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    Intercalant-mediated Kitaev exchange in Ag3LiIr2O6
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Yadav, Ravi; Reja, Sahinur; Ray, Rajyavardhan; van den Brink, Jeroen; Nishimoto, Satoshi; Yazyev, Oleg V.
    The recently synthesized Ag3LiIr2O6 has been proposed as a Kitaev magnet in proximity to the quantum spin liquid phase. We explore its microscopic Hamiltonian and magnetic ground state using many-body quantum chemistry methods and exact diagonalization techniques. Our calculations establish a dominant bond dependent ferromagnetic Kitaev exchange between Ir sites and find that the inclusion of Ag 4d orbitals in the configuration interaction calculations strikingly enhances the Kitaev exchange. Furthermore, using exact diagonalization of the nearest-neighbor fully anisotropic J−K−Γ Hamiltonian, we obtain the magnetic phase diagram as a function of further neighbor couplings. We find that the antiferromagnetic off-diagonal coupling stabilizes long range order, but the structure factor calculations suggest that the material is very close to the quantum spin liquid phase and the ordered state can easily collapse into a liquid by small perturbations such as structural distortion or bond disorder.
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    Observation of orbital order in the van der Waals material 1T−TiSe2
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Peng, Yingying; Guo, Xuefei; Xiao, Qian; Li, Qizhi; Strempfer, Jörg; Choi, Yongseong; Yan, Dong; Luo, Huixia; Huang, Yuqing; Jia, Shuang; Janson, Oleg; Abbamonte, Peter; van den Brink, Jeroen; van Wezel, Jasper
    Besides magnetic and charge order, regular arrangements of orbital occupation constitute a fundamental order parameter of condensed matter physics. Even though orbital order is difficult to identify directly in experiments, its presence was firmly established in a number of strongly correlated, three-dimensional Mott insulators. Here, reporting resonant x-ray-scattering experiments on the layered van der Waals compound 1T-TiSe2, we establish that the known charge density wave in this weakly correlated, quasi-two-dimensional material corresponds to an orbital ordered phase. Our experimental scattering results are consistent with first-principles calculations that bring to the fore a generic mechanism of close interplay between charge redistribution, lattice displacements, and orbital order. It demonstrates the essential role that orbital degrees of freedom play in TiSe2, and their importance throughout the family of correlated van der Waals materials.
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    Strong effects of uniaxial pressure and short-range correlations in Cr2Ge2Te6
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Spachmann, S.; Elghandour, A.; Selter, S.; Büchner, B.; Aswartham, S.; Klingeler, R.
    Cr2Ge2Te6 is a quasi-two-dimensional semiconducting van der Waals ferromagnet down to the bilayer with great potential for technological applications. Engineering the critical temperature to achieve room-temperature applications is one of the critical next steps on this path. Here, we report high-resolution capacitance dilatometry studies on Cr2Ge2Te6 single crystals which directly prove significant magnetoelastic coupling and provide quantitative values of the large uniaxial pressure effects on long-range magnetic order (∂TC/∂pc=24.7 K/GPa and ∂TC/∂pab=−15.6 K/GPa) derived from thermodynamic relations. Moderate in-plane strain is thus sufficient to strongly enhance ferromagnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 up to room temperature. Moreover, unambiguous signs of short-range magnetic order up to 200 K are found.
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    All-optical Stückelberg spectroscopy of strongly driven Rydberg states
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Bengs, Ulrich; Patchkovskii, Serguei; Ivanov, Misha; Zhavoronkov, Nickolai
    The AC Stark shift of electronic levels is ubiquitous in the interaction of intense light fields with atoms and molecules. As the light intensity changes on the rising and falling edges of a femtosecond laser pulse, it shifts the Rydberg states in and out of multiphoton resonances with the ground state. The two resonant pathways for transient excitation arising at the leading and the trailing edges of the pulse generate Young's type interference, generally referred to as the Stückelberg oscillations. Here we report the observation of the Stückelberg oscillations in the intensity of the coherent free-induction decay following resonant multiphoton excitation. Moreover, combining the experimental results with accurate numerical simulations and a simple model, we use the Stückelberg oscillations to recover the population dynamics of strongly driven Rydberg states inside the laser pulse by all-optical measurements after the end of the pulse. We demonstrate the potential of this spectroscopy to characterize lifetimes of Rydberg states dressed by laser fields with strengths far exceeding the Coulomb field between the Rydberg electron and the core.
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    Topological boundaries between helical domains as a nucleation source of skyrmions in the bulk cubic helimagnet Cu2OSeO3
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Leonov, A.O.; Pappas, C.
    Cu2OSeO3 represents a unique example in the family of B20 cubic helimagnets with a tilted spiral and a low-temperature skyrmion phase arising for magnetic fields applied along the easy crystallographic (100) axes. Although the stabilization mechanism of these phases can be accounted for by cubic magnetic anisotropy, the skyrmion nucleation process is still an open question, since the stability region of the skyrmion phase displays strongly hysteretic behavior with different phase boundaries for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields. Here, we address this important point using micromagnetic simulations and come to the conclusion that skyrmion nucleation is underpinned by the reorientation of spiral domains occurring near the critical magnetic fields of the phase diagrams: HC1, the critical field of the transition between the helical and conical/tiled spiral phase, and HC2, the critical field between the conical/tiled spiral and the homogenous phase. By studying a wide variety of cases we show that domain walls may have a 3D structure. Moreover, they can carry a finite topological charge stemming from half-skyrmions (merons) also permitting along-the-field and perpendicular-to-the-field orientation. Thus, domain walls may be envisioned as nucleation source of skyrmions that can form thermodynamically stable and metastable lattices as well as skyrmion networks with misaligned skyrmion tubes. The results of numerical simulations are discussed in view of recent experimental data on chiral magnets, in particular, for the bulk cubic helimagnet Cu2OSeO3.
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    Noise-induced artificial intelligence
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Zhao, Alex; Ermolaeva, Anastasia; Ullner, Ekkehard; Kurths, Juergen; Gordleeva, Susanna; Zaikin, Alexey
    We show that unavoidable stochastic fluctuations are not only affecting information processing in a destructive or constructive way, but may even induce conditions necessary for the artificial intelligence itself. In this proof-of-principle paper we consider a model of a neuron-astrocyte network under the influence of multiplicative noise and show that information encoding (loading, storage, and retrieval of information patterns), one of the paradigmatic signatures of intelligent systems, can be induced by stochastic influence and astrocytes. Hence, astrocytes, recently proved to play an important role in memory and cognitive processing in mammalian brains, may play also an important role in the generation of a system's features providing artificial intelligence functions. Hence, one could conclude that intrinsic stochasticity is probably positively utilized by brains, not only to optimize the signal response but also to induce intelligence itself, and one of the key roles, played by astrocytes in information processing, could be dealing with noises.
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    Coherent control of the photoinduced transition in a strongly correlated material
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Molinero, Eduardo B.; Silva, Rui E. F.
    The use of intense tailored light fields is the perfect tool to achieve ultrafast control of electronic properties in quantum materials. Among them, Mott insulators are materials in which strong electron-electron interactions drive the material into an insulating phase. When shining a Mott insulator with a strong laser pulse, the electric field may induce the creation of doublon-hole pairs, triggering a photoinduced transition into a metallic state. In this paper, we take advantage of the threshold character of this photoinduced transition and we propose a setup that consists of a midinfrared laser pulse and a train of short pulses separated by a half period of the midinfrared with alternating phases. By varying the time delay between the two pulses and the internal carrier envelope phase of the short pulses, we achieve control of the phase transition, which leaves its fingerprint at its high harmonic spectrum.
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    Chirality flip of Weyl nodes and its manifestation in strained MoTe2
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2021) Könye, Viktor; Bouhon, Adrien; Fulga, Ion Cosma; Slager, Robert-Jan; van den Brink, Jeroen; Facio, Jorge I.
    Due to their topological charge, or chirality, the Weyl cones present in topological semimetals are considered robust against arbitrary perturbations. One well-understood exception to this robustness is the pairwise creation or annihilation of Weyl cones, which involves the overlap of two oppositely charged nodes in energy and momentum. Here we show that their topological charge can in fact change sign, in a process that involves the merging of not two, but three Weyl nodes. This is facilitated by the presence of rotation and time-reversal symmetries, which constrain the relative positions of Weyl cones in momentum space. We analyze the chirality flip process, showing that transport properties distinguish it from the conventional, double Weyl merging. Moreover, we predict that the chirality flip occurs in MoTe$_2$, where experimentally accessible strain leads to the merging of three Weyl cones close to the Fermi level. Our work sets the stage to further investigate and observe such chirality flipping processes in different topological materials.
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    Multistate current-induced magnetization switching in Au/Fe/MgO(001) epitaxial heterostructures
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2021) Gospodarič, P.; Młyńczak, E.; Soldatov, I.; Kákay, A.; Bürgler, D.E.; Plucinski, L.; Schäfer, R.; Fassbender, J.; Schneider, C.M.
    Magnetization switching using in-plane charge current recently has been widely investigated in heavy metal/ferromagnet bilayers with the switching mechanism usually attributed to the action of the spin-orbit coupling. Here we study in-plane current induced magnetization switching in model epitaxial bilayers that consist of Au(001) and Fe(001) grown on MgO(001). We use the planar Hall effect combined with magnetooptical Kerr effect (MOKE) microscopy to investigate magnetic properties of the bilayers and current-induced switching. We show that a current density beyond 1.4×107 A/cm can be employed for reproducible electrical switching of the magnetization between multiple stable states that correspond to different arrangements of magnetic domains with magnetization direction along one of the in-plane easy magnetization axes of the Fe(001) film. Lower current densities result in stable intermediate transversal resistances which are interpreted based on MOKE-microscopy investigations as resulting from the current-induced magnetic domain structure that is formed in the area of the Hall cross. We find that the physical mechanism of the current-induced magnetization switching of the Au/Fe/MgO(001) system at room temperature can be fully explained by the Oersted field, which is generated by the charge current flowing mostly through the Au layer.
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    Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism mimics signatures of the topological Hall effect in SrRuO3 films
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2020) Kim, Gideok; Son, K.; Suyolcu, Y.E.; Miao, L.; Schreiber, N.J.; Nair, H.P.; Putzky, D.; Minola, M.; Christiani, G.; van Aken, P.A.; Shen, K.M.; Schlom, D.G.; Logvenov, G.; Keimer, B.
    Topological transport phenomena in magnetic materials are a major topic of current condensed matter research. One of the most widely studied phenomena is the topological Hall effect (THE), which is generated via spin-orbit interactions between conduction electrons and topological spin textures such as skyrmions. We report a comprehensive set of Hall effect and magnetization measurements on epitaxial films of the prototypical ferromagnetic metal SrRuO3 the magnetic and transport properties of which were systematically modulated by varying the concentration of Ru vacancies. We observe Hall effect anomalies that closely resemble signatures of the THE, but a quantitative analysis demonstrates that they result from inhomogeneities in the ferromagnetic magnetization caused by a nonrandom distribution of Ru vacancies. As such inhomogeneities are difficult to avoid and are rarely characterized independently, our results call into question the identification of topological spin textures in numerous prior transport studies of quantum materials, heterostructures, and devices. Firm conclusions regarding the presence of such textures must meet stringent conditions such as probes that couple directly to the noncollinear magnetization on the atomic scale.