Search Results

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    Data Steward Service Center (DSSC): FAIRagro RDM-Expertise Hub
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Svoboda, Nikolai; Vedder, Lucia; Böhm, Franziska; Möller, Markus; Rey-Mazón, Elena; Schmidt, Marcus; Lindstädt, Birte; Stahl, Ulrike
    The Data Steward Service Center (DSSC) is the central institution within FAIRagro to develop data management tools based on the needs of the scientific community. The DSSC organizes the continuous exchange of RDM knowledge and experience with other institutions, channels user requests from the community, and transfers knowledge from the FAIRagro task areas to the FAIRagro data stewards. FAIRagro data stewards are experts in the field of RDM for agrosystems research supervising and will train data curators in our community. Data stewards have core competencies in research data management (e.g., cross-scale from genes, phenomics, management to region; sensitive data, remote sensing, time series, plant, soil and related FAIRagro data). Knowledge and expertise is pooled to provide the full range of expertise to the community in one place to foster the coalescence of the community. The DSSC is headed by a coordinator and will house five data stewards, who are active in the community e.g. train data curators, give legal support. In the course of the project, further institutional or project data stewards will be integrated and the pool of experts will be further expanded. The network to the other NFDI consortia is continuously growing.
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    The openCARP CDE: Concept for and implementation of a sustainable collaborativedevelopment environment for research software
    (Marburg : Philipps-Universität, 2022) Bach, Felix; Klar, Jochen; Loewe, Axel; Sánchez, Jorge; Seemann, Gunnar; Huang, Yung-Lin; Ulrich, Robert
    This work describes the setup of an advanced technical infrastructure for collabora-tive software development in large, distributed projects based on GitLab. We presentits customization and extension, additional features and processes like code review,continuous automated testing, DevOps practices, and sustainable life-cycle manage-ment including long-term preservation and citable publishing of software releasesalong with relevant metadata. The collaborative development environment (CDE) iscurrently used for developing the open cardiac simulation software openCARP and anevaluation showcases its capability and utility for collaboration and coordination ofsizeable heterogeneous teams. As such, it could be a suitable and sustainable infras-tructure solution for a wide range of research software projects.
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    NFDI4Chem - Fachkonsortium für die Chemie
    (Marburg : Philipps-Universität, 2021) Ortmeyer, Jochen; Schön, Florian; Herres-Pawlis, Sonja; Jung, Nicole; Bach, Felix; Liermann, Johannes; Neumann, Steffen; Popp, Christian; Razum, Matthias; Koepler, Oliver; Steinbeck, Christoph
    Als Fachkonsortium für die Chemie hat sich NFDI4Chem innerhalb der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) gebildet. In diesem Beitrag stellt sich das Konsortium kurz vor und legt seine zentralen Ziele und wichtigsten Verbesserungen für das Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) in der Chemie sowie die praktischen Heraus-forderungen dar. Die Vision von NFDI4Chem ist die umfassende Digitalisierung und Vernetzung aller Prozesse im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten in der chemischen Forschung. Beginnend mit der Erzeugung der Daten, über deren Verarbeitung und Analyse bis hin zur Publikation wird eine modulare, vernetzte Infrastruktur aus Software-Tools, elektronischen Laborjournalen und Datenrepositorien entwickelt und bereitgestellt, die Forschende im Laboralltag unterstützt. Die Digitalisierung wird begleitet durch die Entwicklung von Minimalinformationen für Datenpublikationen, bestehend unter anderem aus Standards für Daten- und Metadatenformate sowie Ontologien zur semantischen Beschreibung. Seine Aufgaben verfolgt das NFDI4Chem-Konsortium wissenschaftsgeleitet und mit dem klaren Ziel, eine intuitiv und effizient nutzbare Infrastruktur zu entwickeln. Das Gestalten eines kulturellen Wandels, gemeinsam mit der wissenschaftlichen Community, zur Etablierung und Akzeptanz eines FAIRen Umgangsmit Daten ist daher ein weiteres wichtiges Element der NFDI4Chem-Aktivitäten.
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    Analyzing social media for measuring public attitudes toward controversies and their driving factors: a case study of migration
    (Wien : Springer, 2022) Chen, Yiyi; Sack, Harald; Alam, Mehwish
    Among other ways of expressing opinions on media such as blogs, and forums, social media (such as Twitter) has become one of the most widely used channels by populations for expressing their opinions. With an increasing interest in the topic of migration in Europe, it is important to process and analyze these opinions. To this end, this study aims at measuring the public attitudes toward migration in terms of sentiments and hate speech from a large number of tweets crawled on the decisive topic of migration. This study introduces a knowledge base (KB) of anonymized migration-related annotated tweets termed as MigrationsKB (MGKB). The tweets from 2013 to July 2021 in the European countries that are hosts of immigrants are collected, pre-processed, and filtered using advanced topic modeling techniques. BERT-based entity linking and sentiment analysis, complemented by attention-based hate speech detection, are performed to annotate the curated tweets. Moreover, external databases are used to identify the potential social and economic factors causing negative public attitudes toward migration. The analysis aligns with the hypothesis that the countries with more migrants have fewer negative and hateful tweets. To further promote research in the interdisciplinary fields of social sciences and computer science, the outcomes are integrated into MGKB, which significantly extends the existing ontology to consider the public attitudes toward migrations and economic indicators. This study further discusses the use-cases and exploitation of MGKB. Finally, MGKB is made publicly available, fully supporting the FAIR principles.
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    Should I CARE about FAIR? Ein juristischer Blick auf Prinzipien des Forschungsdatenmanagements
    (Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2023) Vettermann, Oliver; Petri, Grischka
    Der Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und deren nachhaltige, langfristige Nutzung als Ziel des Forschungsdatenmanagements sind in aller Munde. Spätestens mit Beginn der Open-Data-Bewegung zeigt sich die Notwendigkeit übergeordneter Prinzipien für Forscher:innen. Beim Aufeinandertreffen von Forschenden diverser Wissenschaften und Jurist:innen erhalten die mit dem Thema eng verzahnten FAIR- und CARE-Prinzipien immer größere Bedeutung. Rechtliche Fragen sind oftmals nicht nur von einem juristischen Standpunkt, sondern auch aus einem ethischen Blickwinkel zu betrachten. Die Rechtswissenschaft verfügt aber bislang weder über eine Einordnung noch vertiefende Literatur zu diesen Prinzipien. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist daher eine Einführung in die Prinzipien selbst sowie eine erste Einordnung, um Rechtswissenschaftler:innen in inter- und multidisziplinär forschenden Projekten einen Überblick zu geben. Zugleich soll so die Brücke zwischen Nicht-Jurist:innen und Jurist:innen geschlagen werden.
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    Designing a Mobility Data Trustee (MDT) : Findings From a Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of Requirements of an MDT
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Czech, Andreas; Geenen, Vivien; Breß, Constantin; Turkovic Popovski, Marija; Krauß, Peter; Riedel, Till; Gauterin, Frank
    A large amount of different data is currently collected in the mobility sector. However, due to technical, legal, and economic hurdles, it cannot be made usable. The "TreuMoDa" project, in which a Mobility Data Trustee (MDT) is being designed and tested as a prototype in the autonomous driving test area in Baden-Württemberg, provides a solution to this problem. Data trustees are a pioneering option to enable cross-sectoral data exchange between different actors from industry, science, and society. We provide an insight into the concept of the MDT. Specifically, the requirements of various stakeholders from the automotive industry, software developers, infrastructure, cities, and transport companies are analyzed with regard to the expected organizational, legal, and technical functions of such an MDT. The concept of a data trustee is particularly relevant to research data infrastructures, as it can enable the flow of data from research to industry and vice versa. Our work therefore also will look at the MDT as part of a larger research data management scheme.
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    Harmonising, Harvesting, and Searching Metadata Across a Repository Federation
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Neumann, Steffen; Bach, Felix; Castro, Leyla Jael; Fischer, Tillmann; Hofmann, Stefan; Huang, Pei-Chi; Jung, Nicole; Katabathuni, Bhavin; Mauz, Fabian; Meier, René; Nainala, Venkata Chandra Sekhar; Rayya, Noura; Steinbeck, Christoph; Koepler, Oliver
    The collection of metadata for research data is an important aspect in the FAIR principles. The and Bioschemas initiatives created a vocabulary to embed markup for many different types, including BioChemEntity, ChemicalSubstance, Gene, MolecularEntity, Protein, and others relevant in the Natural and Life Sciences with immediate benefits for findability of data packages. To bridge the gap between the worlds of semantic-web-driven JSON+LD metadata on the one hand, and established but separately developed interface services in libraries, we have designed an architecture for harmonising, federating and harvesting metadata from several resources. Our approach is to serve JSON+LD embedded in an XML container through a central OAI-Provider. Several resources in NFDI4Chem provide such domain-specific metadata. The CKAN-based NFDI4Chem search service can harvest this metadata using an OAI-PMH harvester extension that can extract the XML-encapsulated JSON+LD metadata, and has search capabilities relevant in the chemistry domain. We invite the community to collaborate and reach a critical mass of providers and consumers in the NFDI.
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    RADAR: Building a FAIR and Community Tailored Research Data Repository
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Bach, Felix; Soltau, Kerstin; Göller, Sandra; Bonatto Minella, Christian; Hofmann, Stefan
    The research data repository RADAR is designed to support the secure management, archiving, publication and dissemination of digital research data from completed scientific studies and projects. Developed as a collaborative project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) (2013-2016), the system is operated by FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure - and currently serves as a generic cloud service for about 20 universities and non-university research institutions. Since its launch, RADAR has witnessed significant changes in the landscape of research data repositories and the evolving needs of researchers, research communities and institutions. In our presentation within the “Enabling RDM” Track, we will show how RADAR is responding to these dynamic changes. In order to create a sufficiently large user base for the sustainable operation of the system, we have moved RADAR away from its previous single focus on a discipline-agnostic cloud service and towards a demand-driven functional optimisation. In 2021, we introduced an additional operating model for institutions (RADAR Local), where we operate a separate RADAR instance locally at the institution site exclusively using the institutional IT-infrastructure. In 2022 we opened up RADAR to new target groups with community-specific service offerings, in particular in the context of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Beside the expansion of the functional scope, our ongoing development work focuses also on strengthening the system's support for the FAIR principles [1] and the concepts of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) [2] and Our presentation will outline recent RADAR developments and achievements as well as future plans thus providing solutions and synergy potential for the scientific community and for other service providers.
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    “Hello ELSA, how are you?” : Legal and Ethical Challenges in RDM, Current and Future Tasks of ELSA Activities Against the Background of AI and Anonymisation
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Boehm, Franziska; Sax, Ulrich; Vettermann, Oliver; Kamocki, Paweł; Stoilova, Vasilka
    The proposed contribution will shed light on current and future challenges on legal and ethical questions in research data infrastructures. The authors of the proposal will present the work of NFDI’s section on Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (hereinafter: ELSA), whose aim is to facilitate cross-disciplinary cooperation between the NFDI consortia in the relevant areas of management and re-use of research data.
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    The Case for a Common, Reusable Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for NFDI
    (Hannover : TIB Open Publishing, 2023) Rossenova, Lozana; Schubotz, Moritz; Shigapov, Renat
    The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the European Commission identifies Knowledge Graphs (KGs) as one of the most important technologies for building an interoperability framework and enabling data exchange among users across countries, sectors, and disciplines [1]. KG is a graph-structured knowledge base containing a terminology (vocabulary or ontology) and data entities interrelated via the terminology [2]. KGs are based on semantic web technologies (RDF, SPARQL, etc.) and often used for agile data integration. KGs also play an essential role within Germany as a vehicle to connect research data and research-related entities and make those accessible – examples include the GESIS Knowledge Graph Infrastructure, TIB Open Research Knowledge Graph, and Furthermore, the Wikidata knowledge graph, maintained by Wikimedia Germany, contains a large number of research-related entities and is widely used in scientific knowledge management in addition to being an important advocacy tool for open data [3]. Extending domain-specific ontology-supported KGs with the multidisciplinary, crowdsourced knowledge in Wikidata KG would enable significant applications. The linking between expert knowledge systems and world knowledge empowers lay persons to benefit from high-quality research data and ultimately contributes to increasing confidence in scientific research in society.