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A new method to measure real-world respiratory tract deposition of inhaled ambient black carbon

2019, Madueño, Leizel, Kecorius, Simonas, Löndahl, Jakob, Müller, Thomas, Pfeifer, Sascha, Haudek, Andrea, Mardoñez, Valeria, Wiedensohler, Alfred

In this study, we present the development of a mobile system to measure real-world total respiratory tract deposition of inhaled ambient black carbon (BC). Such information can be used to supplement the existing knowledge on air pollution-related health effects, especially in the regions where the use of standard methods and intricate instrumentation is limited. The study is divided in two parts. Firstly, we present the design of portable system and methodology to evaluate the exhaled air BC content. We demonstrate that under real-world conditions, the proposed system exhibit negligible particle losses, and can additionally be used to determine the minute ventilation. Secondly, exemplary experimental data from the system is presented. A feasibility study was conducted in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. In a pilot experiment, we found that the cumulative total respiratory tract deposition dose over 1-h commuting trip would result in approximately 2.6 μg of BC. This is up to 5 times lower than the values obtained from conjectural approach (e.g. using physical parameters from previously reported worksheets). Measured total respiratory tract deposited BC fraction varied from 39% to 48% during walking and commuting inside a micro-bus, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, no studies focusing on experimental determination of real-world deposition dose of BC have been performed in developing regions. This can be especially important because the BC mass concentration is significant and determines a large fraction of particle mass concentration. In this work, we propose a potential method, recommendations, as well as the limitations in establishing an easy and relatively cheap way to estimate the respiratory tract deposition of BC. In this study we present a novel method to measure real-world respiratory tract deposition dose of Black Carbon. Results from a pilot study in La Paz, Bolivia, are presented. © 2019 The Authors

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Cylindrospermopsin is effectively degraded in water by pulsed corona-like and dielectric barrier discharges

2020, Schneider, Marcel, Rataj, Raphael, Kolb, Juergen F., Bláha, Luděk

Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is an important cyanobacterial toxin posing a major threat to surface waters during cyanobacterial blooms. Hence, methods for cyanotoxin removal are required to confront seasonal or local incidences to sustain the safety of potable water reservoirs. Non-thermal plasmas provide the possibility for an environmentally benign treatment which can be adapted to specific concentrations and environmental conditions without the need of additional chemicals. We therefore investigated the potential of two different non-thermal plasma approaches for CYN degradation, operated either in a water mist, i.e. in air, or submerged in water. A degradation efficacy of 0.03 ± 0.00 g kWh−1 L−1 was found for a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated in air, while a submerged pulsed corona-like discharge resulted in an efficacy of 0.24 ± 0.02 g kWh−1 L−1. CYN degradation followed a pseudo zeroth order or pseudo first order reaction kinetic, respectively. Treatment efficacy of the corona-like discharge submerged in water increased with pH values of the initial solution changing from 5.0 to 7.5. Notably, a pH-depending residual oxidative effect was observed for the submerged discharge, resulting in ongoing CYN degradation, even without further plasma treatment. In this case hydroxyl radicals were identified as the dominant oxidants of CYN at acidic pH values. In comparison, degradation by the DBD could be related primarily to the generation of ozone. © 2020 The AuthorsThe degradation of cylindrospermopsin by a pulsed corona-like discharge in water was more effective compared with a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge in air around a water mist. © 2020 The Authors