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    Differentiability Properties for Boundary Control of Fluid-Structure Interactions of Linear Elasticity with Navier-Stokes Equations with Mixed-Boundary Conditions in a Channel
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2023) Hintermüller, Michael; Kröner, Axel
    In this paper we consider a fluid-structure interaction problem given by the steady Navier Stokes equations coupled with linear elasticity taken from (Lasiecka et al. in Nonlinear Anal 44:54–85, 2018). An elastic body surrounded by a liquid in a rectangular domain is deformed by the flow which can be controlled by the Dirichlet boundary condition at the inlet. On the walls along the channel homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and on the outflow boundary do-nothing conditions are prescribed. We recall existence results for the nonlinear system from that reference and analyze the control to state mapping generalizing the results of (Wollner and Wick in J Math Fluid Mech 21:34, 2019) to the setting of the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation for the fluid and the situation of mixed boundary conditions in a domain with corners.
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    Weak-strong uniqueness and energy-variational solutions for a class of viscoelastoplastic fluid models
    (Boston, Mass. : De Gruyter, 2022) Eiter, Thomas; Hopf, Katharina; Lasarzik, Robert
    We study a model for a fluid showing viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior, which describes the flow in terms of the fluid velocity and a symmetric deviatoric stress tensor. This stress tensor is transported via the Zaremba-Jaumann rate, and it is subject to two dissipation processes: one induced by a nonsmooth convex potential and one by stress diffusion. We show short-time existence of strong solutions as well as their uniqueness in a class of Leray-Hopf-type weak solutions satisfying the tensorial component in the sense of an evolutionary variational inequality. The global-in-time existence of such generalized solutions has been established in a previous work. We further study the limit when stress diffusion vanishes. In this case, the above notion of generalized solutions is no longer suitable, and we introduce the concept of energy-variational solutions, which is based on an inequality for the relative energy. We derive general properties of energy-variational solutions and show their existence by passing to the nondiffusive limit in the relative energy inequality satisfied by generalized solutions for nonzero stress diffusion.
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    Axisymmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging with Rician bias correction: A simulation study
    (New York, NY : Wiley-Liss, 2022) Oeschger, Jan Malte; Tabelow, Karsten; Mohammadi, Siawoosh
    Purpose: To compare the estimation accuracy of axisymmetric diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) and standard DKI in combination with Rician bias correction (RBC). Methods: Axisymmetric DKI is more robust against noise-induced variation in the measured signal than standard DKI because of its reduced parameter space. However, its susceptibility to Rician noise bias at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) is unknown. Here, we investigate two main questions: first, does RBC improve estimation accuracy of axisymmetric DKI?; second, is estimation accuracy of axisymmetric DKI increased compared to standard DKI? Estimation accuracy was investigated on the five axisymmetric DKI tensor metrics (AxTM): the parallel and perpendicular diffusivity and kurtosis and mean of the kurtosis tensor, using a noise simulation study based on synthetic data of tissues with varying fiber alignment and in-vivo data focusing on white matter. Results: RBC mainly increased accuracy for the parallel AxTM in tissues with highly to moderately aligned fibers. For the perpendicular AxTM, axisymmetric DKI without RBC performed slightly better than with RBC. However, the combination of axisymmetric DKI with RBC was the overall best performing algorithm across all five AxTM in white matter and axisymmetric DKI itself substantially improved accuracy in axisymmetric tissues with low fiber alignment. Conclusion: Combining axisymmetric DKI with RBC facilitates accurate DKI parameter estimation at unprecedented low SNRs ((Formula presented.)) in white matter, possibly making it a valuable tool for neuroscience and clinical research studies where scan time is a limited resource. The tools used here are available in the open-source ACID toolbox for SPM.
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    Inverse learning in Hilbert scales
    (Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V, 2023) Rastogi, Abhishake; Mathé, Peter
    We study linear ill-posed inverse problems with noisy data in the framework of statistical learning. The corresponding linear operator equation is assumed to fit a given Hilbert scale, generated by some unbounded self-adjoint operator. Approximate reconstructions from random noisy data are obtained with general regularization schemes in such a way that these belong to the domain of the generator. The analysis has thus to distinguish two cases, the regular one, when the true solution also belongs to the domain of the generator, and the ‘oversmoothing’ one, when this is not the case. Rates of convergence for the regularized solutions will be expressed in terms of certain distance functions. For solutions with smoothness given in terms of source conditions with respect to the scale generating operator, then the error bounds can then be made explicit in terms of the sample size.
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    Hyperfast second-order local solvers for efficient statistically preconditioned distributed optimization
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2022) Dvurechensky, Pavel; Kamzolov, Dmitry; Lukashevich, Aleksandr; Lee, Soomin; Ordentlich, Erik; Uribe, César A.; Gasnikov, Alexander
    Statistical preconditioning enables fast methods for distributed large-scale empirical risk minimization problems. In this approach, multiple worker nodes compute gradients in parallel, which are then used by the central node to update the parameter by solving an auxiliary (preconditioned) smaller-scale optimization problem. The recently proposed Statistically Preconditioned Accelerated Gradient (SPAG) method [1] has complexity bounds superior to other such algorithms but requires an exact solution for computationally intensive auxiliary optimization problems at every iteration. In this paper, we propose an Inexact SPAG (InSPAG) and explicitly characterize the accuracy by which the corresponding auxiliary subproblem needs to be solved to guarantee the same convergence rate as the exact method. We build our results by first developing an inexact adaptive accelerated Bregman proximal gradient method for general optimization problems under relative smoothness and strong convexity assumptions, which may be of independent interest. Moreover, we explore the properties of the auxiliary problem in the InSPAG algorithm assuming Lipschitz third-order derivatives and strong convexity. For such problem class, we develop a linearly convergent Hyperfast second-order method and estimate the total complexity of the InSPAG method with hyperfast auxiliary problem solver. Finally, we illustrate the proposed method's practical efficiency by performing large-scale numerical experiments on logistic regression models. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first empirical results on implementing high-order methods on large-scale problems, as we work with data where the dimension is of the order of 3 million, and the number of samples is 700 million.
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    Accelerated variance-reduced methods for saddle-point problems
    (Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2022) Borodich, Ekaterina; Tominin, Vladislav; Tominin, Yaroslav; Kovalev, Dmitry; Gasnikov, Alexander; Dvurechensky, Pavel
    We consider composite minimax optimization problems where the goal is to find a saddle-point of a large sum of non-bilinear objective functions augmented by simple composite regularizers for the primal and dual variables. For such problems, under the average-smoothness assumption, we propose accelerated stochastic variance-reduced algorithms with optimal up to logarithmic factors complexity bounds. In particular, we consider strongly-convex-strongly-concave, convex-strongly-concave, and convex-concave objectives. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first nearly-optimal algorithms for this setting.
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    Function spaces, time derivatives and compactness for evolving families of Banach spaces with applications to PDEs
    (Orlando, Fla. : Elsevier, 2023) Alphonse, Amal; Caetano, Diogo; Djurdjevac, Ana; Elliott, Charles M.
    We develop a functional framework suitable for the treatment of partial differential equations and variational problems on evolving families of Banach spaces. We propose a definition for the weak time derivative that does not rely on the availability of a Hilbertian structure and explore conditions under which spaces of weakly differentiable functions (with values in an evolving Banach space) relate to classical Sobolev–Bochner spaces. An Aubin–Lions compactness result is proved. We analyse concrete examples of function spaces over time-evolving spatial domains and hypersurfaces for which we explicitly provide the definition of the time derivative and verify isomorphism properties with the aforementioned Sobolev–Bochner spaces. We conclude with the proof of well posedness for a class of nonlinear monotone problems on an abstract evolving space (generalising the evolutionary p-Laplace equation on a moving domain or surface) and identify some additional problems that can be formulated with the setting developed in this work.
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    Symmetries in transmission electron microscopy imaging of crystals with strain
    (London : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 2022) Koprucki, Thomas; Maltsi, Anieza; Mielke, Alexander
    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of strained crystals often exhibit symmetries, the source of which is not always clear. To understand these symmetries, we distinguish between symmetries that occur from the imaging process itself and symmetries of the inclusion that might affect the image. For the imaging process, we prove mathematically that the intensities are invariant under specific transformations. A combination of these invariances with specific properties of the strain profile can then explain symmetries observed in TEM images. We demonstrate our approach to the study of symmetries in TEM images using selected examples in the field of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum wells and quantum dots.
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    On the Regularity of Weak Solutions to Time-Periodic Navier–Stokes Equations in Exterior Domains
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Eiter, Thomas
    Consider the time-periodic viscous incompressible fluid flow past a body with non-zero velocity at infinity. This article gives sufficient conditions such that weak solutions to this problem are smooth. Since time-periodic solutions do not have finite kinetic energy in general, the well-known regularity results for weak solutions to the corresponding initial-value problem cannot be transferred directly. The established regularity criterion demands a certain integrability of the purely periodic part of the velocity field or its gradient, but it does not concern the time mean of these quantities.
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    Spectral Theory of Infinite Quantum Graphs
    (Cham (ZG) : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018) Exner, Pavel; Kostenko, Aleksey; Malamud, Mark; Neidhardt, Hagen
    We investigate quantum graphs with infinitely many vertices and edges without the common restriction on the geometry of the underlying metric graph that there is a positive lower bound on the lengths of its edges. Our central result is a close connection between spectral properties of a quantum graph and the corresponding properties of a certain weighted discrete Laplacian on the underlying discrete graph. Using this connection together with spectral theory of (unbounded) discrete Laplacians on infinite graphs, we prove a number of new results on spectral properties of quantum graphs. Namely, we prove several self-adjointness results including a Gaffney-type theorem. We investigate the problem of lower semiboundedness, prove several spectral estimates (bounds for the bottom of spectra and essential spectra of quantum graphs, CLR-type estimates) and study spectral types.