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A method for determination of length distributions of multiwalled carbon nanotubes before and after melt processing

2011, Krause, Beate, Boldt, Regine, Pötschke, Petra

A relatively simple method to determine the length distribution of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) before and after melt processing was developed. This involves the selection of a suitable solvent for dispersing pristine CNTs as well as to dissolve the matrix of melt mixed composites and the choice of an appropriate nanotube concentration. The length of suitably individualized CNTs was visualized using transmission electron microscopy and length distributions were measured using image analysis. Examples are shown for Baytubes® C150HP and Nanocyl™ NC7000 and their melt mixed composites with polycarbonate where the same procedure was applied to both, measuring the initial length distribution and the distribution after recovering from the composites. These results indicated a significant shortening after melt processing up to 30% of the initial length. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Electrical, mechanical, and glass transition behavior of polycarbonate-based nanocomposites with different multi-walled carbon nanotubes

2011, Castillo, Frank Yepez, Socher, Robert, Krause, Beate, Headrick, Robert, Grady, Brian P., Prada-Silvy, Ricardo, Pötschke, Petra

Five commercially available multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), with different characteristics, were melt mixed with polycarbonate (PC) in a twin-screw micro compounder to obtain nanocomposites containing 0.25-3.0 wt.% MWNT. The electrical properties of the composites were assessed using bulk electrical conductivity measurements, the mechanical properties of the composites were evaluated using tensile tests and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and the thermal properties of the composites were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Electrical percolation thresholds (pcs) were observed between 0.28 wt.% and 0.60 wt.%, which are comparable with other well-dispersed melt mixed materials. Based on measurements of diameter and length distributions of unprocessed tubes it was found that nanotubes with high aspect ratios exhibited lower pcs, although one sample did show higher pc than expected (based on aspect ratio) which was attributed to poorer dispersion achieved during mixing. The stress-strain behavior of the composites is only slightly altered with CNT addition; however, the strain at break is decreased even at low loadings. DMA tests suggest the formation of a combined polymer-CNT continuous network evidenced by measurable storage moduli at temperatures above the glass transition temperature (T g), consistent with a mild reinforcement effect. The composites showed lower glass transition temperatures than that of pure PC. Lowering of the height of the tanδ peak from DMA and reductions in the heat capacity change at the glass transition from DSC indicate that MWNTs reduced the amount of polymer material that participates in the glass transition of the composites, consistent with immobilization of polymer at the nanotube interface. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Characterization of the state of dispersion of carbon nanotubes in polymer nanocomposites

2011, Buschhorn, Samuel T., Wichmann, Malte H. G., Sumfleth, Jan, Schulte, Karl, Pegel, Sven, Kasaliwal, Gaurav R., Villmow, Tobias, Krause, Beate, Göldel, Andreas, Pötschke, Petra

A practical overview of possibilities and limits to characterize the state of dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in polymer based nanocomposites is given. The most important and widely available methods are discussed with practical employment in mind. One focus is the quantitative characterization of the state of dispersion in solid samples using microscopy techniques such as optical microscopy or transmission electron microscopy. For dispersions of CNTs in aqueous media, solvents or monomers a sedimentation analysis is presented. This way dispersability and dispersion state of CNTs can be assessed. Indirect methods such as electrical conductivity measurements and rheological tests, dynamic differential scanning calorimetry and mechanical test are discussed. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

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A successful approach to disperse MWCNTs in polyethylene by melt mixing using polyethylene glycol as additive

2012, Müller, Michael Thomas, Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra

An additive-assisted one-step melt mixing approach was developed to produce nanocomposites based on linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) with multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT). The polymer granules, nanotube powder (2 wt% Nanocyl™ NC7000) and 1-10 wt% of the non-ionic additives poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) or poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) with molar masses between 100 g/mol and 100,000 g/mol were simply fed together in the hopper of a small-scale DSM Xplore 15 twin-screw microcompounder. The produced MWCNT/LLDPE composites showed excellent MWCNT dispersion and highly improved electrical properties as compared to samples without the additive, whereas the effects depend on the amount and molar mass of the additive. When 7 wt% PEG (2000 g/mol) were used, a reduction of the electrical percolation threshold from 2.5 wt% to 1.5 wt% was achieved. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Methods to characterize the dispersability of carbon nanotubes and their length distribution

2012, Krause, Beate, Mende, Mandy, Petzold, Gudrun, Boldt, Regine, Pötschke, Petra

Two main properties of carbon nanotube (CNT) materials are discussed in this contribution. First, a method to characterize the dispersability of CNT materials in aqueous surfactant solutions in presented, which also allows conclusions towards the dispersability in other media, like polymer melts. On the other hand it is shown, how the length of CNTs before and after processing, e.g., after melt mixing with thermoplastics, can be quantified. Both methods are illustrated with examples and the practical relevance is shown. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

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The influence of matrix viscosity on MWCNT dispersion and electrical properties in different thermoplastic nanocomposites

2012, Socher, Robert, Krause, Beate, Müller, Michael T., Boldt, Regine, Pötschke, Petra

Composites of MWCNTs having each three different levels of matrix viscosity with five different polymers (polyamide 12, polybutylene terephthalate, polycarbonate, polyetheretherketone and low density polyethylene) were melt mixed to identify the general influence of matrix viscosity on the electrical properties and the state of MWCNT dispersion. Huge differences in the electrical percolation thresholds were found using the same polymer matrix with different viscosity grades. The lowest percolation thresholds were always found in the composites based on the low viscosity matrix. The state of primary MWCNT agglomerate dispersion increased with increasing matrix viscosity due to the higher input of mixing energy. TEM investigations showed nanoagglomerated structures in the low viscosity samples which are obviously needed to achieve low resistivity values. The effect of nanotube shortening was quantified using two different viscosity grades of polycarbonate. Due to the higher mixing energy input the nanotube shortening was more pronounced in the high viscosity matrix which partially explains the higher percolation threshold. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.