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    Lightweight polymer-carbon composite current collector for lithium-ion batteries
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Fritsch, Marco; Coeler, Matthias; Kunz, Karina; Krause, Beate; Marcinkowski, Peter; Pötschke, Petra; Wolter, Mareike; Michaelis, Alexander
    A hermetic dense polymer-carbon composite-based current collector foil (PCCF) for lithium-ion battery applications was developed and evaluated in comparison to state-of-the-art aluminum (Al) foil collector. Water-processed LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LMNO) cathode and Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) anode coatings with the integration of a thin carbon primer at the interface to the collector were prepared. Despite the fact that the laboratory manufactured PCCF shows a much higher film thickness of 55 µm compared to Al foil of 19 µm, the electrode resistance was measured to be by a factor of 5 lower compared to the Al collector, which was attributed to the low contact resistance between PCCF, carbon primer and electrode microstructure. The PCCF-C-primer collector shows a sufficient voltage stability up to 5 V vs. Li/Li+ and a negligible Li-intercalation loss into the carbon primer. Electrochemical cell tests demonstrate the applicability of the developed PCCF for LMNO and LTO electrodes, with no disadvantage compared to state-of-the-art Al collector. Due to a 50% lower material density, the lightweight and hermetic dense PCCF polymer collector offers the possibility to significantly decrease the mass loading of the collector in battery cells, which can be of special interest for bipolar battery architectures. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Auger- and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy at Metallic Li Material: Chemical Shifts Related to Sample Preparation, Gas Atmosphere, and Ion and Electron Beam Effects
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Oswald, Steffen
    Li-based batteries are a key element in reaching a sustainable energy economy in the near future. The understanding of the very complex electrochemical processes is necessary for the optimization of their performance. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is an accepted method used to improve understanding around the chemical processes at the electrode surfaces. Nevertheless, its application is limited because the surfaces under investigation are mostly rough and inhomogeneous. Local elemental analysis, such as Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), could assist XPS to gain more insight into the chemical processes at the surfaces. In this paper, some challenges in using electron spectroscopy are discussed, such as binding energy (BE) referencing for the quantitative study of chemical shifts, gas atmospheric influences, or beam damage (including both AE and XP spectroscopy). Carefully prepared and surface-modified metallic lithium material is used as model surface, considering that Li is the key element for most battery applications.
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    Electron Beam-Induced Reduction of Cuprite
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Siudzinska, Anna; Gorantla, Sandeep M.; Serafinczuk, Jaroslaw; Kudrawiec, Robert; Hommel, Detlef; Bachmatiuk, Alicja
    Cu-based materials are used in various industries, such as electronics, power generation, and catalysis. In particular, monolayered cuprous oxide (Cu2O) has potential applications in solar cells owing to its favorable electronic and magnetic properties. Atomically thin Cu2O samples derived from bulk cuprite were characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Two voltages, 80 kV and 300 kV, were explored for in situ observations of the samples. The optimum electron beam parameters (300 kV, low-current beam) were used to prevent beam damage. The growth of novel crystal structures, identified as Cu, was observed in the samples exposed to isopropanol (IPA) and high temperatures. It is proposed that the exposure of the copper (I) oxide samples to IPA and temperature causes material nucleation, whereas the consequent exposure via e-beams generated from the electron beam promotes the growth of the nanosized Cu crystals.
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    Influence of Growth Polarity Switching on the Optical and Electrical Properties of GaN/AlGaN Nanowire LEDs
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Reszka, Anna; Korona, Krzysztof P.; Tiagulskyi, Stanislav; Turski, Henryk; Jahn, Uwe; Kret, Slawomir; Bożek, Rafał; Sobanska, Marta; Zytkiewicz, Zbigniew R.; Kowalski, Bogdan J.
    For the development and application of GaN-based nanowire structures, it is crucial to understand their fundamental properties. In this work, we provide the nano-scale correlation of the morphological, electrical, and optical properties of GaN/AlGaN nanowire light emitting diodes (LEDs), observed using a combination of spatially and spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and imaging, electron beam-induced current microscopy, the nano-probe technique, and scanning electron microscopy. To complement the results, the photo- and electro-luminescence were also studied. The interpretation of the experimental data was supported by the results of numerical simulations of the electronic band structure. We characterized two types of nanowire LEDs grown in one process, which exhibit top facets of different shapes and, as we proved, have opposite growth polarities. We show that switching the polarity of nanowires (NWs) from the N- to Ga-face has a significant impact on their optical and electrical properties. In particular, cathodoluminescence studies revealed quantum wells emissions at about 3.5 eV, which were much brighter in Ga-polar NWs than in N-polar NWs. Moreover, the electron beam-induced current mapping proved that the p–n junctions were not active in N-polar NWs. Our results clearly indicate that intentional polarity inversion between the n- and p-type parts of NWs is a potential path towards the development of efficient nanoLED NW structures.
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    Optimization of Multi-Level Operation in RRAM Arrays for In-Memory Computing
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Pérez, Eduardo; Pérez-Ávila, Antonio Javier; Romero-Zaliz, Rocío; Mahadevaiah, Mamathamba Kalishettyhalli; Pérez-Bosch Quesada, Emilio; Roldán, Juan Bautista; Jiménez-Molinos, Francisco; Wenger, Christian
    Accomplishing multi-level programming in resistive random access memory (RRAM) arrays with truly discrete and linearly spaced conductive levels is crucial in order to implement synaptic weights in hardware-based neuromorphic systems. In this paper, we implemented this feature on 4-kbit 1T1R RRAM arrays by tuning the programming parameters of the multi-level incremental step pulse with verify algorithm (M-ISPVA). The optimized set of parameters was assessed by comparing its results with a non-optimized one. The optimized set of parameters proved to be an effective way to define non-overlapped conductive levels due to the strong reduction of the device-to-device variability as well as of the cycle-to-cycle variability, assessed by inter-levels switching tests and during 1 k reset-set cycles. In order to evaluate this improvement in real scenarios, the experimental characteristics of the RRAM devices were captured by means of a behavioral model, which was used to simulate two different neuromorphic systems: an 8 × 8 vector-matrix-multiplication (VMM) accelerator and a 4-layer feedforward neural network for MNIST database recognition. The results clearly showed that the optimization of the programming parameters improved both the precision of VMM results as well as the recognition accuracy of the neural network in about 6% compared with the use of non-optimized parameters.
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    Bandwidth Improvement of MMIC Single-Pole-Double-Throw Passive HEMT Switches with Radial Stubs in Impedance-Transformation Networks
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Tsao, Yi-Fan; Würfl, Joachim; Hsu, Heng-Tung
    In this paper, we propose a new configuration for improving the isolation bandwidth of MMIC single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) passive high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) switches operating at millimeter frequency range. While the conventional configuration adopted open-stub loading for compensation of the off-state capacitance, radial stubs were introduced in our approach to improve the operational bandwidth of the SPDT switch. Implemented in 0.15 m GaAs pHEMT technology, the proposed configuration exhibited a measured insertion loss of less than 2.5 dB with better than 30 dB isolation level over the frequency range from 33 GHz to 44 GHz. In terms of the bandwidth of operation, the proposed configuration achieved a fractional bandwidth of 28.5% compared to that of 12.3% for the conventional approach. Such superior bandwidth performance is mainly attributed to the less frequency dependent nature of the radial stubs.
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    An Assessment of Deep Learning Models and Word Embeddings for Toxicity Detection within Online Textual Comments
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Dessì, Danilo; Recupero, Diego Reforgiato; Sack, Harald
    Today, increasing numbers of people are interacting online and a lot of textual comments are being produced due to the explosion of online communication. However, a paramount inconvenience within online environments is that comments that are shared within digital platforms can hide hazards, such as fake news, insults, harassment, and, more in general, comments that may hurt someone’s feelings. In this scenario, the detection of this kind of toxicity has an important role to moderate online communication. Deep learning technologies have recently delivered impressive performance within Natural Language Processing applications encompassing Sentiment Analysis and emotion detection across numerous datasets. Such models do not need any pre-defined hand-picked features, but they learn sophisticated features from the input datasets by themselves. In such a domain, word embeddings have been widely used as a way of representing words in Sentiment Analysis tasks, proving to be very effective. Therefore, in this paper, we investigated the use of deep learning and word embeddings to detect six different types of toxicity within online comments. In doing so, the most suitable deep learning layers and state-of-the-art word embeddings for identifying toxicity are evaluated. The results suggest that Long-Short Term Memory layers in combination with mimicked word embeddings are a good choice for this task.
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    Nanograting-Enhanced Optical Fibers for Visible and Infrared Light Collection at Large Input Angles
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Wang, Ning; Zeisberger, Matthias; Hübner, Uwe; Schmidt, Markus A.
    The efficient incoupling of light into particular fibers at large angles is essential for a multitude of applications; however, this is difficult to achieve with commonly used fibers due to low numerical aperture. Here, we demonstrate that commonly used optical fibers functionalized with arrays of metallic nanodots show substantially improved large-angle light-collection performances at multiple wavelengths. In particular, we show that at visible wavelengths, higher diffraction orders contribute significantly to the light-coupling efficiency, independent of the incident polarization, with a dominant excitation of the fundamental mode. The experimental observation is confirmed by an analytical model, which directly suggests further improvement in incoupling efficiency through the use of powerful nanostructures such as metasurface or dielectric gratings. Therefore, our concept paves the way for high-performance fiber-based optical devices and is particularly relevant within the context of endoscopic-type applications in life science and light collection within quantum technology.
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    Generation of Multiple Vector Optical Bottle Beams
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Khonina, Svetlana N.; Porfirev, Alexey P.; Volotovskiy, Sergey G.; Ustinov, Andrey V.; Fomchenkov, Sergey A.; Pavelyev, Vladimir S.; Schröter, Siegmund; Duparré, Michael
    We propose binary diffractive optical elements, combining several axicons of different types (axis-symmetrical and spiral), for the generation of a 3D intensity distribution in the form of multiple vector optical ‘bottle’ beams, which can be tailored by a change in the polarization state of the illumination radiation. The spatial dynamics of the obtained intensity distribution with different polarization states (circular and cylindrical of various orders) were investigated in paraxial mode numerically and experimentally. The designed binary axicons were manufactured using the e-beam lithography technique. The proposed combinations of optical elements can be used for the generation of vector optical traps in the field of laser trapping and manipulation, as well as for performing the spatial transformation of the polarization state of laser radiation, which is crucial in the field of laser-matter interaction for the generation of special morphologies of laser-induced periodic surface structures.
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    Quantum-Optical Spectrometry in Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interactions Using the High-Harmonic Generation Process: A Proposal
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Lamprou, Theocharis; Lopez-Martens, Rodrigo; Haessler, Stefan; Liontos, Ioannis; Kahaly, Subhendu; Rivera-Dean, Javier; Stammer, Philipp; Pisanty, Emilio; Ciappina, Marcelo F.; Lewenstein, Maciej; Tzallas, Paraskevas
    Quantum-optical spectrometry is a recently developed shot-to-shot photon correlation-based method, namely using a quantum spectrometer (QS), that has been used to reveal the quantum optical nature of intense laser–matter interactions and connect the research domains of quantum optics (QO) and strong laser-field physics (SLFP). The method provides the probability of absorbing photons from a driving laser field towards the generation of a strong laser–field interaction product, such as high-order harmonics. In this case, the harmonic spectrum is reflected in the photon number distribution of the infrared (IR) driving field after its interaction with the high harmonic generation medium. The method was implemented in non-relativistic interactions using high harmonics produced by the interaction of strong laser pulses with atoms and semiconductors. Very recently, it was used for the generation of non-classical light states in intense laser–atom interaction, building the basis for studies of quantum electrodynamics in strong laser-field physics and the development of a new class of non-classical light sources for applications in quantum technology. Here, after a brief introduction of the QS method, we will discuss how the QS can be applied in relativistic laser–plasma interactions and become the driving factor for initiating investigations on relativistic quantum electrodynamics.