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    Characterization of L21 order in Co2FeSi thin films on GaAs
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2013) Jenichen, B.; Hentschel, T.; Herfort, J.; Kong, X.; Trampert, A.; Zizak, I.
    Co2FeSi/GaAs(110) and Co2FeSi/GaAs(-1-1-1)B hybrid structures were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The films contain inhomogeneous distributions of ordered L21 and B2 phases. The average stoichiometry could be determined by XRD for calibration of the MBE sources. Diffusion processes lead to inhomogeneities, influencing long-range order. An average L21 ordering of up to 65% was measured by grazing-incidence XRD. Lateral inhomogeneities of the spatial distribution of long-range order in Co2FeSi were imaged using dark-field TEM with superlattice reflections and shown to correspond to variations of the Co/Fe ratio.
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    GaN-based radial heterostructure nanowires grown by MBE and ALD
    (Bristol : Institute of Physics Publishing, 2013) Lari, L.; Ross, I.M.; Walther, T.; Black, K.; Cheze, C.; Geelhaar, L.; Riechert, H.; Chalker, P.R.
    A combination of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and atomic layer deposition (ALD) was adopted to fabricate GaN-based core/shell NW structures. ALD was used to deposit a HfO2 shell of onto the MBE grown GaN NWs. Electron transparent samples were prepared by focussed ion beam methods and characterized using state-of-the-art analytical transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The polycrystalline coating was found to be uniform along the whole length of the NWs. Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy analysis confirms that the HfO2 ALD coating does not add any structural defect when deposited on the NWs.
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    Attractive Dipolar Coupling between Stacked Exciton Fluids
    (College Park, Md. : APS, 2019) Hubert, Colin; Baruchi, Yifat; Mazuz-Harpaz, Yotam; Cohen, Kobi; Biermann, Klaus; Lemeshko, Mikhail; West, Ken; Pfeiffer, Loren; Rapaport, Ronen; Santos, Paulo
    Dipolar coupling plays a fundamental role in the interaction between electrically or magnetically polarized species such as magnetic atoms and dipolar molecules in a gas or dipolar excitons in the solid state. Unlike Coulomb or contactlike interactions found in many atomic, molecular, and condensed-matter systems, this interaction is long-ranged and highly anisotropic, as it changes from repulsive to attractive depending on the relative positions and orientation of the dipoles. Because of this unique property, many exotic, symmetry-breaking collective states have been recently predicted for cold dipolar gases, but only a few have been experimentally detected and only in dilute atomic dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates. Here, we report on the first observation of attractive dipolar coupling between excitonic dipoles using a new design of stacked semiconductor bilayers. We show that the presence of a dipolar exciton fluid in one bilayer modifies the spatial distribution and increases the binding energy of excitonic dipoles in a vertically remote layer. The binding energy changes are explained using a many-body polaron model describing the deformation of the exciton cloud due to its interaction with a remote dipolar exciton. The surprising nonmonotonic dependence on the cloud density indicates the important role of dipolar correlations, which is unique to dense, strongly interacting dipolar solid-state systems. Our concept provides a route for the realization of dipolar lattices with strong anisotropic interactions in semiconductor systems, which open the way for the observation of theoretically predicted new and exotic collective phases, as well as for engineering and sensing their collective excitations.
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    The Interaction of Extended Defects as the Origin of Step Bunching in Epitaxial III–V Layers on Vicinal Si(001) Substrates
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Niehle, Michael; Rodriguez, Jean-Baptiste; Cerutti, Laurent; Tournié, Eric; Trampert, Achim
    Several nanometer high steps are observed by (scanning) transmission electron microscopy at the surface and interfaces in heteroepitaxially grown III–Sb layers on vicinal Si(001) substrates. Their relations with antiphase boundaries (APBs) and threading dislocations (TDs) are elaborated. An asymmetric number density of TDs on symmetry-equivalent {111} lattice planes is revealed and explained according to the substrate miscut and the lattice misfit in the heteroepitaxial material system. Finally, a step bunching mechanism is proposed based on the interplay of APBs, TDs, and the vicinal surface of the miscut substrate.
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    The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2019) Delsing, Per; Cleland, Andrew N.; Schuetz, Martin J.A.; Knörzer, Johannes; Giedke, Géza; Cirac, J. Ignacio; Srinivasan, Kartik; Wu, Marcelo; Balram, Krishna Coimbatore; Bäuerle, Christopher; Meunier, Tristan; Ford, Christopher J.B.; Santos, Paulo V.; Cerda-Méndez, Edgar; Wang, Hailin; Krenner, Hubert J.; Nysten, Emeline D.S.; Weiß, Matthias; Nash, Geoff R.; Thevenard, Laura; Gourdon, Catherine; Rovillain, Pauline; Marangolo, Max; Duquesne, Jean-Yves; Fischerauer, Gerhard; Ruile, Werner; Reiner, Alexander; Paschke, Ben; Denysenko, Dmytro; Volkmer, Dirk; Wixforth, Achim; Bruus, Henrik; Wiklund, Martin; Reboud, Julien; Cooper, Jonathan M.; Fu, YongQing; Brugger, Manuel S.; Rehfeldt, Florian; Westerhausen, Christoph
    Today, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and bulk acoustic waves are already two of the very few phononic technologies of industrial relevance and can been found in a myriad of devices employing these nanoscale earthquakes on a chip. Acoustic radio frequency filters, for instance, are integral parts of wireless devices. SAWs in particular find applications in life sciences and microfluidics for sensing and mixing of tiny amounts of liquids. In addition to this continuously growing number of applications, SAWs are ideally suited to probe and control elementary excitations in condensed matter at the limit of single quantum excitations. Even collective excitations, classical or quantum are nowadays coherently interfaced by SAWs. This wide, highly diverse, interdisciplinary and continuously expanding spectrum literally unites advanced sensing and manipulation applications. Remarkably, SAW technology is inherently multiscale and spans from single atomic or nanoscopic units up even to the millimeter scale. The aim of this Roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of surface acoustic wave science and technology in 2019 and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds from a group of renown experts, covering the interdisciplinary key areas, ranging from fundamental quantum effects to practical applications of acoustic devices in life science. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Axial GaAs/Ga(As, Bi) nanowire heterostructures
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2019) Oliva, Miriam; Gao, Guanhui; Luna, Esperanza; Geelhaar, Lutz; Lewis, Ryan B
    Bi-containing III-V semiconductors constitute an exciting class of metastable compounds with wide-ranging potential optoelectronic and electronic applications. However, the growth of III-V-Bi alloys requires group-III-rich growth conditions, which pose severe challenges for planar growth. In this work, we exploit the naturally-Ga-rich environment present inside the metallic droplet of a self-catalyzed GaAs nanowire (NW) to synthesize metastable GaAs/GaAs1-xBi x axial NW heterostructures with high Bi contents. The axial GaAs1-xBi x segments are realized with molecular beam epitaxy by first enriching only the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) Ga droplets with Bi, followed by exposing the resulting Ga-Bi droplets to As2 at temperatures ranging from 270 °C to 380 °C to precipitate GaAs1-xBi x only under the NW droplets. Microstructural and elemental characterization reveals the presence of single crystal zincblende GaAs1-xBi x axial NW segments with Bi contents up to (10 ± 2)%. This work illustrates how the unique local growth environment present during the VLS NW growth can be exploited to synthesize heterostructures with metastable compounds. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Wavefunction of polariton condensates in a tunable acoustic lattice
    (Bristol : IOP, 2012) Cerda-Méndez, E.A.; Krizhanovskii, D.N.; Biermann, K.; Hey, R.; Skolnick, M.S.; Santos, P.V.
    We study the spatial coherence of polariton condensates subjected to coherent modulation by a one-dimensional tunable acoustic potential.We use an interferometric technique to measure the amplitude and phase of the macroscopic condensate wavefunction. By increasing the acoustic modulation amplitude, we track the transition from the extended wavefunction of the unperturbed condensate to a regime where the wavefunction is spatially modulated and then to a fully confined regime, where independent condensates form at the minima of the potential with negligible particle tunneling between adjacent sites.
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    Synthesis of surfactant-free Cu–Pt dendritic heterostructures with highly electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation reaction
    (London [u.a.] : Taylor & Francis, 2016) Kang, Shendong; Gao, Guanhui; Xie, Xiaobin; Shibayama, Tamaki; Lei, Yanhua; Wang, Yan; Cai, Lintao
    A facile and free surfactant strategy is explored to synthesize Cu–Pt bimetallic nano-heterostructures with dendritic exterior. For comparison, the Cu–Pt coral-like nanoparticles are fabricated by using CTAC as a surfactant. The well-designed Cu–Pt dendritic spherical heterostructures exhibit superior enhanced electrocatalytic activity and stability toward methanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media, compared to the Cu–Pt coral-like nanoparticles and the commercial Pt/C, respectively. The advanced technique for fabricating Cu–Pt dendritic spherical heterostructures could pave a way to pursue low-cost Pt-based catalysts, maintaining highly promoted electrocatalytic performance and durability.
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    Huge impact of compressive strain on phase transition temperatures in epitaxial ferroelectric KxNa1-xNbO3 thin films
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2019) Von Helden, L.; Bogula, L.; Janolin, P.-E.; Hanke, M.; Breuer, T.; Schmidbauer, M.; Ganschow, S.; Schwarzkopf, J.
    We present a study in which ferroelectric phase transition temperatures in epitaxial KxNa1-xNbO3 films are altered systematically by choosing different (110)-oriented rare-earth scandate substrates and by variation of the potassium to sodium ratio. Our results prove the capability to continuously shift the ferroelectric-to-ferroelectric transition from the monoclinic MC to orthorhombic c-phase by about 400 °C via the application of anisotropic compressive strain. The phase transition was investigated in detail by monitoring the temperature dependence of ferroelectric domain patterns using piezoresponse force microscopy and upon analyzing structural changes by means of high resolution X-ray diffraction including X-ray reciprocal space mapping. Moreover, the temperature evolution of the effective piezoelectric coefficient d33,f was determined using double beam laser interferometry, which exhibits a significant dependence on the particular ferroelectric phase. © 2019 Author(s).
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    Dynamically tuned non-classical light emission from atomic defects in hexagonal boron nitride
    (London : Springer Nature, 2019) Lazić, Snežana; Espinha, André; Yanguas, Sergio Pinilla; Gibaja, Carlos; Zamora, Félix; Ares, Pablo; Chhowalla, Manish; Paz, Wendel S.; Palacios Burgos, Juan José; Hernández-Mínguez, Alberto; Santos, Paulo V.; van der Meulen, Herko P.
    Luminescent defects in hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) have recently emerged as a promising platform for non-classical light emission. On-chip solutions, however, require techniques for controllable in-situ manipulation of quantum light. Here, we demonstrate the dynamic spectral and temporal tuning of the optical emission from h-BN via moving acousto-mechanical modulation induced by stimulated phonons. When perturbed by the propagating acoustic phonon, the optically probed radiative h-BN defects are periodically strained and their sharp emission lines are modulated by the deformation potential coupling. This results in an acoustically driven spectral tuning within a 2.5-meV bandwidth. Our findings, supported by first-principles theoretical calculations, reveal exceptionally high elasto-optic coupling in h-BN of ~50 meV/%. Temporal control of the emitted photons is achieved by combining the acoustically mediated fine-spectral tuning with spectral detection filtering. This study opens the door to the use of sound for scalable integration of h-BN emitters in nanophotonic and quantum information technologies. © 2019, The Author(s).