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    Developing a Laser Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption Spectral Database as Reference for Spaceborne Mass Spectrometers
    (Malden, Mass. : American Geophysical Union, 2022) Klenner, Fabian; Umair, Muhammad; Walter, Sebastian H. G.; Khawaja, Nozair; Hillier, Jon; Nölle, Lenz; Zou, Zenghui; Napoleoni, Maryse; Sanderink, Arnaud; Zuschneid, Wilhelm; Abel, Bernd; Postberg, Frank
    Spaceborne impact ionization mass spectrometers, such as the Cosmic Dust Analyzer on board the past Cassini spacecraft or the SUrface Dust Analyzer being built for NASA's upcoming Europa Clipper mission, are of crucial importance for the exploration of icy moons in the Solar System, such as Saturn's moon Enceladus or Jupiter's moon Europa. For the interpretation of data produced by these instruments, analogue experiments on Earth are essential. To date, thousands of laboratory mass spectra have been recorded with an analogue experiment for impact ionization mass spectrometers. Simulation of mass spectra of ice grains in space is achieved by a Laser Induced Liquid Beam Ion Desorption (LILBID) approach. The desorbed cations or anions are analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The amount of unstructured raw data is increasingly challenging to sort, process, interpret and compare with data from space. Thus far this has been achieved manually for individual mass spectra because no database containing the recorded reference spectra was available. Here we describe the development of a comprehensive, extendable database containing cation and anion mass spectra from the laboratory LILBID facility. The database is based on a Relational Database Management System with a web server interface and enables filtering of the laboratory data using a wide range of parameters. The mass spectra can be compared not only with data from past and future space missions but also mass spectral data generated by other, terrestrial, techniques. The validated and approved subset of the database is available for general public (
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    Cryo-printed microfluidics enable rapid prototyping for optical-cell analysis
    (Heidelberg : Springer, 2022) Garmasukis, Rokas; Hackl, Claudia; Dusny, Christian; Elsner, Christian; Charvat, Ales; Schmid, Andreas; Abel, Bernd
    This paper highlights an innovative, low-cost rapid-prototyping method for generating microfluidic chips with extraordinary short fabrication times of only a few minutes. Microchannels and inlet/outlet ports are created by controlled deposition of aqueous microdroplets on a cooled surface resulting in printed ice microstructures, which are in turn coated with a UV-curable acrylic cover layer. Thawing leaves an inverse imprint as a microchannel structure. For an exemplary case, we applied this technology for creating a microfluidic chip for cell-customized optical-cell analysis. The chip design includes containers for cell cultivation and analysis. Container shape, length, position, and angle relative to the main channel were iteratively optimized to cultivate and analyze different cell types. With the chip, we performed physiological analyses of morphologically distinct prokaryotic Corynebacterium glutamicum DM1919, eukaryotic Hansenula polymorpha RB11 MOX-GFP, and phototrophic Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells via quantitative time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. The technology is not limited to rapid prototyping of complex biocompatible microfluidics. Further exploration may include printing with different materials other than water, printing on other substrates in-situ biofunctionalization, the inclusion of electrodes and many other applications.
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    Heterobimetallic conducting polymers based on salophen complexes via electrosynthesis
    (London [u.a.] : RSC, 2023) Bia, Francesca; Gualandi, Isacco; Griebel, Jan; Rasmussen, Leon; Hallak, Bassam; Tonelli, Domenica; Kersting, Berthold
    In this work, we report the first electrochemical synthesis of two copolymeric bimetallic conducting polymers by a simple anodic electropolymerization method. The adopted precursors are electroactive transition metal (M = Ni, Cu and Fe) salophen complexes, which can be easily obtained by direct chemical synthesis. The resulting films, labeled poly-NiCu and poly-CuFe, were characterized by cyclic voltammetry in both organic and aqueous media, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and coupled energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The films are conductive and exhibit great electrochemical stability in both organic and aqueous media (resistant over 100 cycles without significant loss in current response or changes in electrochemical behavior), which makes them good candidates for an array of potential applications. Electrochemical detection of ascorbic acid was performed using both materials.
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    Improvement of the optical properties after surface error correction of aluminium mirror surfaces
    (London : Biomed Central, 2021) Ulitschka, M.; Bauer, J.; Frost, F.; Arnold, T.
    Ion beam finishing techniques of aluminium mirrors have a high potential to meet the increasing demands on applications of high-performance mirror devices for visible and ultraviolet spectral range. Reactively driven ion beam machining using oxygen and nitrogen gases enables the direct figure error correction up to 1 μm machining depth while preserving the initial roughness. However, the periodic turning mark structures, which result from preliminary device shaping by single-point diamond turning, often limit the applicability of mirror surfaces in the short-periodic spectral range. Ion beam planarization with the aid of a sacrificial layer is a promising process route for surface smoothing, resulting in successfully reduction of the turning mark structures. A combination with direct surface smoothing to perform a subsequent improvement of the microroughness is presented with a special focus on roughness evolution, chemical composition, and optical surface properties. As a result, an ion beam based process route is suggested, which allows almost to recover the reflective properties and an increased long-term stability of smoothed aluminium surfaces.
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    Target ion and neutral spread in high power impulse magnetron sputtering
    (New York, NY : Inst., 2022) Hajihoseini, H.; Brenning, N.; Rudolph, M.; Raadu, M.A.; Lundin, D.; Fischer, J.; Minea, T. M.; Gudmundsson, J.T.
    In magnetron sputtering, only a fraction of the sputtered target material leaving the ionization region is directed toward the substrate. This fraction may be different for ions and neutrals of the target material as the neutrals and ions can exhibit a different spread as they travel from the target surface toward the substrate. This difference can be significant in high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) where a substantial fraction of the sputtered material is known to be ionized. Geometrical factors or transport parameters that account for the loss of produced film-forming species to the chamber walls are needed for experimental characterization and modeling of the magnetron sputtering discharge. Here, we experimentally determine transport parameters for ions and neutral atoms in a HiPIMS discharge with a titanium target for various magnet configurations. Transport parameters are determined to a typical substrate, with the same diameter (100 mm) as the cathode target, and located at a distance 70 mm from the target surface. As the magnet configuration and/or the discharge current are changed, the transport parameter for neutral atoms ζ tn remains roughly the same, while transport parameters for ions ζ ti vary greatly. Furthermore, the relative ion-to-neutral transport factors, ζ ti / ζ tn, that describe the relative deposited fractions of target material ions and neutrals onto the substrate, are determined to be in the range from 0.4 to 1.1.
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    Weak electron irradiation suppresses the anomalous magnetization of N-doped diamond crystals
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Setzer, Annette; Esquinazi, Pablo D.; Daikos, Olesya; Scherzer, Tom; Pöppl, Andreas; Staacke, Robert; LĂ¼hmann, Tobias; Pezzagna, Sebastien; Knolle, Wolfgang; Buga, Sergei; Abel, Bernd; Meijer, Jan
    Several diamond bulk crystals with a concentration of electrically neutral single substitutional nitrogen atoms of ≲80 ppm, the so-called C or P1 centers, are irradiated with electrons at 10 MeV energy and low fluence. The results show a complete suppression of the irreversible behavior in field and temperature of the magnetization below 30 K, after a decrease in ≲40 ppm in the concentration of C centers produced by the electron irradiation. This result indicates that magnetic C centers are at the origin of the large hysteretic behavior found recently in nitrogen-doped diamond crystals. This is remarkable because of the relatively low density of C centers, stressing the extraordinary role of the C centers in triggering those phenomena in diamond at relatively high temperatures. After annealing the samples at high temperatures in vacuum, the hysteretic behavior is partially recovered.
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    Magnetic measurement methods to probe nanoparticle–matrix interactions
    (Berlin : de Gruyter, 2021) Liebl, Maik; Eberbeck, Dietmar; Coene, Annelies; Leliaert, Jonathan; Jauch, Philine; Kruteva, Margarita; Fruhner, Lisa; Barnsley, Lester; Mayr, Stefan G.; Wiekhorst, Frank
    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are key elements in several biomedical applications, e.g., in cancer therapy. Here, the MNPs are remotely manipulated by magnetic fields from outside the body to deliver drugs or generate heat in tumor tissue. The efficiency and success of these approaches strongly depend on the spatial distribution and quantity of MNPs inside a body and interactions of the particles with the biological matrix. These include dynamic processes of the MNPs in the organism such as binding kinetics, cellular uptake, passage through cell barriers, heat induction and flow. While magnetic measurement methods have been applied so far to resolve the location and quantity of MNPs for therapy monitoring, these methods can be advanced to additionally access these particle–matrix interactions. By this, the MNPs can further be utilized as probes for the physical properties of their molecular environment. In this review, we first investigate the impact of nanoparticle–matrix interactions on magnetic measurements in selected experiments. With these results, we then advanced the imaging modalities magnetorelaxometry imaging and magnetic microsphere tracking to spatially resolve particle–matrix interactions.
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    Low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma conversion of polydimethylsiloxane and polysilazane precursor layers to oxide thin films
    (Weinheim : Wiley VCH, 2023) Rudolph, Martin; Birtel, Peter; Arnold, Thomas; Prager, Andrea; Naumov, Sergej; Helmstedt, Ulrike; Anders, André; With, Patrick C.
    We study the conversion of two polymeric silicon precursor compound layers (perhydropolysilazane and polydimethylsiloxane) on a silicon wafer and polyethylene terephthalate substrates to silicon oxide thin films using a pulsed atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Varying the scan velocity and the number of treatments results in various film compositions, as determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The mechanism suggested for the conversion process includes the decomposition of the precursor triggered by plasma-produced species, the oxidation of the surface, and finally, the diffusion of oxygen into the film, while gases produced during the precursor decomposition diffuse out of the film. The latter process is possibly facilitated by local plasma heating of the surface. The precursor conversion appears to depend sensitively on the balance between the different contributions to the conversion mechanism.
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    Magnetic field and angle-dependent photoluminescence of a fiber-coupled nitrogen vacancy rich diamond
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Wunderlich, Ralf; Staacke, Robert; Knolle, Wolfgang; Abel, Bernd; Meijer, Jan
    Here, we investigate the magnetic field dependent photoluminescence (PL) of a fiber-coupled diamond single crystal with a high density of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers. Angle-dependent magnetic field sweep measurements between 0 and 111 mT were performed using an oscillating illumination combined with lock-in techniques. Besides the expected superposed PL of differently oriented NV centers, a zoo of features in the PL are found. These features can be associated with level anti-crossings and cross relaxations. In particular, PL measurements allowed us to detect auto-cross relaxation between coupled NV centers. Moreover, the PL measurements at low magnetic fields show dips suggesting an interaction of NV centers with additional spin defects. The results presented here are not only a study for NV-based fiber-coupled sensors made of diamond, but also show a way to investigate with manageable effort and purely an optical multispin interaction with at least one NV center as a constituent.
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    Influence of wavelength and accumulated fluence at picosecond laser-induced surface roughening of copper on secondary electron yield
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2023) Bez, Elena; Himmerlich, Marcel; Lorenz, Pierre; Ehrhardt, Martin; Gunn, Aidan Graham; Pfeiffer, Stephan; Rimoldi, Martino; Taborelli, Mauro; Zimmer, Klaus; Chiggiato, Paolo; Anders, André
    Ultrashort-pulse laser processing of copper is performed in air to reduce the secondary electron yield (SEY). By UV (355 nm), green (532 nm), and IR (1064 nm) laser-light induced surface modification, this study investigates the influence of the most relevant experimental parameters, such as laser power, scanning speed, and scanning line distance (represented as accumulated fluence) on the ablation depth, surface oxidation, topography, and ultimately on the SEY. Increasing the accumulated laser fluence results in a gradual change from a Cu 2 O to a CuO-dominated surface with deeper micrometer trenches, higher density of redeposited surface particles from the plasma phase, and a reduced SEY. While the surface modifications are less pronounced for IR radiation at low accumulated fluence (,1000 J/cm2 ), analogous results are obtained for all wavelengths when reaching the nonlinear absorption regime, for which the SEY maximum converges to 0.7. Furthermore, independent of the extent of the structural transformations, an electron-induced surface conditioning at 250 eV allows a reduction of the SEY maximum below unity at doses of 5Ă—10 -4 C/mm2 . Consequently, optimization of processing parameters for application in particle accelerators can be obtained for a sufficiently low SEY at controlled ablation depth and surface particle density, which are factors that limit the surface impedance and the applicability of the material processing for ultrahigh vacuum systems. The relations between pro- cessing parameters and surface features will provide guidance in treating the surface of vacuum components, especially beam screens of selected magnets of the Large Hadron Collider or of future colliders.