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    Time-Warping Invariants of Multidimensional Time Series
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2020) Diehl, Joscha; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Tapia, Nikolas
    In data science, one is often confronted with a time series representing measurements of some quantity of interest. Usually, in a first step, features of the time series need to be extracted. These are numerical quantities that aim to succinctly describe the data and to dampen the influence of noise. In some applications, these features are also required to satisfy some invariance properties. In this paper, we concentrate on time-warping invariants. We show that these correspond to a certain family of iterated sums of the increments of the time series, known as quasisymmetric functions in the mathematics literature. We present these invariant features in an algebraic framework, and we develop some of their basic properties. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Novel fixed-time stabilization of quaternion-valued BAMNNs with disturbances and time-varying coefficients
    (Springfield, MO : AIMS Press, 2020) Wei, Ruoyu; Cao, Jinde; Kurths, Jürgen
    In this paper, with the quaternion number and time-varying coefficients introduced into traditional BAMNNs, the model of quaternion-valued BAMNNs are formulated. For the first time, fixed-time stabilization of time-varying quaternion-valued BAMNNs is investigated. A novel fixed-time control method is adopted, in which the choice of the Lyapunov function is more general than in most previous results. To cope with the noncommutativity of the quaternion multiplication, two different fixed-time control methods are provided, a decomposition method and a non-decomposition method. Furthermore, to reduce the control strength and improve control efficiency, an adaptive fixed-time control strategy is proposed. Lastly, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. © 2020 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press.
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    Corrector estimates in homogenization of a nonlinear transmission problem for diffusion equations in connected domains
    (Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, 2020) Kovtunenko, Victor A.; Reichelt, Sina; Zubkova, Anna V.
    This paper is devoted to the homogenization of a nonlinear transmission problem stated in a two-phase domain. We consider a system of linear diffusion equations defined in a periodic domain consisting of two disjoint phases that are both connected sets separated by a thin interface. Depending on the field variables, at the interface, nonlinear conditions are imposed to describe interface reactions. In the variational setting of the problem, we prove the homogenization theorem and a bidomain averaged model. The periodic unfolding technique is used to obtain the residual error estimate with a first-order corrector. © 2019 The Authors. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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    Dynamic probabilistic constraints under continuous random distributions
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2020) González Grandón, T.; Henrion, R.; Pérez-Aros, P.
    The paper investigates analytical properties of dynamic probabilistic constraints (chance constraints). The underlying random distribution is supposed to be continuous. In the first part, a general multistage model with decision rules depending on past observations of the random process is analyzed. Basic properties like (weak sequential) (semi-) continuity of the probability function or existence of solutions are studied. It turns out that the results differ significantly according to whether decision rules are embedded into Lebesgue or Sobolev spaces. In the second part, the simplest meaningful two-stage model with decision rules from L2 is investigated. More specific properties like Lipschitz continuity and differentiability of the probability function are considered. Explicitly verifiable conditions for these properties are provided along with explicit gradient formulae in the Gaussian case. The application of such formulae in the context of necessary optimality conditions is discussed and a concrete identification of solutions presented. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Time resolution and power consumption of a monolithic silicon pixel prototype in SiGe BiCMOS technology
    (London : Inst. of Physics, 2020) Paolozzi, L.; Cardarelli, R.; Débieux, S.; Favre, Y.; Ferrère, D.; Gonzalez-Sevilla, S.; Iacobucci, G.; Kaynak, M.; Martinelli, F.; Nessi, M.; Rücker, H.; Sanna, I.; Sultan, D.M.S.; Valerio, P.; Zaffaroni, E.
    SiGe BiCMOS technology can be used to produce ultra-fast, low-power silicon pixel sensors that provide state-of-the-art time resolution even without internal gain. The development of such sensors requires the identification and control of the main factors that may degrade the timing performance as well as the characterisation of the dependance of the sensor time resolution on the amplifier power consumption. Measurements with a 90Sr source of a prototype sensor produced in SG13G2 technology from IHP Microelectronics shows a time resolution of 140 ps at an amplifier current of 7 µA and 45 ps at a power consumption of 150 µA. The resolution on the measurement of the signal time-over-threshold, which is used to correct for time walk, is the main factor affecting the timing performance of this prototype. c 2020 CERN. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Sissa Medialab.
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    Patch-Wise Adaptive Weights Smoothing in R
    (Los Angeles, Calif. : UCLA, Dept. of Statistics, 2020) Polzehl, Jörg; Papafitsoros, Kostas; Tabelow, Karsten
    Image reconstruction from noisy data has a long history of methodological development and is based on a variety of ideas. In this paper we introduce a new method called patch-wise adaptive smoothing, that extends the propagation-separation approach by using comparisons of local patches of image intensities to define local adaptive weighting schemes for an improved balance of reduced variability and bias in the reconstruction result. We present the implementation of the new method in an R package aws and demonstrate its properties on a number of examples in comparison with other state-of-the art image reconstruction methods. © 2020, American Statistical Association. All rights reserved.
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    Modelling and simulation of flame cutting for steel plates with solid phases and melting
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2020) Arenas, Manuel J.; Hömberg, Dietmar; Lasarzik, Robert; Mikkonen, Pertti; Petzold, Thomas
    The goal of this work is to describe in detail a quasi-stationary state model which can be used to deeply understand the distribution of the heat in a steel plate and the changes in the solid phases of the steel and into liquid phase during the flame cutting process. We use a 3D-model similar to previous works from Thiébaud (J. Mater. Process. Technol. 214(2):304–310, 2014) and expand it to consider phases changes, in particular, austenite formation and melting of material. Experimental data is used to validate the model and study its capabilities. Parameters defining the shape of the volumetric heat source and the power density are calibrated to achieve good agreement with temperature measurements. Similarities and differences with other models from literature are discussed. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Beyond just “flattening the curve”: Optimal control of epidemics with purely non-pharmaceutical interventions
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2020) Kantner, Markus; Koprucki, Thomas
    When effective medical treatment and vaccination are not available, non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, home quarantine and far-reaching shutdown of public life are the only available strategies to prevent the spread of epidemics. Based on an extended SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) model and continuous-time optimal control theory, we compute the optimal non-pharmaceutical intervention strategy for the case that a vaccine is never found and complete containment (eradication of the epidemic) is impossible. In this case, the optimal control must meet competing requirements: First, the minimization of disease-related deaths, and, second, the establishment of a sufficient degree of natural immunity at the end of the measures, in order to exclude a second wave. Moreover, the socio-economic costs of the intervention shall be kept at a minimum. The numerically computed optimal control strategy is a single-intervention scenario that goes beyond heuristically motivated interventions and simple “flattening of the curve”. Careful analysis of the computed control strategy reveals, however, that the obtained solution is in fact a tightrope walk close to the stability boundary of the system, where socio-economic costs and the risk of a new outbreak must be constantly balanced against one another. The model system is calibrated to reproduce the initial exponential growth phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    On periodic solutions for one-phase and two-phase problems of the Navier–Stokes equations
    (Basel : Springer, 2020) Eiter, Thomas; Kyed, Mads; Shibata, Yoshihiro
    This paper is devoted to proving the existence of time-periodic solutions of one-phase or two-phase problems for the Navier–Stokes equations with small periodic external forces when the reference domain is close to a ball. Since our problems are formulated in time-dependent unknown domains, the problems are reduced to quasilinear systems of parabolic equations with non-homogeneous boundary conditions or transmission conditions in fixed domains by using the so-called Hanzawa transform. We separate solutions into the stationary part and the oscillatory part. The linearized equations for the stationary part have eigen-value 0, which is avoided by changing the equations with the help of the necessary conditions for the existence of solutions to the original problems. To treat the oscillatory part, we establish the maximal Lp–Lq regularity theorem of the periodic solutions for the system of parabolic equations with non-homogeneous boundary conditions or transmission conditions, which is obtained by the systematic use of R-solvers developed in Shibata (Diff Int Eqns 27(3–4):313–368, 2014; On the R-bounded solution operators in the study of free boundary problem for the Navier–Stokes equations. In: Shibata Y, Suzuki Y (eds) Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics, vol. 183, Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future, Tokyo, Japan, November 2014, pp 203–285, 2016; Comm Pure Appl Anal 17(4): 1681–1721., 2018; R boundedness, maximal regularity and free boundary problems for the Navier Stokes equations, Preprint 1905.12900v1 [math.AP] 30 May 2019) to the resolvent problem for the linearized equations and the transference theorem obtained in Eiter et al. (R-solvers and their application to periodic Lp estimates, Preprint in 2019) for the Lp boundedness of operator-valued Fourier multipliers. These approaches are the novelty of this paper. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Extended multirate infinitesimal step methods: Derivation of order conditions
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier B.V., 2021) Bauer, Tobias Peter; Knoth, Oswald
    Multirate methods are specially designed for problems with multiple time scales. The multirate infinitesimal step method (MIS) was developed as a generalization of the so called split-explicit Runge–Kutta methods, where the integration of the fast part is conducted analytically. The MIS method was originally evolved for applications related to numerical weather prediction, i.e. the integration of the compressible Euler equation. In this work, an extension to MIS methods will be presented where an arbitrary Runge–Kutta method (RK) is applied for the integration of the fast component. Furthermore, the order convergence from the original MIS method will be reinvestigated including the derivation of conditions up to order four. Additionally will be presented how well-known methods such as recursive flux splitting multirate method, (Schlegel et al., 2012) partitioned Runge–Kutta method, (Jackiewicz and Vermiglio, 2000) and generalized additive Runge–Kutta method, (Sandu and Günther, 2015) are related to or can be cast as an extended MIS method. An exemplary MIS method of order four with five stages will show that the convergence behaviour not only depends on the applied method for the integration of the fast component. The method will further indicate that the used fast time step plays a significant role. © 2019 The Author(s)