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    A 310 nm Optically Pumped AlGaN Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021) Hjort, Filip; Enslin, Johannes; Cobet, Munise; Bergmann, Michael A.; Gustavsson, Johan; Kolbe, Tim; Knauer, Arne; Nippert, Felix; Häusler, Ines; Wagner, Markus R.; Wernicke, Tim; Kneissl, Michael; Haglund, Åsa
    Ultraviolet light is essential for disinfection, fluorescence excitation, curing, and medical treatment. An ultraviolet light source with the small footprint and excellent optical characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) may enable new applications in all these areas. Until now, there have only been a few demonstrations of ultraviolet-emitting VCSELs, mainly optically pumped, and all with low Al-content AlGaN cavities and emission near the bandgap of GaN (360 nm). Here, we demonstrate an optically pumped VCSEL emitting in the UVB spectrum (280-320 nm) at room temperature, having an Al0.60Ga0.40N cavity between two dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors. The double dielectric distributed Bragg reflector design was realized by substrate removal using electrochemical etching. Our method is further extendable to even shorter wavelengths, which would establish a technology that enables VCSEL emission from UVA (320-400 nm) to UVC (<280 nm). © 2020 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.
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    Optimized diamond inverted nanocones for enhanced color center to fiber coupling
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2021) Torun, Cem Güney; Schneider, Philipp-Immanuel; Hammerschmidt, Martin; Burger, Sven; Munns, Joseph H. D.; Schröder, Tim
    Nanostructures can be used for boosting the light outcoupling of color centers in diamond; however, the fiber coupling performance of these nanostructures is rarely investigated. Here, we use a finite element method for computing the emission from color centers in inverted nanocones and the overlap of this emission with the propagation mode in a single-mode fiber. Using different figures of merit, the inverted nanocone parameters are optimized to obtain maximal fiber coupling efficiency, free-space collection efficiency, or rate enhancement. The optimized inverted nanocone designs show promising results with 66% fiber coupling or 83% free-space coupling efficiency at the tin-vacancy center zero-phonon line wavelength of 619 nm. Moreover, when evaluated for broadband performance, the optimized designs show 55% and 76% for fiber coupling and free-space efficiencies, respectively, for collecting the full tin-vacancy emission spectrum at room temperature. An analysis of fabrication insensitivity indicates that these nanostructures are robust against imperfections. For maximum emission rate into a fiber mode, a design with a Purcell factor of 2.34 is identified. Finally, possible improvements offered by a hybrid inverted nanocone, formed by patterning into two different materials, are investigated and increase the achievable fiber coupling efficiency to 71%. © 2021 Author(s).
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    High-temperature annealing of AlN films grown on 4H-SiC
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2020) Brunner, F.; Cancellara, L.; Hagedorn, S.; Albrecht, M.; Weyers, M.
    The effect of high-temperature annealing (HTA) at 1700 °C on AlN films grown on 4H-SiC substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy has been studied. It is shown that the structural quality of the AlN layers improves significantly after HTA similar to what has been demonstrated for AlN grown on sapphire. Dislocation densities reduce by one order of magnitude resulting in 8 × 108 cm-2 for a-type and 1 × 108 cm-2 for c-type dislocations. The high-temperature treatment removes pits from the surface by dissolving nanotubes and dislocations in the material. XRD measurements prove that the residual strain in AlN/4H-SiC is further relaxed after annealing. AlN films grown at higher temperature resulting in a lower as-grown defect density show only a marginal reduction in dislocation density after annealing. Secondary ion mass spectrometry investigation of impurity concentrations reveals an increase of Si after HTA probably due to in-diffusion from the SiC substrate. However, C concentration reduces considerably with HTA that points to an efficient carbon removal process (i.e., CO formation). © 2020 Author(s).
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    Temperature dependence of the complex permittivity in microwave range of some industrial polymers
    (New York, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2022) Porteanu, Horia-Eugen; Kaempf, Rudolf; Flisgen, Thomas; Heinrich, Wolfgang
    The microwave properties of a number of polymers common in industry are investigated. A cylindrical resonator in the TM012 mode is used. The cavity perturbation method and detailed COMSOL simulations are applied for extracting the complex permittivity as a function of temperature. The results are useful for the design of plastic processing tools by heating with electromagnetic fields. The intrinsic parameters of absorption are derived based on two exponential decays: polarization and Arrhenius dependence of the decay times on temperature.
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    Continuous Wave THz System Based on an Electrically Tunable Monolithic Dual Wavelength Y-Branch DBR Diode Laser
    (New York, NY : Springer, 2020) Gwaro, Jared O.; Brenner, Carsten; Theurer, L.S.; Maiwald, M.; Sumpf, Bernd; Hofmann, Martin R.
    We analyse the use of a tunable dual wavelength Y-branch DBR laser diode for THz applications. The laser generates electrically tunable THz difference frequencies in the range between 100 and 300 GHz. The optical beats are tuned via current injection into a micro-resistor heater integrated on top of one of the distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) section of the diode. The laser is integrated in a homodyne THz system employing fiber coupled ion-implanted LT-GaAs log spiral antennas. The applicability of the developed system in THz spectroscopy is demonstrated by evaluating the spectral resonances of a THz filter as well as in THz metrology in thickness determination of a polyethylene sample.
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    Bandwidth Improvement of MMIC Single-Pole-Double-Throw Passive HEMT Switches with Radial Stubs in Impedance-Transformation Networks
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Tsao, Yi-Fan; Würfl, Joachim; Hsu, Heng-Tung
    In this paper, we propose a new configuration for improving the isolation bandwidth of MMIC single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) passive high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) switches operating at millimeter frequency range. While the conventional configuration adopted open-stub loading for compensation of the off-state capacitance, radial stubs were introduced in our approach to improve the operational bandwidth of the SPDT switch. Implemented in 0.15 m GaAs pHEMT technology, the proposed configuration exhibited a measured insertion loss of less than 2.5 dB with better than 30 dB isolation level over the frequency range from 33 GHz to 44 GHz. In terms of the bandwidth of operation, the proposed configuration achieved a fractional bandwidth of 28.5% compared to that of 12.3% for the conventional approach. Such superior bandwidth performance is mainly attributed to the less frequency dependent nature of the radial stubs.
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    EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2020) Assmann, R. W.; Weikum, M. K.; Akhter, T.; Alesini, D.; Alexandrova, A. S.; Anania, M. P.; Andreev, N. E.; Andriyash, I.; Artioli, M.; Aschikhin, A.; Audet, T.; Jafarinia, F. J.; Jakobsson, O.; Jaroszynski, D. A.; Jaster-Merz, S.; Joshi, C.; Kaluza, M.; Kando, M.; Karger, O. S.; Karsch, S.; Khazanov, E.; Bacci, A.; Khikhlukha, D.; Kirchen, M.; Kirwan, G.; Kitégi, C.; Knetsch, A.; Kocon, D.; Koester, P.; Kononenko, O. S.; Korn, G.; Kostyukov, I.; Barna, I. F.; Kruchinin, K. O.; Labate, L.; Le Blanc, C.; Lechner, C.; Lee, P.; Leemans, W.; Lehrach, A.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Libov, V.; Bartocci, S.; Lifschitz, A.; Lindstrøm, C. A.; Litvinenko, V.; Lu, W.; Lundh, O.; Maier, A. R.; Malka, V.; Manahan, G. G.; Mangles, S. P. D.; Marcelli, A.; Bayramian, A.; Marchetti, B.; Marcouillé, O.; Marocchino, A.; Marteau, F.; Martinez de la Ossa, A.; Martins, J. L.; Mason, P. D.; Massimo, F.; Mathieu, F.; Maynard, G.; Beaton, A.; Mazzotta, Z.; Mironov, S.; Molodozhentsev, A. Y.; Morante, S.; Mosnier, A.; Mostacci, A.; Müller, A. -S.; Murphy, C. D.; Najmudin, Z.; Nghiem, P. A. P.; Beck, A.; Nguyen, F.; Niknejadi, P.; Nutter, A.; Osterhoff, J.; Oumbarek Espinos, D.; Paillard, J. -L.; Papadopoulos, D. N.; Patrizi, B.; Pattathil, R.; Pellegrino, L.; Bellaveglia, M.; Petralia, A.; Petrillo, V.; Piersanti, L.; Pocsai, M. A.; Poder, K.; Pompili, R.; Pribyl, L.; Pugacheva, D.; Reagan, B. A.; Resta-Lopez, J.; Beluze, A.; Ricci, R.; Romeo, S.; Rossetti Conti, M.; Rossi, A. R.; Rossmanith, R.; Rotundo, U.; Roussel, E.; Sabbatini, L.; Santangelo, P.; Sarri, G.; Bernhard, A.; Schaper, L.; Scherkl, P.; Schramm, U.; Schroeder, C. B.; Scifo, J.; Serafini, L.; Sharma, G.; Sheng, Z. M.; Shpakov, V.; Siders, C. W.; Biagioni, A.; Silva, L. O.; Silva, T.; Simon, C.; Simon-Boisson, C.; Sinha, U.; Sistrunk, E.; Specka, A.; Spinka, T. M.; Stecchi, A.; Stella, A.; Bielawski, S.; Stellato, F.; Streeter, M. J. V.; Sutherland, A.; Svystun, E. N.; Symes, D.; Szwaj, C.; Tauscher, G. E.; Terzani, D.; Toci, G.; Tomassini, P.; Bisesto, F. G.; Torres, R.; Ullmann, D.; Vaccarezza, C.; Valléau, M.; Vannini, M.; Vannozzi, A.; Vescovi, S.; Vieira, J. M.; Villa, F.; Wahlström, C. -G.; Bonatto, A.; Walczak, R.; Walker, P. A.; Wang, K.; Welsch, A.; Welsch, C. P.; Weng, S. M.; Wiggins, S. M.; Wolfenden, J.; Xia, G.; Yabashi, M.; Boulton, L.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, J.; Zigler, A.; Brandi, F.; Brinkmann, R.; Briquez, F.; Brottier, F.; Bründermann, E.; Büscher, M.; Buonomo, B.; Bussmann, M. H.; Bussolino, G.; Campana, P.; Cantarella, S.; Cassou, K.; Chancé, A.; Chen, M.; Chiadroni, E.; Cianchi, A.; Cioeta, F.; Clarke, J. A.; Cole, J. M.; Costa, G.; Couprie, M. -E.; Cowley, J.; Croia, M.; Cros, B.; Crump, P. A.; D’Arcy, R.; Dattoli, G.; Del Dotto, A.; Delerue, N.; Del Franco, M.; Delinikolas, P.; De Nicola, S.; Dias, J. M.; Di Giovenale, D.; Diomede, M.; Di Pasquale, E.; Di Pirro, G.; Di Raddo, G.; Dorda, U.; Erlandson, A. C.; Ertel, K.; Esposito, A.; Falcoz, F.; Falone, A.; Fedele, R.; Ferran Pousa, A.; Ferrario, M.; Filippi, F.; Fils, J.; Fiore, G.; Fiorito, R.; Fonseca, R. A.; Franzini, G.; Galimberti, M.; Gallo, A.; Galvin, T. C.; Ghaith, A.; Ghigo, A.; Giove, D.; Giribono, A.; Gizzi, L. A.; Grüner, F. J.; Habib, A. F.; Haefner, C.; Heinemann, T.; Helm, A.; Hidding, B.; Holzer, B. J.; Hooker, S. M.; Hosokai, T.; Hübner, M.; Ibison, M.; Incremona, S.; Irman, A.; Iungo, F.
    This report presents the conceptual design of a new European research infrastructure EuPRAXIA. The concept has been established over the last four years in a unique collaboration of 41 laboratories within a Horizon 2020 design study funded by the European Union. EuPRAXIA is the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts and laser technology. It focuses on the development of electron accelerators and underlying technologies, their user communities, and the exploitation of existing accelerator infrastructures in Europe. EuPRAXIA has involved, amongst others, the international laser community and industry to build links and bridges with accelerator science — through realising synergies, identifying disruptive ideas, innovating, and fostering knowledge exchange. The Eu-PRAXIA project aims at the construction of an innovative electron accelerator using laser- and electron-beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration that offers a significant reduction in size and possible savings in cost over current state-of-the-art radiofrequency-based accelerators. The foreseen electron energy range of one to five gigaelectronvolts (GeV) and its performance goals will enable versatile applications in various domains, e.g. as a compact free-electron laser (FEL), compact sources for medical imaging and positron generation, table-top test beams for particle detectors, as well as deeply penetrating X-ray and gamma-ray sources for material testing. EuPRAXIA is designed to be the required stepping stone to possible future plasma-based facilities, such as linear colliders at the high-energy physics (HEP) energy frontier. Consistent with a high-confidence approach, the project includes measures to retire risk by establishing scaled technology demonstrators. This report includes preliminary models for project implementation, cost and schedule that would allow operation of the full Eu-PRAXIA facility within 8—10 years.
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    Modelling of a miniature microwave driven nitrogen plasma jet and comparison to measurements
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2021) Klute, Michael; Kemaneci, Efe; Porteanu, Horia-Eugen; Stefanović, Ilija; Heinrich, Wolfgang; Awakowicz, Peter; Brinkmann, Ralf Peter
    The MMWICP (miniature microwave ICP) is a new plasma source using the induction principle. Recently Klute et al presented a mathematical model for the electromagnetic fields and power balance of the new device. In this work the electromagnetic model is coupled with a global chemistry model for nitrogen, based on the chemical reaction set of Thorsteinsson and Gudmundsson and customized for the geometry of the MMWICP. The combined model delivers a quantitative description for a non-thermal plasma at a pressure of p = 1000 Pa and a gas temperature of Tg = 650–1600 K. Comparison with published experimental data shows a good agreement for the volume averaged plasma parameters at high power, for the spatial distribution of the discharge and for the microwave measurements. Furthermore, the balance of capacitive and inductive coupling in the absorbed power is analyzed. This leads to the interpretation of the discharge regime at an electron density of ne ≈ 6.4 × 1018 m−3 as E/H-hybridmode with an capacitive and inductive component.
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    High‐Temperature Annealing and Patterned AlN/Sapphire Interfaces
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Hagedorn, Sylvia; Mogilatenko, Anna; Walde, Sebastian; Pacak, Daniel; Weinrich, Jonas; Hartmann, Carsten; Weyers, Markus
    Using the example of epitaxial lateral overgrowth of AlN on trench-patterned AlN/sapphire templates, the impact of introducing a high-temperature annealing step into the process chain is investigated. Covering the open surfaces of sapphire trench sidewalls with a thin layer of AlN is found to be necessary to preserve the trench shape during annealing. Both the influence of annealing temperature and annealing duration are investigated. To avoid the deformation of the AlN/sapphire interface during annealing, the annealing duration or annealing temperature must be low enough. Annealing for 1 h at 1730 °C is found to allow for the lowest threading dislocation density of 3.5 × 108 cm−2 in the subsequently grown AlN, while maintaining an uncracked smooth surface over the entire 2 in. wafer. Transmission electron microscopy study confirms the defect reduction by high-temperature annealing and reveals an additional strain relaxation mechanism by accumulation of horizontal dislocation lines at the interface between annealed and nonannealed AlN. By applying a second annealing step, the dislocation density can be further reduced to 2.5 × 108 cm−2.
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    Temperature-Dependent Charge Carrier Diffusion in [0001¯] Direction of GaN Determined by Luminescence Evaluation of Buried InGaN Quantum Wells
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Netzel, Carsten; Hoffmann, Veit; Tomm, Jens W.; Mahler, Felix; Einfeldt, Sven; Weyers, Markus
    Temperature-dependent transport of photoexcited charge carriers through a nominally undoped, c-plane GaN layer toward buried InGaN quantum wells is investigated by continuous-wave and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. The excitation of the buried InGaN quantum wells is dominated by charge carrier diffusion through the GaN layer; photon recycling contributes only slightly. With temperature decreasing from 310 to 10 K, the diffusion length in [0001⎯⎯] direction increases from 250 to 600 nm in the GaN layer. The diffusion length at 300 K also increases from 100 to 300 nm when increasing the excitation power density from 20 to 500 W cm−2. The diffusion constant decreases from the low-temperature value of ∼7 to 1.5 cm2 s−1 at 310 K. The temperature dependence of the diffusion constant indicates that the diffusivity at room temperature is limited by optical phonon scattering. Consequently, higher diffusion constants in GaN-based devices require a reduced operation temperature. To increase diffusion lengths at a fixed temperature, the effective recombination time has to be prolonged by reducing the number of nonradiative recombination centers.