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    Basic material and technology investigations for material bonded hybrids by continuous hybrid profile fabrication
    (London [u.a.] : Institute of Physics, 2021) Schubert, K.; Gedan-Smolka, M.; Marschner, A.; Rietzschel, T.; Uhlig, K.; Löpitz, D.; Wagner, D.; Knobloch, M.; Karjust, Krist; Otto, Tauno; Kübarsepp, Jakob; Hussainova, Irina
    The development of multi-material hybrids by injection molding has been studied very intensively at the IPF in the past. For that, a material bonding between the different substrates was achieved by using a newly developed two-step curing powder coating material as latent reactive adhesive. The aim of the project “Hybrid Pultrusion” was to perform a novel approach for the fabrication of material bonded metal-plastic joints (profiles) in a modified pultrusion process. Therefore, powder pre-coated steel coil is combined with a glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin matrix. For initial basic studies, the impregnated fiber material has been applied on the pre-coated steel sheets using the Resin Transfer Molding process (RTM-process). It was proved via lap shear tests, that this procedure resulted in very high adhesive strengths up to 35 MPa resulting from the formation of a covalent matrix-steel bonding as well. In addition, the failure mechanism was subsequently studied. Furthermore, by adapting the successful material combination to the pultrusion process it was demonstrated that material bonded hybrids can be achieved even under these continuous processing conditions.
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    Combining Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Materials in 3D Printing for Fabricating Microfluidic Devices with Spatial Wettability
    (Weinheim : Wiley, 2021) Männel, Max J.; Weigel, Niclas; Hauck, Nicolas; Heida, Thomas; Thiele, Julian
    The fabrication of microfluidic flow cells via projection micro-stereolithography (PμSL) has excited researchers in recent years. However, due to the inherent process properties of most commercial PμSL, microfluidic devices are fabricated in a monolithic fashion with uniform material properties across a flow cell. Yet, the large surface-to-volume ratio in microfluidics demands to tailor microchannel surface properties—particularly in planar microchannel arrangements—with spatial control and micron-scale resolution to form a desired flow profile, e.g., emulsion droplets. Here, the fabrication of planar microfluidic devices by PμSLbased 3D printing with spatial control over surface properties is presented. For that, homemade photopolymer formulations being either hydrophilic or hydrophobic are designed. Adding acrylic acid to a resin containing poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate lowers the contact angle down to 0° against water creating a superhydrophilic surface. By utilizing 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyl acrylate, a photopolymer formulation allowing for 3D-printing a hydrophobic microchannel surface with a contact angle >120° against water is obtained. Combining these two materials, microfluidic flow cells with spatially defined wettability are 3D-printed for emulsion formation. Finally, the resin vat of the commercial PμSL printer is switched during the printing process for fabricating multimaterial geometries, as exemplarily applied for realizing a hydrophobic-hydrophilic-hydrophobic device for forming O/W/O double emulsions.
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    Lasing by Template-Assisted Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2023) Aftenieva, Olha; Sudzius, Markas; Prudnikau, Anatol; Adnan, Mohammad; Sarkar, Swagato; Lesnyak, Vladimir; Leo, Karl; Fery, Andreas; König, Tobias A.F.
    Miniaturized laser sources with low threshold power are required for integrated photonic devices. Photostable core/shell nanocrystals are well suited as gain material and their laser properties can be exploited by direct patterning as distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. Here, the 2nd-order DFB resonators tuned to the photoluminescence wavelength of the QDs are used. Soft lithography based on template-assisted colloidal self-assembly enables pattern resolution in the subwavelength range. Combined with the directional Langmuir–Blodgett arrangement, control of the waveguide layer thickness is further achieved. It is shown that a lasing threshold of 5.5 mJ cm−2 is reached by a direct printing method, which can be further reduced by a factor of ten (0.6 mJ cm−2) at an optimal waveguide thickness. Moreover, it is discussed how one can adjust the DFB geometries to any working wavelength. This colloidal approach offers prospects for applications in bioimaging, biomedical sensing, anti-counterfeiting, or displays.
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    Chemokine‐Capturing Wound Contact Layer Rescues Dermal Healing
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Schirmer, Lucas; Atallah, Passant; Freudenberg, Uwe; Werner, Carsten
    Excessive inflammation often impedes the healing of chronic wounds. Scavenging of chemokines by multiarmed poly(ethylene glycol)-glycosaminoglycan (starPEG-GAG) hydrogels has recently been shown to support regeneration in a diabetic mouse chronic skin wound model. Herein, a textile-starPEG-GAG composite wound contact layer (WCL) capable of selectively sequestering pro-inflammatory chemokines is reported. Systematic variation of the local and integral charge densities of the starPEG-GAG hydrogel component allows for tailoring its affinity profile for biomolecular signals of the wound milieu. The composite WCL is subsequently tested in a large animal (porcine) model of human wound healing disorders. Dampening excessive inflammatory signals without affecting the levels of pro-regenerative growth factors, the starPEG-GAG hydrogel-based WCL treatment induced healing with increased granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and deposition of connective tissue (collagen fibers). Thus, this biomaterials technology expands the scope of a new anti-inflammatory therapy toward clinical use.
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    The innate immune response of self-assembling silk fibroin hydrogels
    (Cambridge : Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2021) Gorenkova, Natalia; Maitz, Manfred F.; Böhme, Georg; Alhadrami, Hani A.; Jiffri, Essam H.; Totten, John D.; Werner, Carsten; Carswell, Hilary V. O.; Seib, F. Philipp
    Silk has a long track record of use in humans, and recent advances in silk fibroin processing have opened up new material formats. However, these new formats and their applications have subsequently created a need to ascertain their biocompatibility. Therefore, the present aim was to quantify the haemocompatibility and inflammatory response of silk fibroin hydrogels. This work demonstrated that self-assembled silk fibroin hydrogels, as one of the most clinically relevant new formats, induced very low blood coagulation and platelet activation but elevated the inflammatory response of human whole blood in vitro. In vivo bioluminescence imaging of neutrophils and macrophages showed an acute, but mild, local inflammatory response which was lower than or similar to that induced by polyethylene glycol, a benchmark material. The time-dependent local immune response in vivo was corroborated by histology, immunofluorescence and murine whole blood analyses. Overall, this study confirms that silk fibroin hydrogels induce a similar immune response to that of PEG hydrogels, while also demonstrating the power of non-invasive bioluminescence imaging for monitoring tissue responses. This journal is
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    Recent advances for flame retardant rubber composites: Mini-review
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023) Lai, Liangqing; Liu, Jia; Lv, Zhen; Gao, Tianming; Luo, Yongyue
    Flame retardant rubber composites have attracted a great attention during the past decades owing to their irreplaceable roles in complex industrial systems. Large amounts of efforts have been made to improve the flame retardant ability, developing high efficiency flame retardant systems which can reduce the release of heat, smoke and toxic gases while not deteriorate overall properties is becoming more and more important. This review briefly outlines the recent developments of flame retardant natural rubbers, silicon rubbers, some kinds of artificial rubbers and polyurethane elastomer composites, focuses on the design, development, mechanism and applications of advanced high-performance flame-retardant methods. Finally, outlooks the future tendency including more environmental-friendly strategies, higher flame-retardant efficiency and development of multifunctional flame-retardant rubber composites are proposed.
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    From microfluidics to hierarchical hydrogel materials
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, 2023) Weigel, Niclas; Li, Yue; Fery, Andreas; Thiele, Julian
    Over the past two decades, microfluidics has made significant contributions to material and life sciences, particularly via the design of nano-, micro- and mesoscale materials such as nanoparticles, micelles, vesicles, emulsion droplets, and microgels. Unmatched in control over a multitude of material parameters, microfluidics has also shed light on fundamental aspects of material design such as the early stages of nucleation and growth processes as well as structure evolution. Exemplarily, polymer hydrogel particles can be formed via microfluidics with exact control over size, shape, functionalization, compartmentalization, and mechanics that is hardly found in any other processing method. Interestingly, the utilization of microfluidics for material design largely focuses on the fabrication of single entities that act as reaction volume for organic and cell-free biosynthesis, cell mimics, or local environment for cell culturing. In recent years, however, hydrogel design has shifted towards structures that integrate a large variety of functions, e.g., to address the demands for sensing tasks in a complex environment or more closely mimicking architecture and organization of tissue by multiparametric cultures. Hence, this review provides an overview of recent literature that explores microfluidics for fabricating hydrogel materials that go well beyond common length scales as well as the structural and functional complexity of microgels necessary to produce hierarchical hydrogel structures. We focus on examples that utilize microfluidics to design microgel-based assemblies, on microfluidically made polymer microgels for 3D bioprinting, on hydrogels fabricated by microfluidics in a continuous fashion, like fibers, and on hydrogel structures that are shaped by microchannels.
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    A modular in vitro flow model to analyse blood-surface interactions under physiological conditions
    (Berlin : De Gruyter, 2021) Valtin, Juliane; Behrens, Stephan; Maitz, Manfred F.; Schmieder, Florian; Sonntag, Frank; Werner, Carsten
    Newly developed materials for blood-contacting devices need to undergo hemocompatibility testing to prove compliance with clinical requirements. However, many current in vitro models disregard the influence of flow conditions and blood exchange as it occurs in vivo. Here, we present a flow model which allows testing of blood-surface interactions under more physiological conditions. This modular platform consists of a triple-pump-chip and a microchannel-chip with a customizable surface. Flow conditions can be adjusted individually within the physiological range. A performance test with whole blood confirmed the hemocompatibility of our modular platform. Hemolysis was negligible, inflammation and hemostasis parameters were comparable to those detected in a previously established quasi-static whole blood screening chamber. The steady supply of fresh blood avoids secondary effects by nonphysiological accumulation of activation products. Experiments with three subsequently tested biomaterials showed results similar to literature and our own experience. The reported results suggest that our developed flow model allows the evaluation of blood-contacting materials under physiological flow conditions. By adjusting the occurring wall shear stress, the model can be adapted for selected test conditions.
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    Durable endothelium-mimicking coating for surface bioengineering cardiovascular stents
    ([Bejing] : KeAi Publishing, 2021) Ma, Qing; Shi, Xiuying; Tan, Xing; Wang, Rui; Xiong, Kaiqin; Maitz, Manfred F.; Cui, Yuanyuan; Hu, Zhangmei; Tu, Qiufen; Huang, Nan; Shen, Li; Yang, Zhilu
    Mimicking the nitric oxide (NO)-release and glycocalyx functions of native vascular endothelium on cardiovascular stent surfaces has been demonstrated to reduce in-stent restenosis (ISR) effectively. However, the practical performance of such an endothelium-mimicking surfaces is strictly limited by the durability of both NO release and bioactivity of the glycocalyx component. Herein, we present a mussel-inspired amine-bearing adhesive coating able to firmly tether the NO-generating species (e.g., Cu-DOTA coordination complex) and glycocalyx-like component (e.g., heparin) to create a durable endothelium-mimicking surface. The stent surface was firstly coated with polydopamine (pDA), followed by a surface chemical cross-link with polyamine (pAM) to form a durable pAMDA coating. Using a stepwise grafting strategy, Cu-DOTA and heparin were covalently grafted on the pAMDA-coated stent based on carbodiimide chemistry. Owing to both the high chemical stability of the pAMDA coating and covalent immobilization manner of the molecules, this proposed strategy could provide 62.4% bioactivity retention ratio of heparin, meanwhile persistently generate NO at physiological level from 5.9 ± 0.3 to 4.8 ± 0.4 × 10−10 mol cm−2 min−1 in 1 month. As a result, the functionalized vascular stent showed long-term endothelium-mimicking physiological effects on inhibition of thrombosis, inflammation, and intimal hyperplasia, enhanced re-endothelialization, and hence efficiently reduced ISR.
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    A “built-up” composite film with synergistic functionalities on Mg–2Zn–1Mn bioresorbable stents improves corrosion control effects and biocompatibility
    ([Bejing] : KeAi Publishing, 2023) Dou, Zhenglong; Chen, Shuiling; Wang, Jiacheng; Xia, Li; Maitz, Manfred F.; Tu, Qiufen; Zhang, Wentai; Yang, Zhilu; Huang, Nan
    Control of premature corrosion of magnesium (Mg) alloy bioresorbable stents (BRS) is frequently achieved by the addition of rare earth elements. However, limited long-term experience with these elements causes concerns for clinical application and alternative methods of corrosion control are sought after. Herein, we report a “built-up” composite film consisting of a bottom layer of MgF2 conversion coating, a sandwich layer of a poly (1, 3-trimethylene carbonate) (PTMC) and 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) co-spray coating (PA) and on top a layer of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) ultrasonic spray coating to decorate the rare earth element-free Mg–2Zn–1Mn (ZM21) BRS for tailoring both corrosion resistance and biological functions. The developed “built-up” composite film shows synergistic functionalities, allowing the compression and expansion of the coated ZM21 BRS on an angioplasty balloon without cracking or peeling. Of special importance is that the synergistic corrosion control effects of the “built-up” composite film allow for maintaining the mechanical integrity of stents for up to 3 months, where complete biodegradation and no foreign matter residue were observed about half a year after implantation in rabbit iliac arteries. Moreover, the functionalized ZM21 BRS accomplished re-endothelialization within one month.