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    The influence of Arctic amplification on mid-latitude summer circulation
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018) Coumou, D.; Di Capua, G.; Vavrus, S.; Wang, L.; Wang, S.
    Accelerated warming in the Arctic, as compared to the rest of the globe, might have profound impacts on mid-latitude weather. Most studies analyzing Arctic links to mid-latitude weather focused on winter, yet recent summers have seen strong reductions in sea-ice extent and snow cover, a weakened equator-to-pole thermal gradient and associated weakening of the mid-latitude circulation. We review the scientific evidence behind three leading hypotheses on the influence of Arctic changes on mid-latitude summer weather: Weakened storm tracks, shifted jet streams, and amplified quasi-stationary waves. We show that interactions between Arctic teleconnections and other remote and regional feedback processes could lead to more persistent hot-dry extremes in the mid-latitudes. The exact nature of these non-linear interactions is not well quantified but they provide potential high-impact risks for society.
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    Warming assessment of the bottom-up Paris Agreement emissions pledges
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018) Robiou du Pont, Yann; Meinshausen, Malte
    Under the bottom-up architecture of the Paris Agreement, countries pledge Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Current NDCs individually align, at best, with divergent concepts of equity and are collectively inconsistent with the Paris Agreement. We show that the global 2030-emissions of NDCs match the sum of each country adopting the least-stringent of five effort-sharing allocations of a well-below 2 Ā°C-scenario. Extending such a self-interested bottom-up aggregation of equity might lead to a median 2100-warming of 2.3 Ā°C. Tightening the warming goal of each countryā€™s effort-sharing approach to aspirational levels of 1.1 Ā°C and 1.3 Ā°C could achieve the 1.5 Ā°C and well-below 2 Ā°C-thresholds, respectively. This new hybrid allocation reconciles the bottom-up nature of the Paris Agreement with its top-down warming thresholds and provides a temperature metric to assess NDCs. When taken as benchmark by other countries, the NDCs of India, the EU, the USA and China lead to 2.6 Ā°C, 3.2 Ā°C, 4 Ā°C and over 5.1 Ā°C warmings, respectively.
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    Phase coherence between precipitation in South America and Rossby waves
    (Washington, DC [u.a.] : Assoc., 2018) Gelbrecht, Maximilian; Boers, Niklas; Kurths, JĆ¼rgen
    The dominant mode of intraseasonal precipitation variability during the South American monsoon is the so-called precipitation dipole between the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ) and southeastern South America (SESA). It affects highly populated areas that are of substantial importance for the regional food supplies. Previous studies using principal components analysis or complex networks were able to describe and characterize this variability pattern, but crucial questions regarding the responsible physical mechanism remain open. Here, we use phase synchronization techniques to study the relation between precipitation in the SACZ and SESA on the one hand and southern hemisphere Rossby wave trains on the other hand. In combination with a conceptual model, this approach demonstrates that the dipolar precipitation pattern is caused by the southern hemisphere Rossby waves. Our results thus show that Rossby waves are the main driver of the monsoon season variability in South America, a finding that has important implications for synoptic-scale weather forecasts.
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    Yield trends, variability and stagnation analysis of major crops in France over more than a century
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2018) Schauberger, Bernhard; Ben-Ari, Tamara; Makowski, David; Kato, Tomomichi; Kato, Hiromi; Ciais, Philippe
    France is a major crop producer, with a production share of approx. 20% within the European Union. Yet, a discussion has recently started whether French yields are stagnating. While for wheat previous results are unanimously pointing to recent stagnation, there is contradictory evidence for maize and few to no results for other crops. Here we analyse a data set with more than 120,000 yield observations from 1900 to 2016 for ten crops (barley, durum and soft wheat, maize, oats, potatoes, rapeseed, sugar beet, sunflower and wine) in the 96 mainland French dĆ©partements (NUTS3 administrative division). We dissect the evolution of yield trends over time and space, analyse yield variation and evaluate whether growth of yields has stalled in recent years. Yields have, on average across crops, multiplied four-fold over the course of the 20th century. While absolute yield variability has increased, the variation relative to the mean has halved ā€“ mean yields have increased faster than their variability. But growth of yields has stagnated since the 1990ā€™s for winter wheat, barley, oats, durum wheat, sunflower and wine on at least 25% of their areas. Reaching yield potentials is unlikely as a cause for stagnation. Maize, in contrast, shows no evidence for stagnation.
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    Common solar wind drivers behind magnetic stormā€“magnetospheric substorm dependency
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2018) Runge, Jakob; Balasis, Georgios; Daglis, Ioannis A.; Papadimitriou, Constantinos; Donner, Reik V.
    The dynamical relationship between magnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms is one of the most controversial issues of contemporary space research. Here, we address this issue through a causal inference approach to two corresponding indices in conjunction with several relevant solar wind variables. We find that the vertical component of the interplanetary magnetic field is the strongest and common driver of both storms and substorms. Further, our results suggest, at least based on the analyzed indices, that there is no statistical evidence for a direct or indirect dependency between substorms and storms and their statistical association can be explained by the common solar drivers. Given the powerful statistical tests we performed (by simultaneously taking into account time series of indices and solar wind variables), a physical mechanism through which substorms directly or indirectly drive storms or vice versa is, therefore, unlikely.
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    Alberta wildfire 2016: Apt contribution from anomalous planetary wave dynamics
    ([London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2018) Petoukhov, Vladimir; Petri, Stefan; Kornhuber, Kai; Thonicke, Kirsten; Coumou, Dim; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim
    In May-June 2016 the Canadian Province of Alberta suffered one of the most devastating wildfires in its history. Here we show that in mid-April to early May 2016 the large-scale circulation in the mid- and high troposphere of the middle and sub-polar latitudes of the northern hemisphere featured a persistent high-amplitude planetary wave structure dominated by the non-dimensional zonal wave number 4. The strongest anticyclonic wing of this structure was located over western Canada. In combination with a very strong El NiƱo event in winter 2015/2016 this favored highly anomalous, tinder-dry and high-temperature conditions at the surface in that area, entailing an increased fire hazard there. This critically contributed to the ignition of the Alberta Wildfire in May 2016, appearing to be the costliest disaster in Canadian history thus far.