Search Results

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    Single pairing spike-timing dependent plasticity in BiFeO3 memristors with a time window of 25 ms to 125 μs
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2015) Du, Nan; Kiani, Mahdi; Mayr, Christian G.; You, Tiangui; Bürger, Danilo; Skorupa, Ilona; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Schmidt, Heidemarie
    Memristive devices are popular among neuromorphic engineers for their ability to emulate forms of spike-driven synaptic plasticity by applying specific voltage and current waveforms at their two terminals. In this paper, we investigate spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) with a single pairing of one presynaptic voltage spike and one post-synaptic voltage spike in a BiFeO3 memristive device. In most memristive materials the learning window is primarily a function of the material characteristics and not of the applied waveform. In contrast, we show that the analog resistive switching of the developed artificial synapses allows to adjust the learning time constant of the STDP function from 25 ms to 125 μs via the duration of applied voltage spikes. Also, as the induced weight change may degrade, we investigate the remanence of the resistance change for several hours after analog resistive switching, thus emulating the processes expected in biological synapses. As the power consumption is a major constraint in neuromorphic circuits, we show methods to reduce the consumed energy per setting pulse to only 4.5 pJ in the developed artificial synapses.
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    High-resolution diffusion kurtosis imaging at 3T enabled by advanced post-processing
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2015) Mohammadi, Siawoosh; Tabelow, Karsten; Ruthotto, Lars; Feiweier, Thorsten; Polzehl, Jörg; Weiskopf, Nikolaus
    Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) is more sensitive to microstructural differences and can be related to more specific micro-scale metrics (e.g., intra-axonal volume fraction) than diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), offering exceptional potential for clinical diagnosis and research into the white and gray matter. Currently DKI is acquired only at low spatial resolution (2–3 mm isotropic), because of the lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and higher artifact level associated with the technically more demanding DKI. Higher spatial resolution of about 1 mm is required for the characterization of fine white matter pathways or cortical microstructure. We used restricted-field-of-view (rFoV) imaging in combination with advanced post-processing methods to enable unprecedented high-quality, high-resolution DKI (1.2 mm isotropic) on a clinical 3T scanner. Post-processing was advanced by developing a novel method for Retrospective Eddy current and Motion ArtifacT Correction in High-resolution, multi-shell diffusion data (REMATCH). Furthermore, we applied a powerful edge preserving denoising method, denoted as multi-shell orientation-position-adaptive smoothing (msPOAS). We demonstrated the feasibility of high-quality, high-resolution DKI and its potential for delineating highly myelinated fiber pathways in the motor cortex. REMATCH performs robustly even at the low SNR level of high-resolution DKI, where standard EC and motion correction failed (i.e., produced incorrectly aligned images) and thus biased the diffusion model fit. We showed that the combination of REMATCH and msPOAS increased the contrast between gray and white matter in mean kurtosis (MK) maps by about 35% and at the same time preserves the original distribution of MK values, whereas standard Gaussian smoothing strongly biases the distribution.
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    Synaptic Plasticity in Memristive Artificial Synapses and Their Robustness Against Noisy Inputs
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2021) Du, Nan; Zhao, Xianyue; Chen, Ziang; Choubey, Bhaskar; Di Ventra, Massimiliano; Skorupa, Ilona; Bürger, Danilo; Schmidt, Heidemarie
    Emerging brain-inspired neuromorphic computing paradigms require devices that can emulate the complete functionality of biological synapses upon different neuronal activities in order to process big data flows in an efficient and cognitive manner while being robust against any noisy input. The memristive device has been proposed as a promising candidate for emulating artificial synapses due to their complex multilevel and dynamical plastic behaviors. In this work, we exploit ultrastable analog BiFeO3 (BFO)-based memristive devices for experimentally demonstrating that BFO artificial synapses support various long-term plastic functions, i.e., spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), cycle number-dependent plasticity (CNDP), and spiking rate-dependent plasticity (SRDP). The study on the impact of electrical stimuli in terms of pulse width and amplitude on STDP behaviors shows that their learning windows possess a wide range of timescale configurability, which can be a function of applied waveform. Moreover, beyond SRDP, the systematical and comparative study on generalized frequency-dependent plasticity (FDP) is carried out, which reveals for the first time that the ratio modulation between pulse width and pulse interval time within one spike cycle can result in both synaptic potentiation and depression effect within the same firing frequency. The impact of intrinsic neuronal noise on the STDP function of a single BFO artificial synapse can be neglected because thermal noise is two orders of magnitude smaller than the writing voltage and because the cycle-to-cycle variation of the current–voltage characteristics of a single BFO artificial synapses is small. However, extrinsic voltage fluctuations, e.g., in neural networks, cause a noisy input into the artificial synapses of the neural network. Here, the impact of extrinsic neuronal noise on the STDP function of a single BFO artificial synapse is analyzed in order to understand the robustness of plastic behavior in memristive artificial synapses against extrinsic noisy input.
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    Simulating Dynamics of Circulation in the Awake State and Different Stages of Sleep Using Non-autonomous Mathematical Model With Time Delay
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2021) Karavaev, Anatoly S.; Ishbulatov, Yurii M.; Prokhorov, Mikhail D.; Ponomarenko, Vladimir I.; Kiselev, Anton R.; Runnova, Anastasiia E.; Hramkov, Alexey N.; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana V.; Kurths, Jürgen; Penzel, Thomas
    We propose a mathematical model of the human cardiovascular system. The model allows one to simulate the main heart rate, its variability under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, breathing process, and oscillations of blood pressure. For the first time, the model takes into account the activity of the cerebral cortex structures that modulate the autonomic control loops of blood circulation in the awake state and in various stages of sleep. The adequacy of the model is demonstrated by comparing its time series with experimental records of healthy subjects in the SIESTA database. The proposed model can become a useful tool for studying the characteristics of the cardiovascular system dynamics during sleep.
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    The Search as Learning Spaceship: Toward a Comprehensive Model of Psychological and Technological Facets of Search as Learning
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Research Foundation, 2022) von Hoyer, Johannes; Hoppe, Anett; Kammerer, Yvonne; Otto, Christian; Pardi, Georg; Rokicki, Markus; Yu, Ran; Dietze, Stefan; Ewerth, Ralph; Holtz, Peter
    Using a Web search engine is one of today’s most frequent activities. Exploratory search activities which are carried out in order to gain knowledge are conceptualized and denoted as Search as Learning (SAL). In this paper, we introduce a novel framework model which incorporates the perspective of both psychology and computer science to describe the search as learning process by reviewing recent literature. The main entities of the model are the learner who is surrounded by a specific learning context, the interface that mediates between the learner and the information environment, the information retrieval (IR) backend which manages the processes between the interface and the set of Web resources, that is, the collective Web knowledge represented in resources of different modalities. At first, we provide an overview of the current state of the art with regard to the five main entities of our model, before we outline areas of future research to improve our understanding of search as learning processes.