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Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy to Characterize Different Fractions of Extracellular Vesicles from Control and Prostate Cancer Patients

2021, Osei, Eric Boateng, Paniushkina, Liliia, Wilhelm, Konrad, Popp, Jürgen, Nazarenko, Irina, Krafft, Christoph

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-enclosed structures ranging in size from about 60 to 800 nm that are released by the cells into the extracellular space; they have attracted interest as easily available biomarkers for cancer diagnostics. In this study, EVs from plasma of control and prostate cancer patients were fractionated by differential centrifugation at 5000× g, 12,000× g and 120,000× g. The remaining supernatants were purified by ultrafiltration to produce EV-depleted free-circulating (fc) fractions. Spontaneous Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at 785 nm excitation using silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were employed as label-free techniques to collect fingerprint spectra and identify the fractions that best discriminate between control and cancer patients. SERS spectra from 10 µL droplets showed an enhanced Raman signature of EV-enriched fractions that were much more intense for cancer patients than controls. The Raman spectra of dehydrated pellets of EV-enriched fractions without AgNPs were dominated by spectral contributions of proteins and showed variations in S-S stretch, tryptophan and protein secondary structure bands between control and cancer fractions. We conclude that the AgNPs-mediated SERS effect strongly enhances Raman bands in EV-enriched fractions, and the fractions, EV12 and EV120 provide the best separation of cancer and control patients by Raman and SERS spectra.

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Supramolecular organization as a factor of ribonuclease cytotoxicity

2020, Dudkina, Elena V., Ulyanova, Vera V., Ilinskaya, Olga N.

One of the approaches used to eliminate tumor cells is directed destruction/modification of their RNA molecules. In this regard, ribonucleases (RNases) possess a therapeutic potential that remains largely unexplored. It is believed that the biological effects of secreted RNases, namely their antitumor and antiviral properties, derive from their catalytic activity. However, a number of recent studies have challenged the notion that the activity of RNases in the manifestation of selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells is exclusively an enzymatic one. In this review, we have analyzed available data on the cytotoxic effects of secreted RNases, which are not associated with their catalytic activity, and we have provided evidence that the most important factor in the selective apoptosis-inducing action of RNases is the structural organization of these enzymes, which determines how they interact with cell components. The new idea on the preponderant role of non-catalytic interactions between RNases and cancer cells in the manifestation of selective cytotoxicity will contribute to the development of antitumor RNase-based drugs.

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Contact-dependent signaling triggers tumor-like proliferation of CCM3 knockout endothelial cells in co-culture with wild-type cells

2022, Rath, Matthias, Schwefel, Konrad, Malinverno, Matteo, Skowronek, Dariush, Leopoldi, Alexandra, Pilz, Robin A., Biedenweg, Doreen, Bekeschus, Sander, Penninger, Josef M., Dejana, Elisabetta, Felbor, Ute

Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are low-flow vascular lesions prone to cause severe hemorrhage-associated neurological complications. Pathogenic germline variants in CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3 can be identified in nearly 100% of CCM patients with a positive family history. In line with the concept that tumor-like mechanisms are involved in CCM formation and growth, we here demonstrate an abnormally increased proliferation rate of CCM3-deficient endothelial cells in co-culture with wild-type cells and in mosaic human iPSC-derived vascular organoids. The observation that NSC59984, an anticancer drug, blocked the abnormal proliferation of mutant endothelial cells further supports this intriguing concept. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RNA sequencing revealed that co-culture induces upregulation of proangiogenic chemokine genes in wild-type endothelial cells. Furthermore, genes known to be significantly downregulated in CCM3−/− endothelial cell mono-cultures were upregulated back to normal levels in co-culture with wild-type cells. These results support the hypothesis that wild-type ECs facilitate the formation of a niche that promotes abnormal proliferation of mutant ECs. Thus, targeting the cancer-like features of CCMs is a promising new direction for drug development.

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Characterization and prediction of the mechanism of action of antibiotics through NMR metabolomics

2016, Hoerr, Verena, Duggan, Gavin E., Zbytnuik, Lori, Poon, Karen K.H., Große, Christina, Neugebauer, Ute, Methling, Karen, Löffler, Bettina, Vogel, Hans J.

Background: The emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria has reduced our ability to combat infectious diseases. At the same time the numbers of new antibiotics reaching the market have decreased. This situation has created an urgent need to discover novel antibiotic scaffolds. Recently, the application of pattern recognition techniques to identify molecular fingerprints in ‘omics’ studies, has emerged as an important tool in biomedical research and laboratory medicine to identify pathogens, to monitor therapeutic treatments or to develop drugs with improved metabolic stability, toxicological profile and efficacy. Here, we hypothesize that a combination of metabolic intracellular fingerprints and extracellular footprints would provide a more comprehensive picture about the mechanism of action of novel antibiotics in drug discovery programs. Results: In an attempt to integrate the metabolomics approach as a classification tool in the drug discovery processes, we have used quantitative 1H NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolic response of Escherichia coli cultures to different antibiotics. Within the frame of our study the effects of five different and well-known antibiotic classes on the bacterial metabolome were investigated both by intracellular fingerprint and extracellular footprint analysis. The metabolic fingerprints and footprints of bacterial cultures were affected in a distinct manner and provided complementary information regarding intracellular and extracellular targets such as protein synthesis, DNA and cell wall. While cell cultures affected by antibiotics that act on intracellular targets showed class-specific fingerprints, the metabolic footprints differed significantly only when antibiotics that target the cell wall were applied. In addition, using a training set of E. coli fingerprints extracted after treatment with different antibiotic classes, the mode of action of streptomycin, tetracycline and carbenicillin could be correctly predicted. Conclusion: The metabolic profiles of E. coli treated with antibiotics with intracellular and extracellular targets could be separated in fingerprint and footprint analysis, respectively and provided complementary information. Based on the specific fingerprints obtained for different classes of antibiotics, the mode of action of several antibiotics could be predicted. The same classification approach should be applicable to studies of other pathogenic bacteria.

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Combined In Vitro Toxicity and Immunogenicity of Cold Plasma and Pulsed Electric Fields

2022, Wolff, Christina M., Kolb, Juergen F., Bekeschus, Sander

In modern oncology, therapies are based on combining monotherapies to overcome treatment resistance and increase therapy precision. The application of microsecond-pulsed electric fields (PEF) is approved to enhance local chemotherapeutic drug uptake within combination electrochemotherapy regimens. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated in anticancer effects, and cold physical plasma produces vast amounts of ROS, which have recently been shown to benefit head and neck cancer patients. PEF and cold plasma technology have been linked to immunogenic cell death (ICD) induction, a regulated cell death accompanied by sterile inflammation that promotes antitumor immunity. To this end, we investigated the combined effect of both treatments regarding their intracellular ROS accumulation, toxicity, ICD-related marker expression, and optimal exposure sequence in a leukemia model cell line. The combination treatment substantially increased ROS and intracellular glutathione levels, leading to additive cytotoxic effects accompanied by a significantly increased expression of ICD markers, such as the eat-me signal calreticulin (CRT). Preconditioned treatment with cold plasma followed by PEF exposure was the most potent treatment sequence. The results indicate additive effects of cold plasma and PEF, motivating further studies in skin and breast tumor models for the future improvement of ECT in such patients.

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Self-Adhesive Silicone Microstructures for the Treatment of Tympanic Membrane Perforations

2021, Lana, Gabriela Moreira, Sorg, Katharina, Wenzel, Gentiana Ioana, Hecker, Dietmar, Hensel, René, Schick, Bernhard, Kruttwig, Klaus, Arzt, Eduard

Inspired by the gecko foot, polymeric microstructures have demonstrated reliable dry adhesion to both stiff objects and sensitive surfaces such as skin. Microstructured silicone patches are proposed, herein, for the treatment of tympanic membrane perforations with the aim of serving as an alternative for current surgical procedures that require anesthesia and ear canal packing. Sylgard 184 PDMS micropillars of 20 μm in diameter and 60 μm in length are topped by a Soft Skin Adhesive (SSA) MG7-1010 terminal layer, of about 25 μm thickness. The adhesion is evaluated by specially designed tack tests against explanted murine eardrums and, for comparison, against a rigid substrate. Functional effects are evaluated using auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE). The adhesion strength of the microstructure and unstructured controls to explanted murine tympanic membranes is comparable (typically 12 kPa), but the microstructured patches are easier to handle by the surgeon. For the first time, partial recovery of hearing performance is measured immediately after patch application. The novel patches adhere without the need for further fixation, removing the need for ear canal packing. The proposed material design holds great promise for improving clinical treatments of tympanic membrane perforations.

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Flotillin-Dependent Membrane Microdomains Are Required for Functional Phagolysosomes against Fungal Infections

2020, Schmidt, Franziska, Thywißen, Andreas, Goldmann, Marie, Cunha, Cristina, Cseresnyés, Zoltán, Schmidt, Hella, Rafiq, Muhammad, Galiani, Silvia, Gräler, Markus H., Chamilos, Georgios, Lacerda, João, Campos, António, Jr., Eggeling, Christian, Figge, Marc Thilo, Heinekamp, Thorsten, Filler, Scott G., Carvalho, Agostinho, Brakhage, Axel A.

Schmidt el al. show that lipid rafts in phagolysosomal membranes of macrophages depend on flotillins. Lipid rafts are required for assembly of vATPase and NADPH oxidase. Conidia of the human-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus dysregulate assembly of flotillin-dependent lipid rafts in the phagolysosomal membrane and can thereby escape phagolysosomal digestion. © 2020 The Author(s)Lipid rafts form signaling platforms on biological membranes with incompletely characterized role in immune response to infection. Here we report that lipid-raft microdomains are essential components of phagolysosomal membranes of macrophages and depend on flotillins. Genetic deletion of flotillins demonstrates that the assembly of both major defense complexes vATPase and NADPH oxidase requires membrane microdomains. Furthermore, we describe a virulence mechanism leading to dysregulation of membrane microdomains by melanized wild-type conidia of the important human-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus resulting in reduced phagolysosomal acidification. We show that phagolysosomes with ingested melanized conidia contain a reduced amount of free Ca2+ ions and that inhibition of Ca2+-dependent calmodulin activity led to reduced lipid-raft formation. We identify a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the human FLOT1 gene resulting in heightened susceptibility for invasive aspergillosis in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Collectively, flotillin-dependent microdomains on the phagolysosomal membrane play an essential role in protective antifungal immunity. © 2020 The Author(s)

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Quantification of osseointegration of plasma-polymer coated titanium alloyed implants by means of microcomputed tomography versus histomorphometry

2015, Gabler, Carolin, Zietz, Carmen, Bieck, Richard, Göhler, Rebecca, Lindner, Tobias, Haenle, Maximilian, Finke, Birgit, Meichsner, Jürgen, Testrich, Holger, Nowottnick, Mathias, Frerich, Bernhard, Bader, Rainer

A common method to derive both qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate osseointegration of implants is histomorphometry. The present study describes a new image reconstruction algorithm comparing the results of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) evaluated by means of µCT with histomorphometry data. Custom-made conical titanium alloyed (Ti6Al4V) implants were inserted in the distal tibial bone of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Different surface configurations were examined: Ti6Al4V implants with plasma-polymerized allylamine (PPAAm) coating and plasma-polymerized ethylenediamine (PPEDA) coating as well as implants without surface coating. After six weeks postoperatively, tibiae were explanted and BIC was determined by µCT (3D) and afterwards by histomorphometry (2D). In comparison to uncoated Ti6Al4V implants demonstrating low BIC of 32.4% (histomorphometry) and 51.3% (µCT), PPAAm and PPEDA coated implants showed a nonsignificant increase in BIC (histomorphometry: 45.7% and 53.5% and µCT: 51.8% and 62.0%, resp.). Mean BIC calculated by µCT was higher for all surface configurations compared to BIC detected by histomorphometry. Overall, a high correlation coefficient of 0.70 () was found between 3D and 2D quantification of BIC. The μCT analysis seems to be suitable as a nondestructive and accurate 3D imaging method for the evaluation of the bone-implant interface.

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Affinity for the Interface Underpins Potency of Antibodies Operating In Membrane Environments

2020, Rujas, Edurne, Insausti, Sara, Leaman, Daniel P., Carravilla, Pablo, González-Resines, Saul, Monceaux, Valérie, Sánchez-Eugenia, Rubén, Garcıá-Porras, Miguel, Iloro, Ibon, Zhang, Lei, Elortza, Félix, Julien, Jean-Philippe, Saéz-Cirión, Asier, Zwick, Michael B., Eggeling, Christian, Ojida, Akio, Domene, Carmen, Caaveiro, Jose M.M., Nieva, José L.

The contribution of membrane interfacial interactions to recognition of membrane-embedded antigens by antibodies is currently unclear. This report demonstrates the optimization of this type of antibodies via chemical modification of regions near the membrane but not directly involved in the recognition of the epitope. Using the HIV-1 antibody 10E8 as a model, linear and polycyclic synthetic aromatic compounds are introduced at selected sites. Molecular dynamics simulations predict the favorable interactions of these synthetic compounds with the viral lipid membrane, where the epitope of the HIV-1 glycoprotein Env is located. Chemical modification of 10E8 with aromatic acetamides facilitates the productive and specific recognition of the native antigen, partially buried in the crowded environment of the viral membrane, resulting in a dramatic increase of its capacity to block viral infection. These observations support the harnessing of interfacial affinity through site-selective chemical modification to optimize the function of antibodies that target membrane-proximal epitopes. © 2020 The Author(s)Rujas et al. describe the site-selective chemical modification of antibodies to improve the molecular recognition of epitopes at membrane surfaces. The modification using aromatic compounds dramatically enhanced the virus neutralization potency and native antigen binding efficiency of HIV-1 antibodies directed against the membrane-embedded MPER epitope. © 2020 The Author(s)

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During early stages of cancer, neutrophils initiate anti-tumor immune responses in tumor-draining lymph nodes

2022, Pylaeva, Ekaterina, Korschunow, Georg, Spyra, Ilona, Bordbari, Sharareh, Siakaeva, Elena, Ozel, Irem, Domnich, Maksim, Squire, Anthony, Hasenberg, Anja, Thangavelu, Kruthika, Hussain, Timon, Goetz, Moritz, Lang, Karl S, Gunzer, Matthias, Hansen, Wiebke, Buer, Jan, Bankfalvi, Agnes, Lang, Stephan, Jablonska, Jadwiga

Tumor-draining lymph nodes (LNs) play a crucial role during cancer spread and in initiation of anti-cancer adaptive immunity. Neutrophils form a substantial population of cells in LNs with poorly understood functions. Here, we demonstrate that, during head and neck cancer (HNC) progression, tumor-associated neutrophils transmigrate to LNs and shape anti-tumor responses in a stage-dependent manner. In metastasis-free stages (N0), neutrophils develop an antigen-presenting phenotype (HLA-DR+CD80+CD86+ICAM1+PD-L1-) and stimulate T cells (CD27+Ki67highPD-1-). LN metastases release GM-CSF and via STAT3 trigger development of PD-L1+ immunosuppressive neutrophils, which repress T cell responses. The accumulation of neutrophils in T cell-rich zones of LNs in N0 constitutes a positive predictor for 5-year survival, while increased numbers of neutrophils in LNs of N1-3 stages predict poor prognosis in HNC. These results suggest a dual role of neutrophils as essential regulators of anti-cancer immunity in LNs and argue for approaches fostering immunostimulatory activity of these cells during cancer therapy.