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Year-round stratospheric aerosol backscatter ratios calculated from lidar measurements above northern Norway

2019, Langenbach, A., Baumgarten, G., Fiedler, J., Lübken, F.-J., Von Savigny, C., Zalach, J.

We present a new method for calculating backscatter ratios of the stratospheric sulfate aerosol (SSA) layer from daytime and nighttime lidar measurements. Using this new method we show a first year-round dataset of stratospheric aerosol backscatter ratios at high latitudes. The SSA layer is located at altitudes between the tropopause and about 30 km. It is of fundamental importance for the radiative balance of the atmosphere. We use a state-of-the-art Rayleigh-Mie-Raman lidar at the Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research (ALOMAR) station located in northern Norway (69N, 16E; 380ma.s.l.). For nighttime measurements the aerosol backscatter ratios are derived using elastic and inelastic backscatter of the emitted laser wavelengths 355, 532 and 1064nm. The setup of the lidar allows measurements with a resolution of about 5 min in time and 150 m in altitude to be performed in high quality, which enables the identification of multiple sub-layers in the stratospheric aerosol layer of less than 1 km vertical thickness. We introduce a method to extend the dataset throughout the summer when measurements need to be performed under permanent daytime conditions. For that purpose we approximate the backscatter ratios from color ratios of elastic scattering and apply a correction function. We calculate the correction function using the average backscatter ratio profile at 355nm from about 1700 h of nighttime measurements from the years 2000 to 2018. Using the new method we finally present a year-round dataset based on about 4100 h of measurements during the years 2014 to 2017. © Author(s) 2019.

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A new description of probability density distributions of polar mesospheric clouds

2019, Berger, U., Baumgarten, G., Fiedler, J., Lübken, F.-J.

In this paper we present a new description of statistical probability density functions (pdfs) of polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs). The analysis is based on observations of maximum backscatter, ice mass density, ice particle radius, and number density of ice particles measured by the ALOMAR Rayleigh-Mie-Raman lidar for all PMC seasons from 2002 to 2016. From this data set we derive a new class of pdfs that describe the statistics of PMC events that is different from previous statistical methods using the approach of an exponential distribution commonly named the g distribution. The new analysis describes successfully the probability distributions of ALOMAR lidar data. It turns out that the former g-function description is a special case of our new approach. In general the new statistical function can be applied to many kinds of different PMC parameters, e.g., maximum backscatter, integrated backscatter, ice mass density, ice water content, ice particle radius, ice particle number density, or albedo measured by satellites. As a main advantage the new method allows us to connect different observational PMC distributions of lidar and satellite data, and also to compare with distributions from ice model studies. In particular, the statistical distributions of different ice parameters can be compared with each other on the basis of a common assessment that facilitates, for example, trend analysis of PMC. © Author(s) 2019.

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Simultaneous and co-located wind measurements in the middle atmosphere by lidar and rocket-borne techniques

2016, Lübken, Franz-Josef, Baumgarten, Gerd, Hildebrand, Jens, Schmidlin, Francis J.

We present the first comparison of a new lidar technique to measure winds in the middle atmosphere, called DoRIS (Doppler Rayleigh Iodine Spectrometer), with a rocket-borne in situ method, which relies on measuring the horizontal drift of a target (“starute”) by a tracking radar. The launches took place from the Andøya Space Center (ASC), very close to the ALOMAR observatory (Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research) at 69° N. DoRIS is part of a steerable twin lidar system installed at ALOMAR. The observations were made simultaneously and with a horizontal distance between the two lidar beams and the starute trajectories of typically 0–40 km only. DoRIS measured winds from 14 March 2015, 17:00 UTC, to 15 March 2015, 11:30 UTC. A total of eight starute flights were launched successfully from 14 March, 19:00 UTC, to 15 March, 00:19 UTC. In general there is excellent agreement between DoRIS and the in situ measurements, considering the combined range of uncertainties. This concerns not only the general height structures of zonal and meridional winds and their temporal developments, but also some wavy structures. Considering the comparison between all starute flights and all DoRIS observations in a time period of ±20 min around each individual starute flight, we arrive at mean differences of typically ±5–10 m s−1 for both wind components. Part of the remaining differences are most likely due to the detection of different wave fronts of gravity waves. There is no systematic difference between DoRIS and the in situ observations above 30 km. Below ∼ 30 km, winds from DoRIS are systematically too large by up to 10–20 m s−1, which can be explained by the presence of aerosols. This is proven by deriving the backscatter ratios at two different wavelengths. These ratios are larger than unity, which is an indication of the presence of aerosols.