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    Photobiomodulation of lymphatic drainage and clearance: Perspective strategy for augmentation of meningeal lymphatic functions
    (Washington, DC : Optica, 2020) Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana; Abdurashitov, Arkady; Dubrovsky, Alexander; Klimova, Maria; Agranovich, Ilana; Terskov, Andrey; Shirokov, Alexander; Vinnik, Valeria; Kuzmina, Anna; Lezhnev, Nikita; Blokhina, Inna; Shnitenkova, Anastassia; Tuchin, Valery; Rafailov, Edik; Kurths, Jurgen
    There is a hypothesis that augmentation of the drainage and clearing function of the meningeal lymphatic vessels (MLVs) might be a promising therapeutic target for preventing neurological diseases. Here we investigate mechanisms of photobiomodulation (PBM, 1267 nm) of lymphatic drainage and clearance. Our results obtained at optical coherence tomography (OCT) give strong evidence that low PBM doses (5 and 10 J/cm2) stimulate drainage function of the lymphatic vessels via vasodilation (OCT data on the mesenteric lymphatics) and stimulation of lymphatic clearance (OCT data on clearance of gold nanorods from the brain) that was supported by confocal imaging of clearance of FITC-dextran from the cortex via MLVs. We assume that PBM-mediated relaxation of the lymphatic vessels can be possible mechanisms underlying increasing the permeability of the lymphatic endothelium that allows molecules transported by the lymphatic vessels and explain PBM stimulation of lymphatic drainage and clearance. These findings open new strategies for the stimulation of MLVs functions and non-pharmacological therapy of brain diseases.
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    Random-matrix theory for the Lindblad master equation
    (Woodbury, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2021) Lange, Stefan; Timm, Carsten
    Open quantum systems with Markovian dynamics can be described by the Lindblad equation. The quantity governing the dynamics is the Lindblad superoperator. We apply random-matrix theory to this superoperator to elucidate its spectral properties. The distribution of eigenvalues and the correlations of neighboring eigenvalues are obtained for the cases of purely unitary dynamics, pure dissipation, and the physically realistic combination of unitary and dissipative dynamics. © 2021 Author(s).
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    Photostimulation of extravasation of beta-amyloid through the model of blood-brain barrier
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Zinchenko, Ekaterina; Klimova, Maria; Mamedova, Aysel; Agranovich, Ilana; Blokhina, Inna; Antonova, Tatiana; Terskov, Andrey; Shirokov, Alexander; Navolokin, Nikita; Morgun, Andrey; Osipova, Elena; Boytsova, Elizaveta; Yu, Tingting; Zhu, Dan; Kurths, Juergen; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, Oxana
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable pathology associated with progressive decline in memory and cognition. Phototherapy might be a new promising and alternative strategy for the effective treatment of AD, and has been actively discussed over two decades. However, the mechanisms of therapeutic photostimulation (PS) effects on subjects with AD remain poorly understood. The goal of this study was to determine the mechanisms of therapeutic PS effects in beta-amyloid (Aβ)-injected mice. The neurological severity score and the new object recognition tests demonstrate that PS 9 J/cm2 attenuates the memory and neurological deficit in mice with AD. The immunohistochemical assay revealed a decrease in the level of Aβ in the brain and an increase of Aβ in the deep cervical lymph nodes obtained from mice with AD after PS. Using the in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), we show a PS-mediated decrease in transendothelial resistance and in the expression of tight junction proteins as well an increase in the BBB permeability to Aβ. These findings suggest that a PS-mediated BBB opening and the activation of the lymphatic clearance of Aβ from the brain might be a crucial mechanism underlying therapeutic effects of PS in mice with AD. These pioneering data open new strategies in the development of non-pharmacological methods for therapy of AD and contribute to a better understanding of the PS effects on the central nervous system. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Evolving climate network perspectives on global surface air temperature effects of ENSO and strong volcanic eruptions
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Kittel, Tim; Ciemer, Catrin; Lotfi, Nastaran; Peron, Thomas; Rodrigues, Francisco; Kurths, Jürgen; Donner, Reik V.
    Episodically occurring internal (climatic) and external (non-climatic) disruptions of normal climate variability are known to both affect spatio-temporal patterns of global surface air temperatures (SAT) at time-scales between multiple weeks and several years. The magnitude and spatial manifestation of the corresponding effects depend strongly on the specific type of perturbation and may range from weak spatially coherent yet regionally confined trends to a global reorganization of co-variability due to the excitation or inhibition of certain large-scale teleconnectivity patterns. Here, we employ functional climate network analysis to distinguish qualitatively the global climate responses to different phases of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) from those to the three largest volcanic eruptions since the mid-20th century as the two most prominent types of recurrent climate disruptions. Our results confirm that strong ENSO episodes can cause a temporary breakdown of the normal hierarchical organization of the global SAT field, which is characterized by the simultaneous emergence of consistent regional temperature trends and strong teleconnections. By contrast, the most recent strong volcanic eruptions exhibited primarily regional effects rather than triggering additional long-range teleconnections that would not have been present otherwise. By relying on several complementary network characteristics, our results contribute to a better understanding of climate network properties by differentiating between climate variability reorganization mechanisms associated with internal variability versus such triggered by non-climatic abrupt and localized perturbations.
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    Anticipation-induced social tipping: can the environment be stabilised by social dynamics?
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Müller, Paul Manuel; Heitzig, Jobst; Kurths, Jürgen; Lüdge, Kathy; Wiedermann, Marc
    In the past decades, human activities caused global Earth system changes, e.g., climate change or biodiversity loss. Simultaneously, these associated impacts have increased environmental awareness within societies across the globe, thereby leading to dynamical feedbacks between the social and natural Earth system. Contemporary modelling attempts of Earth system dynamics rarely incorporate such co-evolutions and interactions are mostly studied unidirectionally through direct or remembered past impacts. Acknowledging that societies have the additional capability for foresight, this work proposes a conceptual feedback model of socio-ecological co-evolution with the specific construct of anticipation acting as a mediator between the social and natural system. Our model reproduces results from previous sociological threshold models with bistability if one assumes a static environment. Once the environment changes in response to societal behaviour, the system instead converges towards a globally stable, but not necessarily desired, attractor. Ultimately, we show that anticipation of future ecological states then leads to metastability of the system where desired states can persist for a long time. We thereby demonstrate that foresight and anticipation form an important mechanism which, once its time horizon becomes large enough, fosters social tipping towards behaviour that can stabilise the environment and prevents potential socio-ecological collapse.
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    Coupled network analysis revealing global monthly scale co-variability patterns between sea-surface temperatures and precipitation in dependence on the ENSO state
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Ekhtiari, Nikoo; Ciemer, Catrin; Kirsch, Catrin; Donner, Reik V.
    The Earth’s climate is a complex system characterized by multi-scale nonlinear interrelationships between different subsystems like atmosphere and ocean. Among others, the mutual interdependence between sea surface temperatures (SST) and precipitation (PCP) has important implications for ecosystems and societies in vast parts of the globe but is still far from being completely understood. In this context, the globally most relevant coupled ocean–atmosphere phenomenon is the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which strongly affects large-scale SST variability as well as PCP patterns all around the globe. Although significant achievements have been made to foster our understanding of ENSO’s global teleconnections and climate impacts, there are many processes associated with ocean–atmosphere interactions in the tropics and extratropics, as well as remote effects of SST changes on PCP patterns that have not yet been unveiled or fully understood. In this work, we employ coupled climate network analysis for characterizing dominating global co-variability patterns between SST and PCP at monthly timescales. Our analysis uncovers characteristic seasonal patterns associated with both local and remote statistical linkages and demonstrates their dependence on the type of the current ENSO phase (El Niño, La Niña or neutral phase). Thereby, our results allow identifying local interactions as well as teleconnections between SST variations and global precipitation patterns.
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    Dynamical phenomena in complex networks: fundamentals and applications
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Yanchuk, Serhiy; Roque, Antonio C.; Macau, Elbert E. N.; Kurths, Jürgen
    This special issue presents a series of 33 contributions in the area of dynamical networks and their applications. Part of the contributions is devoted to theoretical and methodological aspects of dynamical networks, such as collective dynamics of excitable systems, spreading processes, coarsening, synchronization, delayed interactions, and others. A particular focus is placed on applications to neuroscience and Earth science, especially functional climate networks. Among the highlights, various methods for dealing with noise and stochastic processes in neuroscience are presented. A method for constructing weighted networks with arbitrary topologies from a single dynamical node with delayed feedback is introduced. Also, a generalization of the concept of geodesic distances, a path-integral formulation of network-based measures is developed, which provides fundamental insights into the dynamics of disease transmission. The contributions from the Earth science application field substantiate predictive power of climate networks to study challenging Earth processes and phenomena.
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    Modelling nonlinear dynamics of interacting tipping elements on complex networks: the PyCascades package
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2021) Wunderling, Nico; Krönke, Jonathan; Wohlfarth, Valentin; Kohler, Jan; Heitzig, Jobst; Staal, Arie; Willner, Sven; Winkelmann, Ricarda; Donges, Jonathan F.
    Tipping elements occur in various systems such as in socio-economics, ecology and the climate system. In many cases, the individual tipping elements are not independent of each other, but they interact across scales in time and space. To model systems of interacting tipping elements, we here introduce the PyCascades open source software package for studying interacting tipping elements ( PyCascades is an object-oriented and easily extendable package written in the programming language Python. It allows for investigating under which conditions potentially dangerous cascades can emerge between interacting dynamical systems, with a focus on tipping elements. With PyCascades it is possible to use different types of tipping elements such as double-fold and Hopf types and interactions between them. PyCascades can be applied to arbitrary complex network structures and has recently been extended to stochastic dynamical systems. This paper provides an overview of the functionality of PyCascades by introducing the basic concepts and the methodology behind it. In the end, three examples are discussed, showing three different applications of the software package. First, the moisture recycling network of the Amazon rainforest is investigated. Second, a model of interacting Earth system tipping elements is discussed. And third, the PyCascades modelling framework is applied to a global trade network.
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    Understanding the transgression of global and regional freshwater planetary boundaries
    (London : Royal Society, 2022) Pastor, A.V.; Biemans, H.; Franssen, W.; Gerten, D.; Hoff, H.; Ludwig, F.; Kabat, P.
    Freshwater ecosystems have been degraded due to intensive freshwater abstraction. Therefore, environmental flow requirements (EFRs) methods have been proposed to maintain healthy rivers and/or restore river flows. In this study, we used the Variable Monthly Flow (VMF) method to calculate the transgression of freshwater planetary boundaries: (1) natural deficits in which flow does not meet EFRs due to climate variability, and (2) anthropogenic deficits caused by water abstractions. The novelty is that we calculated spatially and cumulative monthly water deficits by river types including the frequency, magnitude and causes of environmental flow (EF) deficits (climatic and/or anthropogenic). Water deficit was found to be a regional rather than a global concern (less than 5% of total discharge). The results show that, from 1960 to 2000, perennial rivers with low flow alteration, such as the Amazon, had an EF deficit of 2–12% of the total discharge, and that the climate deficit was responsible for up to 75% of the total deficit. In rivers with high seasonality and high water abstractions such as the Indus, the total deficit represents up to 130% of its total discharge, 85% of which is due to withdrawals. We highlight the need to allocate water to humans and ecosystems sustainably. This article is part of the Royal Society Science+ meeting issue ‘Drought risk in the Anthropocene’.
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    Noise-induced artificial intelligence
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Zhao, Alex; Ermolaeva, Anastasia; Ullner, Ekkehard; Kurths, Juergen; Gordleeva, Susanna; Zaikin, Alexey
    We show that unavoidable stochastic fluctuations are not only affecting information processing in a destructive or constructive way, but may even induce conditions necessary for the artificial intelligence itself. In this proof-of-principle paper we consider a model of a neuron-astrocyte network under the influence of multiplicative noise and show that information encoding (loading, storage, and retrieval of information patterns), one of the paradigmatic signatures of intelligent systems, can be induced by stochastic influence and astrocytes. Hence, astrocytes, recently proved to play an important role in memory and cognitive processing in mammalian brains, may play also an important role in the generation of a system's features providing artificial intelligence functions. Hence, one could conclude that intrinsic stochasticity is probably positively utilized by brains, not only to optimize the signal response but also to induce intelligence itself, and one of the key roles, played by astrocytes in information processing, could be dealing with noises.