observed during microfiltration of the acid whey, whilst the highest retention of LA was 21.5% for crust bread. Nanofiltration led to high rejections of residual sugars, proteins and ions (sulphate, magnesium, calcium), with a low retention of LA. Unconverted sugar rejections were 100% and 63% for crust bread and sugar bread media respectively, with corresponding LA losses of 22.4% and 2.5%. The membrane retained more than 50% of the ions and proteins present in all media and more than 60% of phosphorus. The average flux was highly affected by the nature of the medium as well as by the final concentration of LA and sugars. The results of this study indicate that micro-and nanofiltration could be industrially employed as primary separation steps for the biotechnologically produced LA.

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Production and purification of L-lactic acid in lab and pilot scales using sweet sorghum juice

2019, Olszewska-Widdrat, A., Alexandri, M., López-Gómez, J.P., Schneider, R., Mandl, M., Venus, J.

Sweet sorghum juice (SSJ) was evaluated as fermentation substrate for the production of l-lactic acid. A thermophilic Bacillus coagulans isolate was selected for batch fermentations without the use of additional nutrients. The first batch of SSJ (Batch A) resulted on higher lactic acid concentration, yield and productivity with values of 78.75 g·L−1, 0.78 g·g−1 and 1.77 g·L−1 h−1, respectively. Similar results were obtained when the process was transferred into the pilot scale (50 L), with corresponding values of 73 g·L−1, 0.70 g·g−1 and 1.47 g·L−1 h−1. A complete downstream process scheme was developed in order to separate lactic acid from the fermentation components. Coarse and ultra-filtration were employed as preliminary separation steps. Mono- and bipolar electrodialysis, followed by chromatography and vacuum evaporation were subsequently carried out leading to a solution containing 905.8 g·L−1 lactic acid, with an optical purity of 98.9%. The results of this study highlight the importance of the downstream process with respect to using SSJ for lactic acid production. The proposed downstream process constitutes a more environmentally benign approach to conventional precipitation methods.

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Impact of a pilot-scale plasma-assisted washing process on the culturable microbial community dynamics related to fresh-cut endive lettuce

2018, Fröhling, A., Ehlbeck, J., Schlüter, O.

Cold plasma is described as a promising technique for the treatment of fresh food. In particular, the application of plasma-treated water gained interest in fresh-cut produce processing. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of plasma-treated water (PTW) to decontaminate lettuce during washing on a pilot-scale level with special interest in the dynamics of the culturable microbial community in a first approach. PTW was used in pilot-scale washing at different processing steps, and the total viable count (TVC) of endive lettuce was determined after treatment and after storage (seven days, 2 °C). Microflora representatives were identified using MALDI-ToF MS. The highest reduction of TVC (1.8 log units) was achieved using PTW for washing whole lettuce before cutting. The microbial community structure showed high variations in the composition along the processing chain and during storage with a decrease in diversity after washing with PTW. PTW reduced the microbial load of endive lettuce; however, this was not clearly detectable at the end of storage, similar to other sanitizers used in comparable studies. To assure the safety of fresh products, detailed knowledge about the microbial load and the composition of the microbial community close to the end of shelf life is of high interest for optimized process design.

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Process disturbances in agricultural biogas production—causes, mechanisms and effects on the biogas microbiome: A review

2019, Theuerl, S., Klang, J., Prochnow, A.

Disturbances of the anaerobic digestion process reduce the economic and environmental performance of biogas systems. A better understanding of the highly complex process is of crucial importance in order to avoid disturbances. This review defines process disturbances as significant changes in the functionality within the microbial community leading to unacceptable and severe decreases in biogas production and requiring an active counteraction to be overcome. The main types of process disturbances in agricultural biogas production are classified as unfavorable process temperatures, fluctuations in the availability of macro- and micronutrients (feedstock variability), overload of the microbial degradation potential, process-related accumulation of inhibiting metabolites such as hydrogen (H 2 ), ammonium/ammonia (NH 4 + /NH 3 ) or hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) and inhibition by other organic and inorganic toxicants. Causes, mechanisms and effects on the biogas microbiome are discussed. The need for a knowledge-based microbiome management to ensure a stable and efficient production of biogas with low susceptibility to disturbances is derived and an outlook on potential future process monitoring and control by means of microbial indicators is provided.