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    Effects of Drought and Heat on Photosynthetic Performance, Water Use and Yield of Two Selected Fiber Hemp Cultivars at a Poor-Soil Site in Brandenburg (Germany)
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Herppich, Werner B.; Gusovius, Hans-Jörg; Flemming, Inken; Drastig, Katrin
    Hemp currently regains certain importance as fiber, oil and medical crop not least because of its modest requirements of biocides, fertilizer and water. During recent years, crops were exposed to a combination of drought and heat, even in northern Central-Europe. Dynamic responses of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to these stresses and their persistent effects had been studied, if at all, in controlled environment experiments. Comprehensive field studies on diurnal and long-term net photosynthesis and gas exchange, and yield properties of hemp during a drought prone, high-temperature season in northern Central-Europe are obviously missing. Thus, in whole season field trails, the essential actual physiological (rates of net photosynthesis and transpiration, stomatal conductance, water use efficiencies, ambient and internal CO2 concentrations) and the yield performance of modern high-yielding multi-purpose hemp cultivars, ‘Ivory’ and ‘Santhica 27’, were evaluated under extreme environmental conditions and highly limited soil water supply. This provides comprehensive information on the usability of these cultivars under potential future harsh production conditions. Plants of both cultivars differentially cope with the prevailing climatic and soil water conditions. While ‘Ivory’ plants developed high rates of CO2 gain and established large leaf area per plant in the mid-season, those of ‘Santhica 27’ utilized lower CO2 uptake rates at lower leaf area per plant most time. This and the higher germination success of ‘Santhica 27’ resulted in nearly twice the yield compared to ‘Ivory’. Although stomatal control of CO2 gain was pronounced in both cultivars, higher stomatal limitations in ‘Ivory’ plants resulted in higher overall intrinsic water use efficiency. Cultivation of both hemp cultivars with only basic irrigation during seed germination was successful and without large effects on yield and quality. This was valid even under extremely hot and dry climatic conditions in northern Central Europe.
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    Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slurry storage : A review
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2020) Kupper, Thomas; Häni, Christoph; Neftel, Albrecht; Kincaid, Chris; Bühler, Marcel; Amon, Barbara; VanderZaag, Andrew
    Storage of slurry is an important emission source for ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from livestock production. Therefore, this study collected published emission data from stored cattle and pig slurry to determine baseline emission values and emission changes due to slurry treatment and coverage of stores. Emission data were collected from 120 papers yielding 711 records of measurements conducted at farm-, pilot- and laboratory-scale. The emission data reported in a multitude of units were standardized and compiled in a database. Descriptive statistics of the data from untreated slurry stored uncovered revealed a large variability in emissions for all gases. To determine baseline emissions, average values based on a weighting of the emission data according to the season and the duration of the emission measurements were constructed using the data from farm-scale and pilot-scale studies. Baseline emissions for cattle and pig slurry stored uncovered were calculated. When possible, it was further distinguished between storage in tanks without slurry treatment and storage in lagoons which implies solid-liquid separation and biological treatment. The baseline emissions on an area or volume basis are: for NH3: 0.12 g m−2 h-1 and 0.15 g m−2 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in lagoons, and 0.08 g m−2 h-1 and 0.24 g m−2 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in tanks; for N2O: 0.0003 g m−2 h-1 for cattle slurry stored in lagoons, and 0.002 g m−2 h-1 for both slurry types stored in tanks; for CH4: 0.95 g m-3 h-1 and 3.5 g m-3 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in lagoons, and 0.58 g m-3 h-1 and 0.68 g m-3 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in tanks; for CO2: 6.6 g m−2 h-1 and 0.3 g m−2 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in lagoons, and 8.0 g m−2 h-1 for both slurry types stored in tanks; for H2S: 0.04 g m−2 h-1 and 0.01 g m−2 h-1 for cattle and pig slurry stored in lagoons. Related to total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN), baseline emissions for tanks are 16% and 15% of TAN for cattle and pig slurry, respectively. Emissions of N2O and CH4 relative to nitrogen (N) and volatile solids (VS) are 0.13% of N and 0.10% of N and 2.9% of VS and 4.7% of VS for cattle and pig slurry, respectively. Total greenhouse gas emissions from slurry stores are dominated by CH4. The records on slurry treatment using acidification show a reduction of NH3 and CH4 emissions during storage while an increase occurs for N2O and a minor change for CO2 as compared to untreated slurry. Solid-liquid separation causes higher losses for NH3 and a reduction in CH4, N2O and CO2 emissions. Anaerobically digested slurry shows higher emissions during storage for NH3 while losses tend to be lower for CH4 and little changes occur for N2O and CO2 compared to untreated slurry. All cover types are found to be efficient for emission mitigation of NH3 from stores. The N2O emissions increase in many cases due to coverage. Lower CH4 emissions occur for impermeable covers as compared to uncovered slurry storage while for permeable covers the effect is unclear or emissions tend to increase. Limited and inconsistent data regarding emission changes with covering stores are available for CO2 and H2S. The compiled data provide a basis for improving emission inventories and highlight the need for further research to reduce uncertainty and fill data gaps regarding emissions from slurry storage.
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    Estimating Canopy Parameters Based on the Stem Position in Apple Trees Using a 2D LiDAR
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2019) Tsoulias, Nikos; Paraforos, Dimitrios S.; Fountas, Spyros; Zude-Sasse, Manuela
    Data of canopy morphology are crucial for cultivation tasks within orchards. In this study, a 2D light detection and range (LiDAR) laser scanner system was mounted on a tractor, tested on a box with known dimensions (1.81 m × 0.6 m × 0.6 m), and applied in an apple orchard to obtain the 3D structural parameters of the trees (n = 224). The analysis of a metal box which considered the height of four sides resulted in a mean absolute error (MAE) of 8.18 mm with a bias (MBE) of 2.75 mm, representing a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.63% due to gaps in the point cloud and increased incident angle with enhanced distance between laser aperture and the object. A methodology based on a bivariate point density histogram is proposed to estimate the stem position of each tree. The cylindrical boundary was projected around the estimated stem positions to segment each individual tree. Subsequently, height, stem diameter, and volume of the segmented tree point clouds were estimated and compared with manual measurements. The estimated stem position of each tree was defined using a real time kinematic global navigation satellite system, (RTK-GNSS) resulting in an MAE and MBE of 33.7 mm and 36.5 mm, respectively. The coefficient of determination (R2) considering manual measurements and estimated data from the segmented point clouds appeared high with, respectively, R2 and RMSE of 0.87 and 5.71% for height, 0.88 and 2.23% for stem diameter, as well as 0.77 and 4.64% for canopy volume. Since a certain error for the height and volume measured manually can be assumed, the LiDAR approach provides an alternative to manual readings with the advantage of getting tree individual data of the entire orchard.
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    Base Neutralizing Capacity of Agricultural Soils in a Quaternary Landscape of North-East Germany and Its Relationship to Best Management Practices in Lime Requirement Determination
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Vogel, Sebastian; Bönecke, Eric; Kling, Charlotte; Kramer, Eckart; Lück, Katrin; Nagel, Anne; Philipp, Golo; Rühlmann, Jörg; Schröter, Ingmar; Gebbers, Robin
    Despite being a natural soil-forming process, soil acidification is a major agronomic challenge under humid climate conditions, as soil acidity influences several yield-relevant soil properties. It can be counterbalanced by the regular application of agricultural lime to maintain or re-establish soil fertility and to optimize plant growth and yield. To avoid underdose as well as overdose, lime rates need to be calculated carefully. The lime rate should be determined by the optimum soil pH (target pH) and the response of the soil to lime, which is described by the base neutralizing capacity (BNC). Several methods exist to determine the lime requirement (LR) to raise the soil pH to its optimum. They range from extremely time-consuming equilibration methods, which mimic the natural processes in the soil, to quick tests, which rely on some approximations and are designed to provide farmers with timely and cost-efficient data. Due to the higher analytical efforts, only limited information is available on the real BNC of particular soils. In the present paper, we report the BNC of 420 topsoil samples from Central Europe (north-east Germany), developed on sediments from the last ice age 10,000 years ago under Holocene conditions. These soils are predominantly sandy and low in humus, but they exhibit a huge spatial variability in soil properties on a small scale. The BNC was determined by adding various concentrations of Ca(OH)2 and fitting an exponential model to derive a titration curve for each sample. The coefficients of the BNC titration curve were well correlated with soil properties affecting soil acidity and pH buffer capacity, i.e., pH, soil texture and soil organic matter (SOM). From the BNC model, the LRs (LRBNC) were derived and compared with LRVDLUFA based on the standard protocol in Germany as established by the Association of German Agricultural Analytic and Research Institutes (VDLUFA). The LRBNC and LRVDLUFA correlated well but the LRVDLUFA were generally by approximately one order of magnitude higher. This is partly due to the VDLUFA concept to recommend a maintenance or conservation liming, even though the pH value is in the optimum range, to keep it there until the next lime application during the following rotation. Furthermore, the VDLUFA method was primarily developed from field experiments where natural soil acidification and management practices depressed the effect of lime treatment. The BNC method, on the other hand, is solely based on laboratory analysis with standardized soil samples. This indicates the demand for further research to develop a sound scientific algorithm that complements LRBNC with realistic values of annual Ca2+ removal and acidification by natural processes and N fertilization.
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    Carbon Budget of an Agroforestry System after Being Converted from a Poplar Short Rotation Coppice
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Pecchioni, Giovanni; Bosco, Simona; Volpi, Iride; Mantino, Alberto; Dragoni, Federico; Giannini, Vittoria; Tozzini, Cristiano; Mele, Marcello; Ragaglini, Giorgio
    Poplar (Populus L. spp.) Short Rotation Coppice systems (SRCs) for bioenergy production are being converted back to arable land. Transitioning to Alley Cropping Systems (ACSs) could be a suitable strategy for integrating former tree rows and arable crops. A field trial (Pisa, Central Italy) was set up with the aim of assessing the C storage of an ACS system based on hybrid poplar and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and comparing it with that of an SRC cultivation system. The carbon budget at the agroecosystem scale was assessed in the first year of the transition using the net biome production (NBP) approach with a simplified method. The overall NBP for the SRC was positive (96 ± 40 g C m−2 year−1), highlighting that the system was a net carbon sink (i.e., NBP > 0). However, the ACS registered a net C loss (i.e., NBP < 0), since the NBP was −93 ± 56 g C m−2 year−1. In the first year of the transition, converting the SRC into an ACS counteracted the potential beneficial effect of C storage in tree belowground biomass due to the high heterotrophic respiration rate recorded in the ACS, which was fostered by the incorporation of residues and tillage disturbance in the alley. Additional years of heterotrophic respiration measurements could allow for an estimate of the speed and extent of C losses.
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    Rapid determination of lime requirement by mid-infrared spectroscopy: A promising approach for precision agriculture
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Leenen, Matthias; Welp, Gerhard; Gebbers, Robin; Pätzold, Stefan
    Mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) has proven to be a cost-effective, high throughput measurement technique for soil analysis. After multivariate calibration mid-infrared spectra can be used to predict various soil properties, some of which are related to lime requirement (LR). The objective of this study was to test the performance of MIRS for recommending variable rate liming on typical Central European soils in view of precision agriculture applications. In Germany, LR of arable topsoils is commonly derived from the parameters organic matter content (SOM), clay content, and soil pH (CaCl2) as recommended by the Association of German Agricultural Analytical and Research Institutes (VDLUFA). We analysed a total of 458 samples from six locations across Germany, which all revealed large within-field soil heterogeneity. Calcareous topsoils were observed at some positions of three locations (79 samples). To exclude such samples from LR determination, peak height at 2513 cm−1 of the MIR spectrum was used for identification. Spectra-based identification was accurate for carbonate contents > 0.5%. Subsequent LR derivation (LRSPP) from MIRS-PLSR predictions of SOM, clay, and pH (CaCl2) for non-calcareous soil samples using the VDLUFA look-up tables was successful for all locations (R2 = 0.54–0.82; RMSE = 857–1414 kg CaO ha−1). Alternatively, we tested direct LR prediction (LRDP) by MIRS-PLSR and also achieved satisfactory performance (R2 = 0.52–0.77; RMSE = 811–1420 kg CaO ha−1; RPD = 1.44–2.08). Further improvement was achieved by refining the VDLUFA tables towards a stepless algorithm. It can be concluded that MIRS provides a promising approach for precise LR estimation on heterogeneous arable fields. Large sample numbers can be processed with low effort which is an essential prerequisite for variable rate liming in precision agriculture. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
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    Effects of natamycin and Lactobacillus buchneri on the fermentative process and aerobic stability of maize silage
    (Warszawa : Omnitech Press, 2020) Pinto, S.; Warth, J.F.G.; Novinski, C.O.; Schmidt, P.
    The present study was aimed to evaluate the reduction in fermentative losses and the improvement of aerobic stability of maize silage treated with Lactobacillus buchneri bacteria, antifungal natamycin and a combination of L. buchneri and natamycin. The study was completely randomized using four treatments with four replicates (silo) each. The treatments were as follows: C - control (forage without additives), NA - forage with low dose of natamycin (8 g/t) addition, LB - forage inoculated with low dose of L. buchneri (5 × 104 cfu/g) and NLB - forage treated with both natamycin (8 g/t) and L. buchneri (5 × 104 cfu/g). The losses of dry matter (DM) and gas, effluent production, chemical composition, yeast count and aerobic stability were calculated for all treatments. During fermentation, NLB produced more propionic and lactic acids and caused less DM and gas losses than other treatments (P < 0.01). The positive effect of NLB on yeast inhibition improved the aerobic stability of maize silage (P < 0.05). Thus, the combination of low doses of natamycin and heterolactic bacteria L. buchneri can reduce fermentative losses and improve the aerobic stability of maize silage after exposure to air. © 2020 Polish Academy of Science. All rights reserved.
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    Application of hue spectra fingerprinting during cold storage and shelf-life of packaged sweet cherry
    (Cham : Springer, 2020) Le Nguyen, Lien Phuong; Visy, Anna; Baranyai, László; Friedrich, László; Mahajan, Pramod V.
    Presented work investigated the application of a new color analysis technique in post-harvest life of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L. ‘Hudson’). The hue spectra fingerprinting creates a histogram of image colors by summarizing the saturation. The advantage of this calculation method is that vivid colors make peaks while neutral background color is eliminated without object segmentation. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to estimate reference parameters during 9 d cold storage at 10 ± 0.5 °C (RH = 90 ± 1%) and following 2 d shelf-life at 20 ± 0.5 °C. The reference parameters of respiration, weight loss, fruit firmness and total soluble solid (TSS) content were measured. Samples were split into seven groups according to the number of perforations of polypropylene film and fructose concentration of moisture absorber. It was observed that parameters TSS and fruit firmness were the most sensitive to the length of storage. Weight loss was affected significantly by packaging. All reference parameters were estimated by PLS model with R2 > 0.917, but weight loss and respiration obtained high estimation error of RMSE% = 48.02% and 11.76%, respectively. TSS and fruit firmness prediction were successful with RMSE% = 0.84% and 1.85%, respectively. Desiccation and color change of peduncle became visible in the green range of hue spectra. Color change of red fruit was observed with decreasing saturation in the red range of hue spectra. Our findings suggest that hue spectra fingerprinting can be a useful nondestructive method for monitoring quality change of sweet cherry during post-harvest handling and shelf-life. © 2020, The Author(s).
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    Carbon consumption of developing fruit and the fruit bearing capacity of individual RoHo 3615 and Pinova apple trees
    (Lublin : IA PAS, 2020) Penzel, Martin; Lakso, Alan Neil; Tsoulias, Nikos; Zude-Sasse, Manuela
    This paper describes an approach to estimate the photosynthetic capacity and derive the optimum fruit number for each individual tree, in order to achieve a defined fruit size, which is named as the fruit bearing capacity of the tree. The estimation of fruit bearing capacity was carried out considering the total leaf area per tree as measured with a 2-D LiDAR laser scanner, LALiDAR, and key carbon-related variables of the trees including leaf gas exchange, fruit growth and respiration, in two commercial apple orchards. The range between minLALiDAR and maxLALiDAR was found to be 2.4 m on Pinova and 4.3 m on RoHo 3615 at fully developed canopy. The daily C requirement of the growing fruit and the associated leaf area demand, necessary to meet the average daily fruit C requirements showed seasonal variation, with maximum values in the middle of the growing period. The estimated fruit bearing capacity ranged from 33-95 fruit tree-1 and 45-121 fruit tree-1 on the trees of Pinova and RoHo 3615, respectively. This finding demonstrates sub-optimal crop load at harvest time in both orchards, above or below the fruit bearing capacity for individual trees. In conclusion, the LiDAR measurements of the leaf area combined with a carbon balance model allows for the estimation of fruit bearing capacity for individual trees for precise crop load management. © 2020 Polish Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
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    Impact of cold atmospheric pressure plasma processing on storage of blueberries
    (Oxford [u.a.] : Wiley-Blackwell, 2020) Pathak, Namrata; Grossi Bovi, Graziele; Limnaios, Athanasios; Fröhling, Antje; Brincat, Jean-Pierre; Taoukis, Petros; Valdramidis, Vasilis P.; Schlüter, Oliver
    The current study aimed at investigating the impact of nitrogen (N)-generated cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP) treatment on blueberries focusing on the overall impact on berry quality and microbial load along a storage period of 10 days. Blueberries were treated for 0 (control), 5, and 10 min. Assessment of fruit quality (°Bx, ascorbic acid, anthocyanins, titratable acidity, elasticity, and color parameters) and microbial analysis was performed. Results showed that CAPP treatment was more effective in inhibiting bacterial growth than fungal growth and during the subsequent storage, the quality parameters did not differ significantly from the control, under the same conditions. The study supports N-generated CAPP as a disinfection technique to reduce microbial load in blueberries without significantly impacting most quality parameters. Practical applications: Over the last decades, foodborne illness outbreaks around the world have been associated with berries. For that reason, due to the increasing consumption of berries it is paramount to study technologies that can eliminate pathogens responsible for such outbreaks. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP) can be a promising technology to be used as an alternative to traditional decontamination methods of food. In this context, this study explored the effect and efficiency of this novel technology on reduction of native microflora and its impact on the physical and chemical properties of blueberries treated by nitrogen (N)-generated CAPP with subsequent storage of 10 days. Results of this work confirmed that such technology has high potential application for decontamination of berries without significantly impacting most quality parameters and thereby can be a potential technology for industrial applications. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.