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Inter-granular effects at high magnetic fields of cuprate and iron chalcogenide superconducting materials

2019, Buchkov, K., Valkovski, M., Gajda, D., Nenkov, K., Nazarova, E.

The weak links effects are one of the main challenges for effective power applications of high temperature superconducting materials. Studies of these effects help for their better understanding and subsequent improvement. An overview analysis of the intergranular properties of cuprate (Y0.8Ca0.2Ba2Cu3O7-δ) and iron-based chalcogenide (FeSe0.5Te0.5) polycrystalline samples was carried out, by means of series of electro-transport experiments at different magnetic fields. The temperature evolution of the Josephson coupling and intrinsic superconductivity effects for the both systems was constructed. The FeSe0.5Te0.5 compound shows very stable and superior behavior compared to Y0.8Ca0.2BCO up to the highest magnetic fields (14T) used. We have explored FeSe0.5Te0.5 Josephson weak links influence (as a non-linear process) over the resistive transition using different AC current amplitudes and applying the sensitive AC transport third harmonics technique.

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Characterization of L21 order in Co2FeSi thin films on GaAs

2013, Jenichen, B., Hentschel, T., Herfort, J., Kong, X., Trampert, A., Zizak, I.

Co2FeSi/GaAs(110) and Co2FeSi/GaAs(-1-1-1)B hybrid structures were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The films contain inhomogeneous distributions of ordered L21 and B2 phases. The average stoichiometry could be determined by XRD for calibration of the MBE sources. Diffusion processes lead to inhomogeneities, influencing long-range order. An average L21 ordering of up to 65% was measured by grazing-incidence XRD. Lateral inhomogeneities of the spatial distribution of long-range order in Co2FeSi were imaged using dark-field TEM with superlattice reflections and shown to correspond to variations of the Co/Fe ratio.

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Photoelectron holography in strong optical and dc electric fields

2014, Stodolna, A., Huismans, Y., Rouzée, A., Lépine, F., Vrakking, M.J.J.

The application of velocity map imaging for the detection of photoelectrons resulting from atomic or molecular ionization allows the observation of interferometric, and in some cases holographic structures that contain detailed information on the target from which the photoelecrons are extracted. In this contribution we present three recent examples of the use of photoelectron velocity map imaging in experiments where atoms are exposed to strong optical and dc electric fields. We discuss (i) observations of the nodal structure of Stark states of hydrogen measured in a dc electric field, (ii) mid-infrared strong-field ionization of metastable Xe atoms and (iii) the reconstruction of helium electronic wavepackets in an attosecond pump-probe experiment. In each case, the interference between direct and indirect electron pathways, reminiscent of the reference and signal waves in holography, is seen to play an important role.

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A compact laboratory transmission X-ray microscope for the water window

2013, Legall, H., Stiel, H., Blobel, G., Seim, C., Baumann, J., Yulin, S., Esser, D., Hoefer, M., Wiesemann, U., Wirtz, M., Schneider, G., Rehbein, S., Hertz, H.M.

In the water window (2.2-4.4 nm) the attenuation of radiation in water is significantly smaller than in organic material. Therefore, intact biological specimen (e.g. cells) can be investigated in their natural environment. In order to make this technique accessible to users in a laboratory environment a Full-Field Laboratory Transmission X-ray Microscope (L-TXM) has been developed. The L-TXM is operated with a nitrogen laser plasma source employing an InnoSlab high power laser system for plasma generation. For microscopy the Ly α emission of highly ionized nitrogen at 2.48 nm is used. A laser plasma brightness of 5 × 1011 photons/(s × sr × μm2 in line at 2.48 nm) at a laser power of 70 W is demonstrated. In combination with a state-of-the-art Cr/V multilayer condenser mirror the sample is illuminated with 106 photons/(μm2 × s). Using objective zone plates 35-40 nm lines can be resolved with exposure times < 60 s. The exposure time can be further reduced to 20 s by the use of new multilayer condenser optics and operating the laser at its full power of 130 W. These exposure times enable cryo tomography in a laboratory environment.

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Single-electron transitions in one-dimensional native nanostructures

2014, Reiche, M., Kittler, M., Schmelz, M., Stolz, R., Pippel, E., Uebensee, H., Kermann, M., Ortlepp, T.

Low-temperature measurements proved the existence of a two-dimensional electron gas at defined dislocation arrays in silicon. As a consequence, single-electron transitions (Coulomb blockades) are observed. It is shown that the high strain at dislocation cores modifies the band structure and results in the formation of quantum wells along dislocation lines. This causes quantization of energy levels inducing the formation of Coulomb blockades.

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Pulsed laser deposition of thick BaHfO3-doped YBa 2Cu307-δ films on highly alloyed textured Ni-W tapes

2014, Sieger, M., Hänisch, J., Iida, K., Gaitzsch, U., Rodig, C., Schultz, L., Holzapfel, B., Hühne, R.

YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) films with a thickness of up to 3 μm containing nano-sized BaHfO3 (BHO) have been grown on Y2O3/Y-stabilized ZrO2/CeO 2 buffered Ni-9at% W tapes by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Structural characterization by means of X-ray diffraction confirmed that the YBCO layer grew epitaxial. A superconducting transition temperature T c of about 89 K with a transition width of 1 K was determined, decreasing with increasing BHO content. Critical current density in self-field and at 0.3 T increased with increasing dopant level.

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Experimental strategies for optical pump - Soft x-ray probe experiments at the LCLS

2014, McFarland, B.K., Berrah, N., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J., Bucksbaum, P.H., Castagna, J.C., Coffee, R.N., Cryan, J.P., Fang, L., Farrell, J.P., Feifel, R., Gaffney, K.J., Glownia, J.M., Martinez, T.J., Miyabe, S., Mucke, M., Murphy, B., Natan, A., Osipov, T., Petrovic, V.S., Schorb, S., Schultz, T., Spector, L.S., Swiggers, M., Tarantelli, F., Tenney, I., Wang, S., White, J.L., White, W., Gühr, M.

Free electron laser (FEL) based x-ray sources show great promise for use in ultrafast molecular studies due to the short pulse durations and site/element sensitivity in this spectral range. However, the self amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process mostly used in FELs is intrinsically noisy resulting in highly fluctuating beam parameters. Additionally timing synchronization of optical and FEL sources adds delay jitter in pump-probe experiments. We show how we mitigate the effects of source noise for the case of ultrafast molecular spectroscopy of the nucleobase thymine. Using binning and resorting techniques allows us to increase time and spectral resolution. In addition, choosing observables independent of noisy beam parameters enhances the signal fidelity.

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Preparation of clay mineral samples for high resolution x-ray imaging

2013, Abbati, G., Seim, C., Legall, H., Stiel, H., Thomas, N., Wilhein, T.

In the development of optimum ceramic materials for plastic forming, it is of fundamental importance to gain insight into the compositions of the clay minerals. Whereas spectroscopic methods are adequate for determining the elemental composition of a given sample, a knowledge of the spatial composition, together with the shape and size of the particles leads to further, valuable insight. This requires an imaging technique such as high resolution X-ray microscopy. In addition, fluorescence spectroscopy provides a viable element mapping technique. Since the fine particle fraction of the materials has a major effect on physical properties like plasticity, the analysis is focused mainly on the smallest particles. To separate these from the bigger agglomerates, the raw material has to pass through several procedures like centrifugation and filtering. After that, one has to deposit a layer of appropriate thickness on to a suitable substrate. These preparative techniques are described here, starting from the clay mineral raw materials and proceeding through to samples that are ready to analyze. First results using high resolution x-ray imaging are shown.

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Phase-resolved measurement of electric charge deposited by an atmospheric pressure plasma jet on a dielectric surface

2014, Wild, R., Gerling, T., Bussiahn, R., Weltmann, K.-D., Stollenwerk, L.

The surface charge distribution deposited by the effluent of a dielectric barrier discharge driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on a dielectric surface has been studied. For the first time, the deposition of charge was observed phase resolved. It takes place in either one or two events in each half cycle of the driving voltage. The charge transfer could also be detected in the electrode current of the jet. The periodic change of surface charge polarity has been found to correspond well with the appearance of ionized channels left behind by guided streamers (bullets) that have been identified in similar experimental situations. The distribution of negative surface charge turned out to be significantly broader than for positive charge. With increasing distance of the jet nozzle from the target surface, the charge transfer decreases until finally the effluent loses contact and the charge transfer stops.

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Femtosecond spectroscopy in a nearly optimally doped Fe-based superconductors FeSe0.5Te0.5 and Ba(Fe 1-xCox)2As2/Fe thin film

2014, Bonavolontà, C., Parlato, L., De, Lisio, C., Valentino, M., Pepe, G.P., Kazumasa, I., Kurth, F., Bellingeri, E., Pallecchi, I., Putti, M., Ferdeghini, C., Ummarino, G.A., Laviano, F.

Femtosecond spectroscopy has been used to investigate the quasi-particle relaxation times in nearly optimally doped Fe-based superconductors FeSe 0.5Te0.5 and optimally doped Ba-122 thin films growth on a Fe buffer layer. Experimental results concerning the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of such pnictides both in the superconducting state are now presented and discussed. Modelling the T-dependence of relaxation times an estimation of both electron-phonon constant and superconducting energy gap in the excitation spectrum of both Fe(Se,Te) and Ba-122 compounds is obtained.