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    Poisson approximation and connectivity in a scale-free random connection model
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2021) Iyer, Srikanth K.; Jhawar, Sanjoy Kr
    For abstract see PDF
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    Scaling limit of ballistic self-avoiding walk interacting with spatial random permutations
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2019) Betz, Volker; Taggi, Lorenzo
    We consider nearest neighbour spatial random permutations on Zd. In this case, the energy of the system is proportional to the sum of all cycle lengths, and the system can be interpreted as an ensemble of edge-weighted, mutually self-avoiding loops. The constant of proportionality, α, is the order parameter of the model. Our first result is that in a parameter regime of edge weights where it is known that a single self-avoiding loop is weakly space filling, long cycles of spatial random permutations are still exponentially unlikely. For our second result, we embed a self-avoiding walk into a background of spatial random permutations, and condition it to cover a macroscopic distance. For large values of α (where long cycles are very unlikely) we show that this walk collapses to a straight line in the scaling limit, and give bounds on the fluctuations that are almost sufficient for diffusive scaling. For proving our results, we develop the concepts of spatial strong Markov property and iterative sampling for spatial random permutations, which may be of independent interest. Among other things, we use them to show exponential decay of correlations for large values of α in great generality.
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    Localization of the principal Dirichlet eigenvector in the heavy-tailed random conductance model
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2018) Flegel, Franziska
    We study the asymptotic behavior of the principal eigenvector and eigenvalue of the random conductance Laplacian in a large domain of Zd (d≥2) with zero Dirichlet condition. We assume that the conductances w are positive i.i.d. random variables, which fulfill certain regularity assumptions near zero. If γ=sup{q≥0:E[w−q]<∞}<1/4, then we show that for almost every environment the principal Dirichlet eigenvector asymptotically concentrates in a single site and the corresponding eigenvalue scales subdiffusively. The threshold γc=1/4 is sharp. Indeed, other recent results imply that for γ>1/4 the top of the Dirichlet spectrum homogenizes. Our proofs are based on a spatial extreme value analysis of the local speed measure, Borel-Cantelli arguments, the Rayleigh-Ritz formula, results from percolation theory, and path arguments.
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    Limit theorems for Lévy flights on a 1D Lévy random medium
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2021) Stivanello, Samuele; Bet, Gianmarco; Bianchi, Alessandra; Lenci, Marco; Magnanini, Elena
    We study a random walk on a point process given by an ordered array of points (ωk,k∈Z) on the real line. The distances ωk+1−ωk are i.i.d. random variables in the domain of attraction of a β-stable law, with β∈(0,1)∪(1,2). The random walk has i.i.d. jumps such that the transition probabilities between ωk and ωℓ depend on ℓ−k and are given by the distribution of a Z-valued random variable in the domain of attraction of an α-stable law, with α∈(0,1)∪(1,2). Since the defining variables, for both the random walk and the point process, are heavy-tailed, we speak of a Lévy flight on a Lévy random medium. For all combinations of the parameters α and β, we prove the annealed functional limit theorem for the suitably rescaled process, relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology in each case. When the limit process is not càdlàg, we prove convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions. When the limit process is deterministic, we also prove a limit theorem for the fluctuations, again relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology.
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    Extremal decomposition for random Gibbs measures: from general metastates to metastates on extremal random Gibbs measures
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2018) Cotar, Codina; Jahnel, Benedikt; Külske, Christof
    The concept of metastate measures on the states of a random spin system was introduced to be able to treat the large-volume asymptotics for complex quenched random systems, like spin glasses, which may exhibit chaotic volume dependence in the strong-coupling regime. We consider the general issue of the extremal decomposition for Gibbsian specifications which depend measurably on a parameter that may describe a whole random environment in the infinite volume. Given a random Gibbs measure, as a measurable map from the environment space, we prove measurability of its decomposition measure on pure states at fixed environment, with respect to the environment. As a general corollary we obtain that, for any metastate, there is an associated decomposition metastate, which is supported on the extremes for almost all environments, and which has the same barycenter.
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    Phase transitions for chase-escape models on Poisson–Gilbert graphs
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2020) Hinsen, Alexander; Jahnel, Benedikt; Cali, Elie; Wary, Jean-Philippe
    We present results on phase transitions of local and global survival in a two-species model on Poisson–Gilbert graphs. Initially, there is an infection at the origin that propagates on the graph according to a continuous-time nearest-neighbor interacting particle system. The graph consists of susceptible nodes and nodes of a second type, which we call white knights. The infection can spread on susceptible nodes without restriction. If the infection reaches a white knight, this white knight starts to spread on the set of infected nodes according to the same mechanism, with a potentially different rate, giving rise to a competition of chase and escape. We show well-definedness of the model, isolate regimes of global survival and extinction of the infection and present estimates on local survival. The proofs rest on comparisons to the process on trees, percolation arguments and finite-degree approximations of the underlying random graphs.
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    Random walks in random hypergeometric environment
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2020) Orenshtein, Tal; Sabot, Christophe
    We consider one-dependent random walks on Zd in random hypergeometric environment for d≥3. These are memory-one walks in a large class of environments parameterized by positive weights on directed edges and on pairs of directed edges which includes the class of Dirichlet environments as a special case. We show that the walk is a.s. transient for any choice of the parameters, and moreover that the return time has some finite positive moment. We then give a characterization for the existence of an invariant measure for the process from the point of view of the walker which is absolutely continuous with respect to the initial distribution on the environment in terms of a function κ of the initial weights. These results generalize [Sab11] and [Sab13] on random walks in Dirichlet environment. It turns out that κ coincides with the corresponding parameter in the Dirichlet case, and so in particular the existence of such invariant measures is independent of the weights on pairs of directed edges, and determined solely by the weights on directed edges.
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    Rough invariance principle for delayed regenerative processes
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2021) Orenshtein, Tal
    We derive an invariance principle for the lift to the rough path topology of stochastic processes with delayed regenerative increments under an optimal moment condition. An interesting feature of the result is the emergence of area anomaly, a correction term in the second level of the limiting rough path which is identified as the average stochastic area on a regeneration interval. A few applications include random walks in random environment and additive functionals of recurrent Markov chains. The result is formulated in the p-variation settings, where a rough path version of Donsker’s Theorem is available under the second moment condition. The key renewal theorem is applied to obtain an optimal moment condition.
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    Lower large deviations for geometric functionals
    ([Madralin] : EMIS ELibEMS, 2020) Hirsch, Christian; Jahnel, Benedikt; Tóbiás, András
    This work develops a methodology for analyzing large-deviation lower tails associated with geometric functionals computed on a homogeneous Poisson point process. The technique applies to characteristics expressed in terms of stabilizing score functions exhibiting suitable monotonicity properties. We apply our results to clique counts in the random geometric graph, intrinsic volumes of Poisson–Voronoi cells, as well as power-weighted edge lengths in the random geometric, k-nearest neighbor and relative neighborhood graph.