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    Ferroelectric Self-Poling in GeTe Films and Crystals
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Kriegner, Dominik; Springholz, Gunther; Richter, Carsten; Pilet, Nicolas; Müller, Elisabeth; Capron, Marie; Berger, Helmut; Holý, Václav; Dil, J. Hugo; Krempaský, Juraj
    Ferroelectric materials are used in actuators or sensors because of their non-volatile macroscopic electric polarization. GeTe is the simplest known diatomic ferroelectric endowed with exceedingly complex physics related to its crystalline, amorphous, thermoelectric, and—fairly recently discovered—topological properties, making the material potentially interesting for spintronics applications. Typically, ferroelectric materials possess random oriented domains that need poling to achieve macroscopic polarization. By using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy complemented with anomalous diffraction and piezo-response force microscopy, we investigated the bulk ferroelectric structure of GeTe crystals and thin films. Both feature multi-domain structures in the form of oblique domains for films and domain colonies inside crystals. Despite these multi-domain structures which are expected to randomize the polarization direction, our experimental results show that at room temperature there is a preferential ferroelectric order remarkably consistent with theoretical predictions from ideal GeTe crystals. This robust self-poled state has high piezoelectricity and additional poling reveals persistent memory effects. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Quasi-Transient Calculation of Czochralski Growth of Ge Crystals Using the Software Elmer
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Miller, Wolfram; Abrosimov, Nikolay; Fischer, Jörg; Gybin, Alexander; Juda, Uta; Kayser, Stefan; Janicskó-Csáthy, Jószef
    A numerical scheme was developed to compute the thermal and stress fields of the Czochralski process in a quasi-time dependent mode. The growth velocity was computed from the geometrical changes in melt and crystal due to pulling for every stage, for which the thermal and stress fields were computed by using the open source software Elmer. The method was applied to the Czochralski growth of Ge crystals by inductive heating. From a series of growth experiments, we chose one as a reference to check the validity of the scheme with respect to this Czochralski process. A good agreement both for the shapes of the melt/crystal interface at various time steps and the change in power consumption with process time was observed. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.