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    Hybrid Optical Fibers – An Innovative Platform for In‐Fiber Photonic Devices
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2015) Alexander Schmidt, Markus; Argyros, Alexander; Sorin, Fabien
    The field of hybrid optical fibers is one of the most active research areas in current fiber optics and has the vision of integrating sophisticated materials inside fibers, which are not traditionally used in fiber optics. Novel in-fiber devices with unique properties have been developed, opening up new directions for fiber optics in fields of critical interest in modern research, such as biophotonics, environmental science, optoelectronics, metamaterials, remote sensing, medicine, or quantum optics. Here the recent progress in the field of hybrid optical fibers is reviewed from an application perspective, focusing on fiber-integrated devices enabled by including novel materials inside polymer and glass fibers. The topics discussed range from nanowire-based plasmonics and hyperlenses, to integrated semiconductor devices such as optoelectronic detectors, and intense light generation unlocked by highly nonlinear hybrid waveguides.
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    Spectrometer‐free Optical Hydrogen Sensing Based on Fano‐like Spatial Distribution of Transmission in a Metal−Insulator−Metal Plasmonic Doppler Grating
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Chen, Yi‐Ju; Lin, Fan‐Cheng; Singh, Ankit Kumar; Ouyang, Lei; Huang, Jer‐Shing
    Optical nanosensors are promising for hydrogen sensing because they are small, free from spark generation, and feasible for remote optical readout. Conventional optical nanosensors require broadband excitation and spectrometers, rendering the devices bulky and complex. An alternative is spatial intensity-based optical sensing, which only requires an imaging system and a smartly designed platform to report the spatial distribution of analytical optical signals. Here, a spatial intensity-based hydrogen sensing platform is presented based on Fano-like spatial distribution of the transmission in a Pd-Al2O3-Au metal-insulator-metal plasmonic Doppler grating (MIM-PDG). The MIM-PDG manifests the Fano resonance as an asymmetric spatial transmission intensity profile. The absorption of hydrogen changes the spatial Fano-like transmission profiles, which can be analyzed with a “spatial” Fano resonance model and the extracted Fano resonance parameters can be used to establish analytical calibration lines. While gratings sensitive to hydrogen absorption are suitable for hydrogen sensing, hydrogen insensitive gratings are also found, which provide an unperturbed reference signal and may find applications in nanophotonic devices that require a stable optical response under fluctuating hydrogen atmosphere. The MIM-PDG platform is a spectrometer-free and intensity-based optical sensor that requires only an imaging system, making it promising for cellphone-based optical sensing applications. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.
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    Emission Manipulation by DNA Origami‐Assisted Plasmonic Nanoantennas
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Yeşilyurt, Ayşe Tuğça Mina; Huang, Jer‐Shing
    Plasmonic nanoantennas mediate far and near optical fields and confine the light to subwavelength dimensions. The spatial organization of nanoantenna elements is critical as it affects the interelement coupling and determines the resultant antenna mode. To couple quantum emitters to optical antennas, high precision on the order of a few nm with respect to the antenna is necessary. As an emerging nanofabrication technique, DNA origami has proven itself to be a robust nanobreadboard to obtain sub-5 nm positioning precision for a diverse range of materials. Eliminating the need for expensive state-of-the-art top-down fabrication facilities, DNA origami enables cost-efficient implementation of nanoscale architectures, including novel nanoantennas. The ability of DNA origami to deterministically position single quantum emitters into nanoscale hotspots further boosts the efficiency of light–matter interaction controlled via optical antennas. This review recapitulates the recent progress in plasmonic nanoantennas assisted by DNA origami and focuses on their various configurations. How those nanoantennas act on the emission and absorption properties of quantum emitters positioned in the hotspots is explicitly discussed. In the end, open challenges are outlined and future possibilities lying ahead are pointed out for this powerful triad of biotechnology, nanooptics, and photophysics. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Optical Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Plasticity, crack initiation and defect resistance in alkali-borosilicate glasses: From normal to anomalous behavior
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2015) Limbach, R.; Winterstein-Beckmann, A.; Dellith, J.; Möncke, D.; Wondraczek, L.
    We provide a comprehensive description of the defect tolerance of sodium-borosilicate glasses upon sharp contact loading. This is motivated by the key role which is taken by this particular glass system in a wide variety of applications, ranging from electronic substrates, display covers and substrates for biomedical imaging and sensing to, e.g., radioactive waste vitrification. The present report covers the mechanical properties of glasses in the Na2O–B2O3–SiO2 ternary over the broad range of compositions from pure SiO2 to binary sodium-borates, and crossing the regions of various commercially relevant specialty borosilicate glasses, such as the multi-component Duran-, Pyrex- and BK7-type compositions and typical soda-lime silicate glasses, which are also included in this study. In terms of structure, the considered glasses may be separated into two groups, that is, one series which contains only bridging oxygen atoms, and another series which is designed with an increasing number of non-bridging oxygen ions. Elastic moduli, Poisson ratio, hardness as well as creep and crack resistance were evaluated, as well as the contribution of densification to the overall amount of indentation deformation. Correlations between the mechanical properties and structural characteristics of near- and mid-range order are discussed, from which we obtain a mechanistic view at the molecular reactions which govern the overall deformation reaction and, ultimately, contact cracking.
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    Wet-chemical Passivation of Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticles for LSPR-sensing by a Silica Shell
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2015) Thiele, Matthias; Götz, Isabell; Trautmann, Steffen; Müller, Robert; Csáki, Andrea; Henkel, Thomas; Fritzsche, Wolfgang
    Metal nanoparticles showing the effect of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), a collective oscillation of the conduction electrons upon interaction with light, represent an interesting tool for bioanalytics. This resonance is influenced by changes in the environment, and can be therefore used for the detection of molecular layers. The sensitivity, this means the extent of wavelength resonance shift per change in refractive index in the environment, represents an important performance parameter. It is higher for silver compared to gold particles, and is also increased for anisotropic particles. So silver triangles show a high potential for highly sensitive plasmonic nanoparticles. However, the stability under ambient conditions is rather poor. The paper demonstrates the passivation of silver triangles by silica coating using a wet-chemical approach. It compares the sensitivity for particles with and without passivation, and visualizes the passivation effect in a high resolution, single particle TEM study.
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    Giant persistent photoconductivity in monolayer MoS2 field-effect transistors
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2021) George, A.; Fistul, M.V.; Gruenewald, M.; Kaiser, D.; Lehnert, T.; Mupparapu, R.; Neumann, C.; Hübner, U.; Schaal, M.; Masurkar, N.; Arava, L.M.R.; Staude, I.; Kaiser, U.; Fritz, T.; Turchanin, A.
    Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) have numerous potential applications in ultrathin electronics and photonics. The exposure of TMD-based devices to light generates photo-carriers resulting in an enhanced conductivity, which can be effectively used, e.g., in photodetectors. If the photo-enhanced conductivity persists after removal of the irradiation, the effect is known as persistent photoconductivity (PPC). Here we show that ultraviolet light (λ = 365 nm) exposure induces an extremely long-living giant PPC (GPPC) in monolayer MoS2 (ML-MoS2) field-effect transistors (FET) with a time constant of ~30 days. Furthermore, this effect leads to a large enhancement of the conductivity up to a factor of 107. In contrast to previous studies in which the origin of the PPC was attributed to extrinsic reasons such as trapped charges in the substrate or adsorbates, we show that the GPPC arises mainly from the intrinsic properties of ML-MoS2 such as lattice defects that induce a large number of localized states in the forbidden gap. This finding is supported by a detailed experimental and theoretical study of the electric transport in TMD based FETs as well as by characterization of ML-MoS2 with scanning tunneling spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and photoluminescence measurements. The obtained results provide a basis for the defect-based engineering of the electronic and optical properties of TMDs for device applications.