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    An OER Recommender System Supporting Accessibility Requirements
    (New York : Association for Computing Machinery, 2020) Elias, Mirette; Tavakoli, Mohammadreza; Lohmann, Steffen; Kismihok, Gabor; Auer, Sören; Gurreiro, Tiago; Nicolau, Hugo; Moffatt, Karyn
    Open Educational Resources are becoming a significant source of learning that are widely used for various educational purposes and levels. Learners have diverse backgrounds and needs, especially when it comes to learners with accessibility requirements. Persons with disabilities have significantly lower employment rates partly due to the lack of access to education and vocational rehabilitation and training. It is not surprising therefore, that providing high quality OERs that facilitate the self-development towards specific jobs and skills on the labor market in the light of special preferences of learners with disabilities is difficult. In this paper, we introduce a personalized OER recommeder system that considers skills, occupations, and accessibility properties of learners to retrieve the most adequate and high-quality OERs. This is done by: 1) describing the profile of learners with disabilities, 2) collecting and analysing more than 1,500 OERs, 3) filtering OERs based on their accessibility features and predicted quality, and 4) providing personalised OER recommendations for learners according to their accessibility needs. As a result, the OERs retrieved by our method proved to satisfy more accessibility checks than other OERs. Moreover, we evaluated our results with five experts in educating people with visual and cognitive impairments. The evaluation showed that our recommendations are potentially helpful for learners with accessibility needs.
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    Modelling Archival Hierarchies in Practice: Key Aspects and Lessons Learned
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Vafaie, Mahsa; Bruns, Oleksandra; Pilz, Nastasja; Dessì, Danilo; Sack, Harald; Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Ikejiri, Ryohei; Doucet, Antoine; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Milligan, Ian; Jatowt, Adam
    An increasing number of archival institutions aim to provide public access to historical documents. Ontologies have been designed, developed and utilised to model the archival description of historical documents and to enable interoperability between different information sources. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of archives and archival systems, current ontologies for the representation of archival content do not always cover all existing structural organisation forms equallywell. After briefly contextualising the heterogeneity in the hierarchical structure of German archives, this paper describes and evaluates differences between two archival ontologies, ArDO and RiC-O, and their approaches to modelling hierarchy levels and archive dynamics.
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    DDB-KG: The German Bibliographic Heritage in a Knowledge Graph
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Tan, Mary Ann; Tietz, Tabea; Bruns, Oleksandra; Oppenlaender, Jonas; Dessì, Danilo; Harald, Sack; Sumikawa, Yasunobu; Ikejiri, Ryohei; Doucet, Antoine; Pfanzelter, Eva; Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Milligan, Ian; Jatowt, Adam
    Under the German government’s initiative “NEUSTART Kultur”, the German Digital Library or Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is undergoing improvements to enhance user-experience. As an initial step, emphasis is placed on creating a knowledge graph from the bibliographic record collection of the DDB. This paper discusses the challenges facing the DDB in terms of retrieval and the solutions in addressing them. In particular, limitations of the current data model or ontology to represent bibliographic metadata is analyzed through concrete examples. This study presents the complete ontological mapping from DDB-Europeana Data Model (DDB-EDM) to FaBiO, and a prototype of the DDB-KG made available as a SPARQL endpoint. The suitabiliy of the target ontology is demonstrated with SPARQL queries formulated from competency questions.
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    Designing Intelligent Systems for Online Education: Open Challenges and Future Directions
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Dessì, Danilo; Käser, Tanja; Marras, Mirko; Popescu, Elvira; Sack, Harald; Dessì, Danilo; Käser, Tanja; Marras, Mirko; Popescu, Elvira; Sack, Harald
    The design and delivering of platforms for online education is fostering increasingly intense research. Scaling up education online brings new emerging needs related with hardly manageable classes, overwhelming content alternatives, and academic dishonesty while interacting remotely, as examples. However, with the impressive progress of the data mining and machine learning fields, combined with the large amounts of learning-related data and high-performance computing, it has been possible to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of learning and teaching online. Methods at the analytical and algorithmic levels are constantly being developed and hybrid approaches are receiving an increasing attention. Recent methods are analyzing not only the online traces left by students a posteriori, but also the extent to which this data can be turned into actionable insights and models, to support the above needs in a computationally efficient, adaptive and timely way. In this paper, we present relevant open challenges lying at the intersection between the machine learning and educational communities, that need to be addressed to further develop the field of intelligent systems for online education. Several areas of research in this field are identified, such as data availability and sharing, time-wise and multi-modal data modelling, generalizability, fairness, explainability, interpretability, privacy, and ethics behind models delivered for supporting education. Practical challenges and recommendations for possible research directions are provided for each of them, paving the way for future advances in this field.
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    Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Stegmüller, Johannes; Bauer-Marquart, Fabian; Meuschke, Norman; Ruas, Terry; Schubotz, Moritz; Gipp, Bela; Zhang, Chengzhi; Mayr, Philipp; Lu, Wie; Zhang, Yi
    Identifying cross-language plagiarism is challenging, especially for distant language pairs and sense-for-sense translations. We introduce the new multilingual retrieval model Cross-Language Ontology-Based Similarity Analysis (CL-OSA) for this task. CL-OSA represents documents as entity vectors obtained from the open knowledge graph Wikidata. Opposed to other methods, CL-OSA does not require computationally expensive machine translation, nor pre-training using comparable or parallel corpora. It reliably disambiguates homonyms and scales to allow its application toWebscale document collections. We show that CL-OSA outperforms state-of-the-art methods for retrieving candidate documents from five large, topically diverse test corpora that include distant language pairs like Japanese-English. For identifying cross-language plagiarism at the character level, CL-OSA primarily improves the detection of sense-for-sense translations. For these challenging cases, CL-OSA’s performance in terms of the well-established PlagDet score exceeds that of the best competitor by more than factor two. The code and data of our study are openly available.
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    FAIR Convergence Matrix: Optimizing the Reuse of Existing FAIR-Related Resources
    (Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2020) Sustkova, Hana Pergl; Hettne, Kristina Maria; Wittenburg, Peter; Jacobsen, Annika; Kuhn, Tobias; Pergl, Robert; Slifka, Jan; McQuilton, Peter; Magagna, Barbara; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta; Stocker, Markus; Imming, Melanie; Lannom, Larry; Musen, Mark; Schultes, Erik
    The FAIR principles articulate the behaviors expected from digital artifacts that are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable by machines and by people. Although by now widely accepted, the FAIR Principles by design do not explicitly consider actual implementation choices enabling FAIR behaviors. As different communities have their own, often well-established implementation preferences and priorities for data reuse, coordinating a broadly accepted, widely used FAIR implementation approach remains a global challenge. In an effort to accelerate broad community convergence on FAIR implementation options, the GO FAIR community has launched the development of the FAIR Convergence Matrix. The Matrix is a platform that compiles for any community of practice, an inventory of their self-declared FAIR implementation choices and challenges. The Convergence Matrix is itself a FAIR resource, openly available, and encourages voluntary participation by any self-identified community of practice (not only the GO FAIR Implementation Networks). Based on patterns of use and reuse of existing resources, the Convergence Matrix supports the transparent derivation of strategies that optimally coordinate convergence on standards and technologies in the emerging Internet of FAIR Data and Services.
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    Open Science und die Bibliothek – Aktionsfelder und Berufsbild
    (Graz : Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 2019) Blümel, Ina; Drees, Bastian; Hauschke, Christian; Heller, Lambert; Tullney, Marco
    Eine durch die Digitalisierung veränderte und auf Open Science ausgerichtete Wissenschaftspraxis benötigt angepasste Infrastrukturen und Services. Daraus ergeben sich verschiedene neue oder veränderte Aktionsfelder für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken und Infrastruktureinrichtungen. Zu nennen sind zum Beispiel die nicht-textuellen Materialien wie Forschungsdaten, AV-Medien oder Software und die Umsetzung der FAIR-Prinzipien. Hinzu kommen neue Aufgaben im Bereich der Forschungsinformationen, zum Beispiel in der Unterstützung institutioneller Forschungsinformationssysteme, die Gestaltung von Open Access, die Unterstützung kollaborativen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens sowie die Schaffung von offenen Infrastrukturen. In diesem Artikel werden diese Felder kurz vorgestellt und sich daraus abzeichnende Anforderungen an das bibliothekarische Berufsbild skizziert.
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    Scientific publishing sanctions in response to the Russo-Ukrainian war
    (Chichester : Wiley, 2022) Nazarovets, Maryna; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine is negatively affecting the development of the Ukrainian academy, now and in the foreseeable future. Different academic stakeholders around the world have reacted differently to this war, some imposing sanctions against Russia and/or providing aid to Ukraine. Some scientific publishers have partially or temporarily suspended sales and marketing of products and services to research organizations in Russia and Belarus. The issue of banning publication in international journals by authors from Russian institutions remains controversial and needs to be carefully considered by various stakeholders. © 2022 The Authors. Learned Publishing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of ALPSP
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    Sentence, Phrase, and Triple Annotations to Build a Knowledge Graph of Natural Language Processing Contributions - A Trial Dataset
    (Beijing : National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021) D’Souza, Jennifer; Auer, Sören
    This work aims to normalize the NlpContributions scheme (henceforward, NlpContributionGraph) to structure, directly from article sentences, the contributions information in Natural Language Processing (NLP) scholarly articles via a two-stage annotation methodology: 1) pilot stage—to define the scheme (described in prior work); and 2) adjudication stage—to normalize the graphing model (the focus of this paper). We re-annotate, a second time, the contributions-pertinent information across 50 prior-annotated NLP scholarly articles in terms of a data pipeline comprising: contribution-centered sentences, phrases, and triple statements. To this end, specifically, care was taken in the adjudication annotation stage to reduce annotation noise while formulating the guidelines for our proposed novel NLP contributions structuring and graphing scheme. The application of NlpContributionGraph on the 50 articles resulted finally in a dataset of 900 contribution-focused sentences, 4,702 contribution-information-centered phrases, and 2,980 surface-structured triples. The intra-annotation agreement between the first and second stages, in terms of F1-score, was 67.92% for sentences, 41.82% for phrases, and 22.31% for triple statements indicating that with increased granularity of the information, the annotation decision variance is greater. NlpContributionGraph has limited scope for structuring scholarly contributions compared with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) scholarly knowledge at large. Further, the annotation scheme in this work is designed by only an intra-annotator consensus—a single annotator first annotated the data to propose the initial scheme, following which, the same annotator reannotated the data to normalize the annotations in an adjudication stage. However, the expected goal of this work is to achieve a standardized retrospective model of capturing NLP contributions from scholarly articles. This would entail a larger initiative of enlisting multiple annotators to accommodate different worldviews into a “single” set of structures and relationships as the final scheme. Given that the initial scheme is first proposed and the complexity of the annotation task in the realistic timeframe, our intra-annotation procedure is well-suited. Nevertheless, the model proposed in this work is presently limited since it does not incorporate multiple annotator worldviews. This is planned as future work to produce a robust model. We demonstrate NlpContributionGraph data integrated into the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a next-generation KG-based digital library with intelligent computations enabled over structured scholarly knowledge, as a viable aid to assist researchers in their day-to-day tasks. NlpContributionGraph is a novel scheme to annotate research contributions from NLP articles and integrate them in a knowledge graph, which to the best of our knowledge does not exist in the community. Furthermore, our quantitative evaluations over the two-stage annotation tasks offer insights into task difficulty.
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    DDB-EDM to FaBiO: The Case of the German Digital Library
    (Aachen, Germany : RWTH Aachen, 2021) Tan, Mary Ann; Tietz, Tabea; Bruns, Oleksandra; Oppenlaender, Jonas; Dessì, Danilo; Sack, Harald; Seneviratne, Oshani; Pesquita, Catia; Sequeda, Juan; Etcheverry, Lorena
    Cultural heritage portals have the goal of providing users with seamless access to all their resources. This paper introduces initial efforts for a user-oriented restructuring of the German Digital Library (DDB). At present, cultural heritage objects (CHOs) in the DDB are modeled using an extended version of the Europeana Data Model (DDBEDM), which negatively impacts usability and exploration. These challenges can be addressed by leveraging ontologies, and building a knowledge graph from the DDB's voluminous collection. Towards this goal, an alignment of bibliographic metadata from DDB-EDM to FRBR-Aligned Bibliographic Ontology (FaBiO) is presented.