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Abrupt transitions in time series with uncertainties

2018, Goswami, B., Boers, N., Rheinwalt, A., Marwan, N., Heitzig, J., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Kurths, J.

Identifying abrupt transitions is a key question in various disciplines. Existing transition detection methods, however, do not rigorously account for time series uncertainties, often neglecting them altogether or assuming them to be independent and qualitatively similar. Here, we introduce a novel approach suited to handle uncertainties by representing the time series as a time-ordered sequence of probability density functions. We show how to detect abrupt transitions in such a sequence using the community structure of networks representing probabilities of recurrence. Using our approach, we detect transitions in global stock indices related to well-known periods of politico-economic volatility. We further uncover transitions in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation which coincide with periods of phase locking with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Finally, we provide for the first time an 'uncertainty-aware' framework which validates the hypothesis that ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic during the Holocene were synchronous with a weakened Asian summer monsoon.

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Partial cross mapping eliminates indirect causal influences

2020, Leng, Siyang, Ma, Huanfei, Kurths, Jürgen, Lai, Ying-Cheng, Lin, Wei, Aihara, Kazuyuki, Chen, Luonan

Causality detection likely misidentifies indirect causations as direct ones, due to the effect of causation transitivity. Although several methods in traditional frameworks have been proposed to avoid such misinterpretations, there still is a lack of feasible methods for identifying direct causations from indirect ones in the challenging situation where the variables of the underlying dynamical system are non-separable and weakly or moderately interacting. Here, we solve this problem by developing a data-based, model-independent method of partial cross mapping based on an articulated integration of three tools from nonlinear dynamics and statistics: phase-space reconstruction, mutual cross mapping, and partial correlation. We demonstrate our method by using data from different representative models and real-world systems. As direct causations are keys to the fundamental underpinnings of a variety of complex dynamics, we anticipate our method to be indispensable in unlocking and deciphering the inner mechanisms of real systems in diverse disciplines from data.

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Network-induced multistability through lossy coupling and exotic solitary states

2020, Hellmann, Frank, Schultz, Paul, Jaros, Patrycja, Levchenko, Roman, Kapitaniak, Tomasz, Kurths, Jürgen, Maistrenko, Yuri

The stability of synchronised networked systems is a multi-faceted challenge for many natural and technological fields, from cardiac and neuronal tissue pacemakers to power grids. For these, the ongoing transition to distributed renewable energy sources leads to a proliferation of dynamical actors. The desynchronisation of a few or even one of those would likely result in a substantial blackout. Thus the dynamical stability of the synchronous state has become a leading topic in power grid research. Here we uncover that, when taking into account physical losses in the network, the back-reaction of the network induces new exotic solitary states in the individual actors and the stability characteristics of the synchronous state are dramatically altered. These effects will have to be explicitly taken into account in the design of future power grids. We expect the results presented here to transfer to other systems of coupled heterogeneous Newtonian oscillators.