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    Ultra-wide bandgap, conductive, high mobility, and high quality melt-grown bulk ZnGa2O4 single crystals
    (Melville, NY : AIP Publ., 2019) Galazka, Zbigniew; Ganschow, Steffen; Schewski, Robert; Irmscher, Klaus; Klimm, Detlef; Kwasniewski, Albert; Pietsch, Mike; Fiedler, Andreas; Schulze-Jonack, Isabelle; Albrecht, Martin; Schröder, Thomas; Bickermann, Matthias
    Truly bulk ZnGa2O4 single crystals were obtained directly from the melt. High melting point of 1900 ± 20 °C and highly incongruent evaporation of the Zn- and Ga-containing species impose restrictions on growth conditions. The obtained crystals are characterized by a stoichiometric or near-stoichiometric composition with a normal spinel structure at room temperature and by a narrow full width at half maximum of the rocking curve of the 400 peak of (100)-oriented samples of 23 arcsec. ZnGa2O4 is a single crystalline spinel phase with the Ga/Zn atomic ratio up to about 2.17. Melt-grown ZnGa2O4 single crystals are thermally stable up to 1100 and 700 °C when subjected to annealing for 10 h in oxidizing and reducing atmospheres, respectively. The obtained ZnGa2O4 single crystals were either electrical insulators or n-type semiconductors/degenerate semiconductors depending on growth conditions and starting material composition. The as-grown semiconducting crystals had the resistivity, free electron concentration, and maximum Hall mobility of 0.002–0.1 Ωcm, 3 × 1018–9 × 1019 cm−3, and 107 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. The semiconducting crystals could be switched into the electrically insulating state by annealing in the presence of oxygen at temperatures ≥700 °C for at least several hours. The optical absorption edge is steep and originates at 275 nm, followed by full transparency in the visible and near infrared spectral regions. The optical bandgap gathered from the absorption coefficient is direct with a value of about 4.6 eV, close to that of β-Ga2O3. Additionally, with a lattice constant of a = 8.3336 Å, ZnGa2O4 may serve as a good lattice-matched substrate for magnetic Fe-based spinel films.
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    Low-melting manganese(II)-based ionic liquids: Syntheses, structures, properties and influence of trace impurities
    (Basel : MDPI, 2019) Peppel, Tim; Geppert-Rybczyńska, Monika; Neise, Christin; Kragl, Udo; Köckerling, Martin
    The synthesis of more than 10 new magnetic ionic liquids with [MnX4]2− anions, X = Cl, NCS, NCO, is presented. Detailed structural information through single-crystal X-ray diffraction is given for (DMDIm)[Mn(NCS)4], (BnEt3N)2[Mn(NCS)4], and {(Ph3P)2N}2[Mn(NCO4)]·0.6H2O, respectively. All compounds consist of discrete anions and cations with tetrahedrally coordinated Mn(II) atoms. They show paramagnetic behavior as expected for spin-only systems. Melting points are found for several systems below 100 °C classifying them as ionic liquids. Thermal properties are investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements. The physicochemical properties of density, dynamic viscosity, electrolytic conductivity, and surface tension were measured temperature-dependent of selected samples. These properties are discussed in comparison to similar Co containing systems. An increasing amount of bromide impurity is found to affect the surface tension only up to 3.3%.
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    Colloidal PbS nanoplatelets synthesized via cation exchange for electronic applications
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2019) Sonntag, Luisa; Shamraienko, Volodymyr; Fan, Xuelin; Samadi Khoshkhoo, Mahdi; Kneppe, David; Koitzsch, Andreas; Gemming, Thomas; Hiekel, Karl; Leo, Karl; Lesnyak, Vladimir; Eychmüller, Alexander
    In this work, we present a new synthetic approach to colloidal PbS nanoplatelets (NPLs) utilizing a cation exchange (CE) strategy starting from CuS NPLs synthesized via the hot-injection method. Whereas the thickness of the resulting CuS NPLs was fixed at approx. 5 nm, the lateral size could be tuned by varying the reaction conditions, such as time from 6 to 16 h, the reaction temperature (120 °C, 140 °C), and the amount of copper precursor. In a second step, Cu+ cations were replaced with Pb2+ ions within the crystal lattice via CE. While the shape and the size of parental CuS platelets were preserved, the crystal structure was rearranged from hexagonal covellite to PbS galena, accompanied by the fragmentation of the monocrystalline phase into polycrystalline one. Afterwards a halide mediated ligand exchange (LE) was carried out in order to remove insulating oleic acid residues from the PbS NPL surface and to form stable dispersions in polar organic solvents enabling thin-film fabrication. Both CE and LE processes were monitored by several characterization techniques. Furthermore, we measured the electrical conductivity of the resulting PbS NPL-based films before and after LE and compared the processing in ambient to inert atmosphere. Finally, we fabricated field-effect transistors with an on/off ratio of up to 60 and linear charge carrier mobility for holes of 0.02 cm2 V−1 s−1.