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2014, Lerche, Wolfgang

Im Folgenden soll ein kurzer Abriss des Themas Matrixfaktorisierungen gegeben werden. Wir werden darlegen, warum dieses recht simple Konzept zu erstaunlich tiefen mathematischen Gedankengängen führt und auch in der modernen theoretischen Physik wichtige Anwendungen hat.

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Minimizing energy

2015, Breiner, Christine

What is the most efficient way to fence land when you’ve only got so many metres of fence? Or, to put it differently, what is the largest area bounded by a simple closed planar curve of fixed length? We consider the answer to this question and others like it, making note of recent results in the same spirit.

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Polyhedra and commensurability

2016, Guglielmetti, Rafael, Jacquement, Matthieu

This snapshot introduces the notion of commensurability of polyhedra. At its bottom, this concept can be developed from constructions with paper, scissors, and glue. Starting with an elementary example, we formalize it subsequently. Finally, we discuss intriguing connections with other fields of mathematics.

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The Kadison-Singer problem

2014, Valette, Alain

In quantum mechanics, unlike in classical mechanics, one cannot make precise predictions about how a system will behave. Instead, one is concerned with mere probabilities. Consequently, it is a very important task to determine the basic probabilities associated with a given system. In this snapshot we will present a recent uniqueness result concerning these probabilities.

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Spaces of Riemannian metrics

2017, Bustamante, Mauricio, Kordaß, Jan-Bernhard

Riemannian metrics endow smooth manifolds such as surfaces with intrinsic geometric properties, for example with curvature. They also allow us to measure quantities like distances, angles and volumes. These are the notions we use to characterize the "shape" of a manifold. The space of Riemannian metrics is a mathematical object that encodes the many possible ways in which we can geometrically deform the shape of a manifold.

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The Willmore Conjecture

2016, Nowaczyk, Nikolai

The Willmore problem studies which torus has the least amount of bending energy. We explain how to think of a torus as a donut-shaped surface and how the intuitive notion of bending has been studied by mathematics over time.

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Profinite groups

2016, Bartholdi, Laurent

Profinite objects are mathematical constructions used to collect, in a uniform manner, facts about infinitely many finite objects. We shall review recent progress in the theory of profinite groups, due to Nikolov and Segal, and its implications for finite groups.

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Billiards and flat surfaces

2015, Davis, Diana

Billiards, the study of a ball bouncing around on a table, is a rich area of current mathematical research. We discuss questions and results on billiards, and on the related topic of flat surfaces.

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Closed geodesics on surfaces and Riemannian manifolds

2017, Radeschi, Marco

Geodesics are special paths in surfaces and so-called Riemannian manifolds which connect close points in the shortest way. Closed geodesics are geodesics which go back to where they started. In this snapshot we talk about these special paths, and the efforts to find closed geodesics.

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Curriculum development in university mathematics: where mathematicians and education collide

2015, Sangwin, Christopher J.

This snapshot looks at educational aspects of the design of curricula in mathematics. In particular, we examine choices textbook authors have made when introducing the concept of the completness of the real numbers. Can significant choices really be made? Do these choices have an effect on how people learn, and, if so, can we understand what they are?